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UK question: Wiring up a domestic Growatt inverter?


New Member
Feb 19, 2022
Hello, How would you wire up a Growatt inverter in a domestic property in the UK?

Scenario 1)
The meter tails goes in to a baby consumer unit (trips to protect the inverter), from there in to the inverter, and then out from the inverter to the existing consumer unit powering the house?
And if there is a power cut, the battery & solar take over from the mains as ups?

Scenario 2)
Wire the Growatt in to the existing consumer unit (via a trip), and then from the Growatt, to a new consumer unit, and out to new lighting and socket ring mains around your house?

Ok, what I really don't understand is why Growatt call the (SPF 5000 ES) inverters off grid, when they clearly are connected to the mains.
And why they call the SPH 3000 6000TL BL-UP hybrid, when they both look to do the same job.

My wife says, sod the ups, just wire a bidirectional Sunsynk inverter in to the consumer unit, just like a standard grid tie; they wont turn off the electricity anyway!
Most AIOs work the same: connect the loads to AC out, the grid/generator/whatever to AC in.
You can then select priority, default is usually solar first (supplying the loads) grid second.

Most also call AIOs off-grid if they're not meant to feed back to it.
Thank you for the diagram, very informative.

The TSSP switch is interesting. With all of the cables taken from the LOAD consumer unit, and put into the UPS LOAD consumer unit except for the inverter cable, it would be just the same as Scenario 1).
And without the switch it would be Scenario 2).
The trick as I see it is to get the existing consumer unit as the ups load by moving the tails to a baby consumer unit. This will save a lot of work.

Hang on, what am I seeing here, the grid cable, is that bidirectional? AC in?
And is AC out, the UPS?
Good evening,
I have been installing my new Growatt MIN 5000TL-XH all day and I'm close to having it running. I however have one problem I cannot find anywhere and don't like to wire it wrongly and make a mess of the whole system. The supplier sent me some info but it was of no use to me (I bet they are not too sure about it); no matter how hard I try, I cannot find any information about how to wire the meter, so I can program the inverter not to allow any power produced to be dumped to the grid. Funnily enough there is plenty of information on how to wire and connect an Eastron SDM230 Modbus, but the the one I received from the supplier is a CHINT DDSU 666 and I know as a fact that the wiring is totally different; for a start the signaling terminals are a bunch more and have different numbering (I do however know the signalling terminals I must use) it's the main wiring 80A, that I´m lost, main terminals 1, 2, 3 and 4....
Any ideas, links or drawings that could help me out?
Best Regards,
Spanish Flyer


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I've bought a Sunsynk in the end (not that I have it yet 3, months later), as Growatt was very expensive and getting a bad rep.
As the last entry was back in July, I hope Spanish Flyer has all sorted now. I wish I was, I'm still using a grid tie until my kit gets delivered.

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