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I don't think Trump did anything illegal .... But he has multiple trials that hinge on election interference charges.

The supposed reason for elevating the expired hush money misdemeanor into multiple felony charges .... and now convictions .... were based on election interference. That was the supposed secondary charges they used to elevate things ..... Yeah, totally bogus, but they did convict him.

The federal election interference case has been on hold pending the Supreme Court decision about immunity that came out today. Is that case could still go forward if they decide his actions surrounding the election were personal in nature rather than official acts.
Hmmm do you think they will now bring charges against blinkin and the 50+ intel officials still with top secret clearances for saying the Biden laptop was russia russia russia?



Remember Schumer warning Trump “the intel community will get even with you? Look at dates above.

Any questions why they have to get Trump first? Listen to Schumer about Intel will get even.

Now listen to them - democrats main stream media want Biden gone. They know Biden will lose they know he didn’t win 2020. Will the vote tally equal 2020??? ..

Biden will be immune and pity party will be formed if Biden is brought up on charges . Biden will pardon his son Hunter or if he is truely messed up will pardon his dead son and most likely resign withdraw as President.
Biden was messed up before 2020. During 2020 debates the main stream media covered for biden They - Main Stream Media covered for him - biden again.

2020 was cover up after cover up…for Biden….they can no longer do it….cover ups.

13:30 the Main Stream Media wanted to and did bring up Roe vs Wade abortion. On purpose make SINGLE NON-SCREWIBLE UGLY FAT WOMEN VOTE FOR BIDEN.

16:40 biden takes about rape. Trump should have mentioned Biden’s daughter’s diary.
The question ofcourse is why did Trump fall for this theater? The question is rhetorical, lol

Former Hillary Aide Claims Debate Setup Was "Soft Coup" By Democrats To Replace Biden​

Sources close to the Democratic Party have claimed that the debate last week was purposefully setup for Biden to fail as part of a “soft coup,” by insiders who know he is incapable of winning or serving a second term.

A former Hillary Clinton aide told The Daily Mail that they wanted Biden to be exposed so he can be replaced by a more capable candidate.

“There has never been a debate this early before,” the source stated, adding Traditionally, the debates are held after the Republican and Democratic conventions, which are in July and August.”

“There is a growing belief this was a ‘soft coup’ because they know he isn’t fit to govern and have known for some time,” the aide further asserted.

As pressure mounts on Joe Biden to quit and Elton John turns up to back him... Democrat insiders reveal the President was set up to fail in a 'soft coup'
— Daily Mail US (@DailyMail) June 29, 2024
“They wanted to test him against Trump early while there was still time to replace him if he failed to rise to the occasion. Which, of course, he did spectacularly,” the source added.

Another insider told the Mail that “Publicly, the Democratic leadership has been backing Biden because they can’t appear to be disloyal to the President. But privately, there have been discussions going on for a long time that he’s too old to beat Trump.”

“There were whispers for weeks that ‘Joe’s going down at the debate,’” the source further stated.

The Mail also claims that Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer “secretly” sent out an advance team to Washington DC weeks ago to prepare a snap presidential campaign.

The report claims “The team has been ‘on manoeuvres’ and meeting with Democratic officials,” with one source saying “Gretchen was the first to act. Now the floodgates have been opened.”

Despite these claims, prominent Democrats including the Clintons, Obama and Nancy Pelosi are still defending Biden and publicly stating he remain the nominee.

Pelosi told CNN Sunday that Biden “has the stamina (to continue)” and that “there are uh, uh, health care professionals, who think that uh, Trump has dementia. That his connection, his thoughts do not go together.”

NEW: Nancy Pelosi claims ‘healthcare professionals’ say Trump is actually the candidate with dementia before having a senior moment of her own.

This gaslighting is crazy.

During an interview with CNN, Pelosi gaslit the American people before she was seen seizing up, appearing…
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) June 30, 2024
Meanwhile, despite his public support for Biden, Obama is privately lobbying to get rid of him, telling insiders he cannot defeat Trump, according to another insider.
The porn star case was is bs.

It has gone beyond stupid.

What they have setup is immunity for joe biden and all past presidents. 😳😞

The arguments just now being raised are bs. The trial has not even been process appeal. This will just add more…bs to bs. Again past and present Presidents will be immune. Biden will walk and fall.

They have been walking and talking free to go all this time. Why they are so bold. Leaving border open for instance.

To be very clear while both sides are were caught up and cheering the American Ppl are the losers. The Govt will not be held accountable ever now. I’m sure ppl on both sides are rubbing 2 brain cells together trying to start a fire.

Did you watch Biden’s face? He can now as official act have Trump’s head chopped off on white house lawn. All Trump supporters would do is reach for gun oil wax to flog their dolphin.

The govt has immunity from the American ppl confirmed. The Republicians often make get laws passed that get used against them. If played right ppl will cheer losing rights and getting no accountability. The american ppl get what they deserve for not figuring this out.. meh muh tribe….me tribal…me proud …wait they are going to violate me and have full immunity. Snicker…average person would drink out of a toilet.

King Biden still has the throne.
I'm going to provide a link to Jeff Childers news letter today. I would recommend everyone read if for a legal perspective you aren't going to hear in the media.

Prior to these ridiculous Trump cases ..... NO president had EVER been prosecuted. Presidents had presumptive immunity.
So ... What the Supreme court immunity ruling has done is present a 3 step process for prosecuting a President. ONLY constitutionally defined duties have full immunity.
This ruling actually made it easier to prosecute a president because there is now a road map for how to do it .... For instance, if it can be proven that President Obama knew the Russia, Russia, Russia documents were fake, he could be prosecuted for his actions surround them.

There are also implications from some of the other cases they decided yesterday that make it easier to sue federal agencies. With Chevron and these other cases, it's almost like the Supreme Court had the deep state actors in their crosshairs.

There are many nuances laid out in this newsletter that are important to understand .... and .... It's all good news for anyone wanting to put the hammer on government overreach.

Oh, and what Biden has to say about the decision is total BS .... He just wants the focus to go to the Supreme Court and away from his debate performance .... His view has no basis in reality and is part of the continuous attack by the Dems designed to eventually pack the court.

The link to his web page is here .... ..... if you don't want to provide your email, just click on no thanks below the opportunity for a free subscription.
Then, click on this image on the web page to see the newsletter I am referencing.


Edit: Here's a direct link to the newsletter .... Not sure if same question is asked to get to it.

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We merely need to look at Biden’s face to know something is coming. Go back and watch the hamster wheel spinning between Biden’s ears.

The Right always start things that the Left boldly use and exploit. The russia russia from obuma could of been declared national security…. Played out in a corrupt Washington DC court Obummie would walk …. no Obummie would probably get carried out of court on the shoulders of the jury as not guilty. The Rule of Law is broken and 2 tier.

The Left basically control all the main stream media ….. they control a helluva lot of things. Now again all a person has to do is look at King Biden’s face. Better yet Watch and see….hope am wrong.

I’d rather be wrong and say am wrong but past events always reveal. It is like watching bad movie where the end is shown at the start. The Biden Left are now planning some more….again you could see the hamster wheels spinning. Trump brought up in the debate about Biden quid pro quo as a VP and we know how it was never mentioned before ….. 👀😁 Biden can’t be touched he was doing officials orders per Obummie and stated “ call Obummie and ask him. “ extended immunity. Official.

The American ppl are the brunt of the govt jokes when the govt doors close, …cameras stop rolling, and the govt on both sides walks around shaking each other’s hand of immunity. We can’t have a Rule of Law just for the SUBJECTS. But we do.
One of Pelosi’s old rants caught on camera was describing them - govt as royalty. Look see if you can find that video. She was speaking the truth for the way they think and feel entitled….
None of them will be accountable. All you have to do is watch and see. The big losers are were the American ppl in 2020. Not Trump. You us we had your our votes cancelled with fraud elections. Most of the Govt is the Uni-Party….them against us.

They have never really tried to go after a President. They typically had the President killed or attacked. History. There have been cases such as Nixon and VP Agnew where we the ppl ended up with a President and a VP that the American Ppl did not elect Ford and Rockefeller . Hmmm … this will not end well.

The American ppl are the losers. We can only watch to see how Biden’ss last days on the Throne plays out. The democrats want him gone too….or so it seems. Biden will walk on mental decline. Already used once.
Did you watch Biden’s face? He can now as official act have Trump’s head chopped off on white house lawn. All Trump supporters would do is reach for gun oil wax to flog their dolphin.
Patently false. Beyond terrible assessment of SCOTUS ruling.

Your cynicism is noted but things are changing.
Patently false. Beyond terrible assessment of SCOTUS ruling.

Your cynicism is noted but things are changing.
Like said we can only watch how it plays out. See if I am wrong or not. The tribal means ppl don’t back up and look - they only want their chosen side to win… matter what. FACT: The Govt is against us. The Govt uses pressure to control and stampede ppl. Kinda how we got the “unpatriotic act “. Just ppl trusting govt. shall we mention how ppl rolled up their sleeves? Then afterwords the oh shit you got me. That scenario has played out over and over.

Massey talked about govt corruption in a video then his wife was announced dead. Biden has been in public service for himself - 50+ years. It doesn’t matter what I think it matters what Biden thinks and will now do under guise as official business. Right now he has the throne. 😁

Massey mentions how it is easy to be corrupt.
Post in thread 'rules for thee but not for me? or why politicians are getting to be universally hated'

Massey loses his spouse about 3 weeks later just a coincidence:
Post in thread 'rules for thee but not for me? or why politicians are getting to be universally hated'

My cynicism comes from being on this planet long enough to know that what have stated is proven in past as facts and actions. Sometimes over and over. Most ppl that diy are smarter then average. They need to think. Think am wrong just watch and see.

Jeff Childers has but mere more opinion the James Corbett to me. If he was truely expert then why is he not defending Trump? 😁 same for rest of the meal mouths on right giving legal opinion. Why aren’t they doing something besides commenting for profit?

I am not tribal. Are you?

When king biden acts remember this:
Like said we can only watch how it plays out. See if I am wrong or not. The tribal means ppl don’t back up and look - they only want their chosen side to win… matter what. FACT: The Govt is against us. The Govt uses pressure to control and stampede ppl. Kinda how we got the “unpatriotic act “. Just ppl trusting govt. shall we mention how ppl rolled up their sleeves? Then afterwords the oh shit you got me. That scenario has played out over and over.

Massey talked about govt corruption in a video then his wife was announced dead. Biden has been in public service for himself - 50+ years. It doesn’t matter what I think it matters what Biden thinks and will now do under guise as official business. Right now he has the throne. 😁

Massey mentions how it is easy to be corrupt.
Post in thread 'rules for thee but not for me? or why politicians are getting to be universally hated'

Massey loses his spouse about 3 weeks later just a coincidence:
Post in thread 'rules for thee but not for me? or why politicians are getting to be universally hated'

My cynicism comes from being on this planet long enough to know that what have stated is proven in past as facts and actions. Sometimes over and over. Most ppl that diy are smarter then average. They need to think. Think am wrong just watch and see.

Jeff Childers has but mere more opinion the James Corbett to me. If he was truely expert then why is he not defending Trump? 😁 same for rest of the meal mouths on right giving legal opinion.
Unlike most of the people with opinions about the Supreme Court rulings, Childers IS a lawyer ... and one who has a track record of fighting Covid mandates and was successful doing it.
Why aren’t they doing something besides commenting for profit?
Maybe you missed the post I made the other day where he just filed a lawsuit challenging the prep act .... He's not just a talking head yapping about everything in sight .... He has not moved to Japan and is definitely NOTHING like Corbett.
I think if you followed his newsletter for a while you would have a different opinion.
I am not tribal. Are you?
Your reactions to these Supreme Court ruling are knee jerk if not tribal.

Don't be fooled by all the media and talking heads that just want to take the focus off Biden's geriatric debate performance.

The truth of the immunity decision is that Presidents now have LESS legal immunity than they did before. It is well defined and things that aren't immune have been defined.
And in the meantime across the seas our military are on alert over a possible terrorist attack and we are pissing over this?
Unlike most of the people with opinions about the Supreme Court rulings, Childers IS a lawyer ... and one who has a track record of fighting Covid mandates and was successful doing it.

Maybe you missed the post I made the other day where he just filed a lawsuit challenging the prep act .... He's not just a talking head yapping about everything in sight .... He has not moved to Japan and is definitely NOTHING like Corbett.
I think if you followed his newsletter for a while you would have a different opinion.

Your reactions to these Supreme Court ruling are knee jerk if not tribal.

Don't be fooled by all the media and talking heads that just want to take the focus off Biden's geriatric debate performance.

The truth of the immunity decision is that Presidents now have LESS legal immunity than they did before. It is well defined and things that aren't immune have been defined.
I won’t lock step and goose march to our slaughter for them . I am going to look and think for myself. Ppl that trust the Govt including trusting Trump are fools. That is exactly how we got into this mess ppl - GOVT TRUST. They have to be watched constantly. They are were elected as Representatives not rulers.

Is opinion now blasphemy? Is it Tribal.? I am not looking for another Ruler.
Biden did get 1 thing correct the voters will choose him or Trump. Maybe unless biden goes nuts and feels drunk with power - has some official powers act over trump. . So will it be honest this election. Biden can create all kinds of shit storms. Officially.
Basically not much has been fixed from 2020 so lot of old game play in still in place. I doubt Biden realizes most of them on Left want him gone. Biden from his seat of power as a scape goat can order a lot of things. The tell will be if ppl follow his orders. CIA FBI DOJ Media and so on seem to been on Biden’s side. How far will they go?

Ppl need to stop and look Biden is going to twist this just as they have up until now. Can see it in his face. Go by a rest home and look around some of them are angry like biden

Again none of the lawyer making their bold statements are in a court with Trump. They should be tripping over one another to defend Trump O.J. Simpson had better lawyers then Trump Most lawyers only truly care about one thing winning and money. Are they afraid of losing or is there not enough money.?

Obummie was a lawyer clinton was a lawyer biden was a lawyer schiff was a lawyer….. lawyers have bad reputations for a reason they earned them. The tobacco lawsuit lawyers were in it for the money - they got half of the settlements.

I see nothing regained with SCOTUS . It is something they should never had done or been allowed. Rule of law is for all. Trump has said many times we are a nation of laws unless his dick in the jaws of justice about to be removed. That includes the president. When we went to combat there were special rules of engagement. There has been a lot of immunity given allowed for way to long that is where the problem stems for so much that is wrong right now.

The govt is self regulating…they vote themselves pay raises over see their lobbying…and so on. To much power. Unregulated by We the Ppl. We are suppose to be the final authority and they are all suppose to work for the American Ppl not some other country or personal gain. There is an Oath of Office.

Biden is not done….watch. I blame Trump for not declaring Martial law over BLM Antifa and fixing a lot of things, my thoughts Biden won’t hesitate.
Has he ever stopped? He just wants to make it look like it's all Putin's fault but keeps poking the bear....
Schumer warned Trump not to piss off the CIA, FBI, and MILITARY INTEL Foreign Intel. The CIA and FOREIGN Intel have finger prints all over things.

Back in the Cold War when I was on the EAST WEST border when communist was basically confined behind their own fence, we had alerts 2-4 times a week. A Partridge in pear tree farted we would go on alert. Reagan asked them to tear down that wall and here we are now.
I won’t lock step and goose march to our slaughter for them . I am going to look and think for myself. Ppl that trust the Govt including trusting Trump are fools. That is exactly how we got into this mess ppl - GOVT TRUST. They have to be watched constantly. They are were elected as Representatives not rulers.

Is opinion now blasphemy? Is it Tribal.? I am not looking for another Ruler.
Biden did get 1 thing correct the voters will choose him or Trump. Maybe unless biden goes nuts and feels drunk with power - has some official powers act over trump. . So will it be honest this election. Biden can create all kinds of shit storms. Officially.
Basically not much has been fixed from 2020 so lot of old game play in still in place. I doubt Biden realizes most of them on Left want him gone. Biden from his seat of power as a scape goat can order a lot of things. The tell will be if ppl follow his orders. CIA FBI DOJ Media and so on seem to been on Biden’s side. How far will they go?

Ppl need to stop and look Biden is going to twist this just as they have up until now. Can see it in his face. Go by a rest home and look around some of them are angry like biden

Again none of the lawyer making their bold statements are in a court with Trump. They should be tripping over one another to defend Trump O.J. Simpson had better lawyers then Trump Most lawyers only truly care about one thing winning and money. Are they afraid of losing or is there not enough money.?

Obummie was a lawyer clinton was a lawyer biden was a lawyer schiff was a lawyer….. lawyers have bad reputations for a reason they earned them. The tobacco lawsuit lawyers were in it for the money - they got half of the settlements.

I see nothing regained with SCOTUS . It is something they should never had done or been allowed. Rule of law is for all. Trump has said many times we are a nation of laws unless his dick in the jaws of justice about to be removed. That includes the president. When we went to combat there were special rules of engagement. There has been a lot of immunity given allowed for way to long that is where the problem stems for so much that is wrong right now.

The govt is self regulating…they vote themselves pay raises over see their lobbying…and so on. To much power. Unregulated by We the Ppl. We are suppose to be the final authority and they are all suppose to work for the American Ppl not some other country or personal gain. There is an Oath of Office.

Biden is not done….watch. I blame Trump for not declaring Martial law over BLM Antifa and fixing a lot of things, my thoughts Biden won’t hesitate.

I follow quite a few people online ..... and a couple even do a paid subscription ..... Some of the people I follow I absolutely disagree with on almost everything but I want to continue to see contrary opinions.. Childers is NOT one that I have a paid subscription with ... I just get a free newsletter via email daily except Sunday .... I have followed him for years and understand what he is about.
Childers is one of the people consulting with DeSantis to fight the wokesters in Florida and has successfully brought cases against mandates during Covid ... He is one of the very few people who's opinion I trust. So, I am going to take it a little personally when he is lumped into the same category with ALL lawyers .... or dumb shits like Corbett.
I am able to see that while there are a LOT of bad lawyers .... that doesn't make ALL lawyers bad. They must be judged independently. I think there are also some other good lawyers .... People like Turley .... Who WAS in court with trump and defended him against impeachment in the Senate. I'm not prone to thinking EVERYONE in a particular group is evil.

Lawyers can't just willy nilly decide who they are going to represent .... They must be asked by someone in order to represent them.

Grizzman is right that there are more dangerous things going on right now. As long as Biden is in office .... and even long after he is gone ... the world is going to be in a very dangerous situation. I would expand that to include any Democrat I have seen who wants to be President,

But, these recent precedents set by the Supreme Court are extremely important in the long term and understanding the implications of these ruling is also important. I'd continue to recommend looking at Childers take on these rulings. Most of the recent rulings have moved the needle in the right direction.
Alerts in the Cold War were fun..... nothing like being off duty drinking - several sheets into wind and then get an alert. Yippie Sirens going off.

Back than We had nuclear bombs that we could call fire from artillery as a close quarters round. The crazy part the limited range meant the - personS firing it and ppl in adjacent areas were most likely going to die from blast and fall out. :) we had these in inventory until around 1990 sometime. No stress. Some ppl had their spouse and children over there with them. No stress. Lot of ppl sent their spouse home and Military had saying " if meant for you to have wife would have issued you one."

Ppl need some stress in their lives. :ROFLMAO:

Trumps lawyers have filed for a delay in sentencing from in the hush money trial in view of some of the Supreme Court rulings. Looks like it worked .... The sentencing that was supposed to happen next week is now delayed to mid September ..... Many think there is now a good chance that case will have to be dismissed all together.

Since the Dems have already got what they wanted .... they can accuse Trump of being a convicted felon ... they may not be that invested in the case now.

Seems like Trump should just go on vacation til he finds out who the Democratic nominee is actually going to be.
The flat tire story is false. PolitiFact Research Research

The others are true. And yes, you are correct - Bidumb certainly didn't do any of those things.
sorry but politifact and snopes are both for hire propaganda machines, have been for years. anything you cite form them is completely suspect as the left uses them when nobody else will refute something for them.
This one is very similar to my own "bunch of women syndrome" theory .... One woman in a group, things are fine ..... 2 women in a group, things are fine ..... 3 or more women and all hell breaks loose, Gossiping, back stabbing, ganging up and worse.
To be fair, I have also seen situations where this is true of men.

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so the first one is the Kanji for "Ona" or women, but putting three of them together nets nothing according to my wife and my daughters.... maybe they are trying to hide the truth from themselves? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Donald Trump Stung by Three Polls Released After Debate​

Story by James Bickerton

Republican presidential candidate, former U.S. President Donald Trump speaking during a rally at Greenbrier Farms on June 28, 2024 in Chesapeake, Virginia. Trump's performance versus Biden has declined according to three polls released since the pair had their first debate on June 27.

Republican presidential candidate, former U.S. President Donald Trump speaking during a rally at Greenbrier Farms on June 28, 2024 in Chesapeake, Virginia. Trump's performance versus Biden has declined according to three polls released since the pair had their first debate on June 27.© Anna Moneymaker/GETTY

Donald Trump has been hit by the release of three polls since his June 27 debate against Joe Biden showing a worsening of his performance against the incumbent Democrat—though only one was conducted in full after the debate took place.

During last Thursday's debate, which was hosted by CNN in Atlanta, the 81-year-old Biden appeared at several points to lose his train of thought, sparking fresh concerns about his age and mental agility. According to CNN chief national correspondent John King Biden's performance sparked "a very aggressive panic" within the Democratic party.

In the debate's aftermath the odds of Biden being the Democrats' 2024 presidential candidate rose by nearly 30 percent with one betting website, whilst the odds of Vice-President Kamala Harris winning the 2024 presidential election have fallen sharply with a number of bookies.

Ipsos surveyed 1,070 registered voters across the U.S. for Reuters on July 1 and 2, and found Biden and Trump were tied with 40 percent of the vote each. This is an improvement in Biden's performance over the last Ipsos/Reuters poll, which put Trump ahead on 41 percent against 39 percent for the incumbent. This survey of 930 registered voters was conducted on June 12.

Notably this survey also found former first lady Michelle Obama would decisively defeat Trump with 50 percent of the vote against 39 percent for the former president, though she has already ruled out running and endorsed Biden.

The most recent TIPP Insights poll, which was conducted from June 26-28 and released on Tuesday, had Biden ahead of Trump by 43 percent of the vote against 41 percent, with other candidates taking a further nine percent. This was an improvement on Biden's performance versus a previous TIPP Insights survey released in June that had the president tied with his Republican challenger on 41 percent of the vote each, plus 10 percent for other candidates.

Due to the electoral college system Biden could get the most votes overall but still lose to Trump, as Hillary Clinton did in 2016.

Tuesday also saw the publication of a new Bullfinch Group survey, which was the first to put Biden ahead of Trump in the key swing state of Pennsylvania since early March. The poll of 800 registered voters in Pennsylvania, conducted prior to the debate between June 14 and 19, put Biden on 45 percent against 44 percent for Trump.

I'll be handing out tissue after the Left steal 2024

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