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Is that why Ltc Vindman got upset?
D71, that's one way to read it.
Vindman was born in Ukraine, he seen Russia making advances on Ukraine, he got tape of trump
saying " give me some dirt ", and I'll release the aid money congress approved for Ukraine.
maybe he was thinking that aid money would keep Russia out of Ukraine.
D71, in hindsight, it seems he was wrong. once the story got told the money was released.
yet Russia is in Ukraine now.
D71, that's one way to read it.
Vindman was born in Ukraine, he seen Russia making advances on Ukraine, he got tape of trump
saying " give me some dirt ", and I'll release the aid money congress approved for Ukraine.
maybe he was thinking that aid money would keep Russia out of Ukraine.
D71, in hindsight, it seems he was wrong. once the story got told the money was released.
yet Russia is in Ukraine now.
Biden once said “Russia would never invade ukraine” but they did on Biden’s watch. Biden's took money from Russian mayor’s rich wife as a report too. So…., suspect……

Ltc Vindman was on the carpet in front of the Commander and Chief who was most likely questioning him over Treason hence why Ltc Vindman was blabbing about his Life being threatened in Times of Israel video … most likely over charges of TREASON and conspiring with the enemy for personal gain while in position of a LTC 05 in Military Intel special focus on Ukraine. If he were good would have had the answers Trump asked for and was being questioned. So was Trump vetting LTC Vindman? Did Trump know Ltc Vindman had been offered a Top Rank govt job in Ukraine? 🤡🤣😀

O say can you see

O! say can you see by the dawn's early light,
⁠What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming,
Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight,
⁠O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming?
And the Rockets' red glare, the Bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our Flag was still there;
⁠O! say does that star-spangled Banner yet wave,
⁠O'er the Land of the free and the home of the brave?

On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
⁠Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
⁠As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines on the stream,
'Tis the star-spangled banner, O! long may it wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
⁠That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion,
A home and a country should leave us no more?
⁠Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave,
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave,
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave,
O'er the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.
“‘’’ wiki

Trump was questioning Vindman over being a traitor. Jmho
So was Vindman Friend or Foe? Me thinks foe. Otherwise Vindman would not be in the room. If you work for me and I have to do your job then you are fired.

No towel, no gallon jug of water no board - bench. Just simple yes or no was Vindman friend or foe?
Ray Epps version of instigator claiming to be reporter inside the Capitol urging ppl to be violent urging ppl to push through negotiating with police on behalf of the process. Instigator for profit and reported sold his video to CNN for around $60,000. Filmed and imho responsible for ashili babbitt being shot A white woman gunned down by a black officer using excessive force and never charged. Babbitt reported dead. Officer seen figure fired and killed. Officer Admitted No assessment of threat was rendered just aimed and fired - …. resulting in murder of babbit.
Watch the video John Sullivan father is a senior ranking LTG John Sullivan in Army think retired…. Son is a BLM and ANTIFA ACTIVIST also in the Proud boys so reported kicked out of BLM for being to radical….. hmmm reporter or agitator instigator inside the Capitol. I don’t think ray epps went inside but he was stated as pushing his way past outside barriers and directing actions from some… ,so…..
Link to story:

FINALLY …. Rays Epps slap on the hand compared to others:


Ray Epps, Target of Jan. 6 Conspiracy Theory, Is Sentenced to Probation​

The onetime Trump supporter was driven into hiding after Fox News and prominent Republicans spread a false narrative that he was a government agent who helped instigate the attack on the Capitol.

Zach MontagueAlan Feuer
By Zach Montague and Alan Feuer
Zach Montague reported from Washington, and Alan Feuer from New York.
Jan. 9, 2024

Ray Epps, the former Trump supporter who became a target of a conspiracy theory that he was an undercover government agent who helped to instigate the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, was sentenced on Tuesday to a year of probation for his own small role in the riot instead of the six months in prison that prosecutors had requested.

The probation sentence, imposed after Mr. Epps had pleaded guilty last year to a single count of disorderly conduct stemming from his presence in the pro-Trump mob near the Capitol, brought his prosecution to a close. But it was unlikely to end the persistent false narrative that he was a provocateur out to entrap his fellow conservatives on Jan. 6 even though he, his lawyer, the prosecutor and even the judge overseeing the case all asserted in open court that the tale was preposterous.

“Trust in elected officials and Fox News led to my gullibility in believing the election was stolen,” Mr. Epps told Judge James E. Boasberg in Federal District Court in Washington. “What I witnessed was rage and vulgarity on a level I’ve never seen before, and it was generated by people like me, not the F.B.I. or antifa.”

Speaking in the same courthouse where former President Donald J. Trump was attending a federal appeals court hearing related to his prosecution on charges of trying to overturn the 2020 election, Judge Boasberg told Mr. Epps, “While many defendants have been vilified in a way unique to Jan. 6, you seem to be the first to have suffered for what you didn’t do.”
The F.B.I. began looking into Mr. Epps, a former rancher and Marine from Arizona, almost immediately after Jan. 6 as investigators came into possession of video of him on the streets of Washington on Jan. 5 telling a group of Trump supporters to “go into the Capitol” the next day.

Even though Mr. Epps cautioned that the group should do so peacefully, several people in the crowd appeared to suspect him of being a government plant and hounded him with jeers of “fed!”

Other videos from Jan. 6 itself showed Mr. Epps leaning toward a fellow rioter at a barricade outside the Capitol, seeming to whisper something in his ear. That man — a Pennsylvania barber named Ryan Samsel — confronted officers within minutes, leading to the first breach of police lines at the building.

Sooo….. remember that law suit he was pressing?
Officer Admitted No assessment of threat was rendered just aimed and fired - …. resulting in murder of babbit.
D71, I also feel saddened by ms babbit's lose.

I so feel trump caused her lose, lesson to his J6th speech to her, she was fighting and dyeing for her country in her mind.
I don't think he planned for her lose, he may not even been the one to write that speech. but he should
have known better.

the same with the speech he gave to the police, he should have known that could lead to cop's knelling on peoples
necks, and cities burn. my read is while rodney king was burning cities trump in his penthouse with the gold toilets
and chasing young Russia models and missed that lesson.
This guy,

Enrique Tarrio​

was not even there at Capitol Bldg on 6 Jan 2021. Ray Epps got off light in my opinion. So did the blm antifa proudboy combo John Sullivan got off light. Babbit and Rosanne Boyland paid heavy toll.
Hang the right wing black man. They did that same thing and kicked off Battle of Athens TN in 1946… crooked democrats tried steal an election and in process democrats were trying stop black republican voter from casting vote ballot and killed him…. over it.

Does anyone see and notice how the news bends it to protesting was wrong and they verified won with no dispute allowed. All the news media was the same. Exactly why ppl on the Right hate biased Fake news. Ppl like Tommy are obviously BLIND or just trolling. 🤡. Tommy is contradicting himself. Haha



Former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio gets 22 years, longest Jan. 6 sentence yet​

The former Proud Boys chairman wasn't present at the Capitol attack, but prosecutors said he acted as "a general rather than a soldier."



The Right Wing Republicans mostly vets broke out guns. It was on.
D71, the left wants to put on a panda suit, think they are a panda, and expect me to call them pandas
that's a bridge too far for me

MAGA wants me to turn my neighbor's into Enemies for not thinking as I do. a bridge too far

Ray Epps, Target of Jan. 6 Conspiracy Theory, Is Sentenced to Probation​

The onetime Trump supporter was driven into hiding after Fox News and prominent Republicans spread a false narrative that he was a government agent who helped instigate the attack on the Capitol.
D71, you think he got off easy? :oops:

didn't that trump supporter end up needing protective custody, or something.
bet he writes in also
  • Haha
Reactions: D71
D71, trump can use the presidential powers even now to protect himself, what stopped him
on J7th from helping the people he called to action on the 6th?

D71, I would like to think he can up with a way to help them, but someone(miller) whispered in his ear
"then you would be taking responsibility for the knuckleheads that got carried away"

EDIT can should read came
Last edited:
D71, trump can use the presidential powers even now to protect himself, what stopped him
on J7th from helping the people he called to action on the 6th?
He didn't make any call to action. He called for peaceful protests ..... Ray Epps who got a sweetheart deal was the one telling everyone to GO INTO THE CAPITOL .... over and over again the day before and on J6.

Do you think he should have done a blanket pardon of all the J6ers without knowing any details of what they did or what charges were going to be brought?

Do you think the fraud case is a good example of justice served?

Do you think the President has the authorization to unilaterally declassify documents?
D71, I would like to think he can up with a way to help them, but someone(miller) whispered in his ear
"then you would be taking responsibility for the knuckleheads that got carried away"

EDIT can should read came

There is a LOT of J6 video available now .... Some released by Tucker Carlson and some by others.

If you really want to know what happened on J6, the video is out there to see.
You seem intent on bringing the J6 committee theatrical version of events .... Don't be lazy
You are VERY good at parroting the Democrat narrative.
Bob, can you point to the bad/wrong information I have posted?
I think you can figure a persons pollical mind set by their choices talking heads.
I have him on XM satellite radio

Have you looked at all sides?
Bob, I'm still looking, but I have made up my mind form the looking I have done(only new facts can change that).

you talk about the other videos, I think you mean the peaceful demonstrations
ones, I don't remember posting that all there did damage , I tried to make it
clears that I think there was a small group(300) that got out of control, making it
a shit show.

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