diy solar

diy solar

Underperforming panels vs optimizers on SE system.


Solar Enthusiast
Dec 22, 2022
I have a few under producing panels and I'm looking for help... My installer is out of business and I'm relatively competent, so any advice is appreciated.

I'm getting roughly half production from one of my panels with p320 optimizers, 295w panel. These are all ground mounted with no shading at the time of these screen shots. I've never seen this panel over 150 watts. These screenshots were taken at the same time as the photo of the ground mount... Obviously no shading.

Could this be optimizer related, or am I looking at a panel that's on its way out? Burned up diode maybe? The optimizer voltage is low and I'm not sure if that could be a sign of a bad optimizer?

All optimizers present in mySE and set app.

Of course none of my serial numbers in app actually line up with the numbers on my optimizers, so troubleshooting will be fun.

Any things to try or tips? Or is this just obviously my panels and I need to start looking into warranty?IMG_20231005_135951.jpgScreenshot_20231005-135908.pngScreenshot_20231005-135926.png
Being a ground mount easy to switch the optimizer to another panel and see if the low production follows the optimizer or if it's the panel(s)
That's on the to-do list, but my lazy installers didn't actually map the optimizers/layout correctly, the serial numbers don't match up to anything, and I guess I can just go one by one and see what happens.

Is there some code to these serial numbers I haven't cracked?
Well, false alarm. I wonder why these installers went bankrupt?

The red ground mount optimizers performed exactly as expected...when you freaking find them.

The low producing panels are on my worst roof surface, and now that it's winter they are performing poorly. The keep up well in the summer so the ugly discrepancy on my "ground mount" wasn't noted...but now that it's winter they fall behind and freaked me out.

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