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diy solar

Vehicle washer tank miracle

This is the bottom of the pump and the large nipple against my hand gets inserted into the tank.

It took me about 1/2 hour to expose it, put water in the tank, then watch it come out. Pulls out of the tank with no tools.

I wonder if I could just reach in there from the bottom? See if I feel anything....
I found an online write-up about getting to mine. I think I could have gotten access by pulling back the fender liner, but I would not have known what I was feeling in there. What I saw once I exposed it was not at all like the picture I had in my mind. The tank itself was a really weird shape that fits between a few different things. This is a hybrid so wires and hoses are everywhere.

I have used my cell phone to get a view of things under dashboards and such. It has a camera and a light.
On the Android phones you can set them up with an activation word to take a photo, so with some string and ingenuity, I took a bunch of pictures, all completely useless. On the upside, didn't lose the phone. Also couldn't get my hand anywhere near it from the top or bottom. <sigh>

I suppose I could wait until the water pump needs replacing.
Doesn't look like the tank is damaged. I'm guessing it's the seal on the left pump.
If the hose had burst like Q-Dog's underneath, I think it only would have drained to the top of the left pump. I wonder if the nut underneath just needs tightening?

The Nidage is a lot of fun, it'll be useful for my next project too to scope inside the walls to make sure I'm not going to cut through pipes/wires for the washing machine (need to install a drier vent in my mother in law's new house, the current one exhausts behind the drier, there was a lot of lint back there - I looked when she remarked how hot it got when she ran the drier) (thinking I'll cut through the load-bearing wall into the bedroom closet behind it, then run it outside through concrete block, 1 bend and about 70 inches to the outside wall, probably put a plywood box (shoe rack?) over it).

The endoscope was a bit hard to kept getting hung up on the tube ridges in the downspout, finally learned twisting with a slight tilt to the head could get it past everything. I wanted to mash it into the pump to see if it was loose, but couldn't get the right angle on it.

Update: Hmm, that left thing isn't a pump... it's a level sensor... it's pressed in? Possibly just the grommet needs replacing (or some silicone caulk). Need a half dozen replacement rivets too.
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LOL I thought we were watching a video of someone’s colonoscopy for a minute until it looked like they were trying to pass a little pump thru there. ? ?
I've "scoped" it out (literally ;-), doesn't look like any way to get to it other than removing the front of the car. So, $4.26 for the broken part, about $10 for the plastic rivets I will probably break, and an unknown number of hours to get the bumper and other parts off and then back on. There are some youtube videos, as Q-Dog said, doesn't look hard.
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If you could apply some vacuum to that i wonder if you’d see air bubbles in the smurf stomach?
I liked this idea so much thought I'd try it. Possibly combining it with @pollenface 's idea in reverse (spray some sort of stop-leak on the outside and let it get sucked into the tank).

But like many a trial of a seemingly good idea, it didn't work as expected. Instead of seeing gentle smurf bubbles from the leak, got a violent inrush of air via the pump. Have a video if you really want to see it, but ... boring... possibly less section (used a shop vac in the tube to make the vacuum) and stopping up the hose so no air into it? Probably quicker to just pull the bumper.... ;-)
A few weeks back, something chewed through the dehumidifier hose (a plastic garden hose). I put a new metal hose in. The next morning there's water all over the floor, looks like I didn't quite get the hose all the way out. Silly me, cleaned up the mess, put the hose back in place, next morning the same thing.

Great... so whatever chewed through the hose is still coming in, but I know where it's coming in as it's pushing the hose out of the way to get in.
So I blocked that (small gap on the edge of the garage door) off with some wood.

This morning the wife mentions that her windshield washer stopped working about a month ago.

Ding ding ding!

I'm guessing some clever/thirsty rat chewed through the hose to get a drink. After draining both cars it attacked the dehumidifier hose. So probably both cars just need hose replacements.

But rats are pretty clever, assuming it hasn't died from methanol poisoning already (the cars are both from Colorado, we put blue stuff (methanol) in to keep it from freezing and its residual from then), it'll probably find a way to get back in.

Wonder what else it's been chewing on.
More fun with the endoscope, you can see from the jerky movements it's a bit hard to control. But, you can see the hose has been bitten into:


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