diy solar

diy solar

Victron VE.bus-


New Member
Jun 5, 2022
Is VE.bus a standard RS232 connection such that I could use a standard USB:serial dongle and Cisco serial cable I have from my day job?
followed the above pdf to this:


i could probably implement it in my project... when i have the time :p maybe next fall/winter.
ima add this to my list.

edit: oops didnt answer the question :p

"Communication with VE.Bus devices is achieved by using an MK2 interface (eitherMK2.2 or MK2 USB or MK3 USB). The MK2 provides a galvanically isolated serialconnection."

So yes you can probably use a usb-serial adapter if no usb port is provided on the device. the usb port would probably just be an built-in adapter. like newer cisco switches and their usb ports. as for the cisco cable thing. there is a chance, also a chance it's non-standard pinout... cause solar hardware companies just love to do random pinouts :p

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