diy solar

diy solar

What keeps a plane aloft?

yes, and earth is flat , everybody knows that.
Oh ho Ho Ho a globulist are yee? Fancy yerself a ball earther hmm? And, I suppose that you don't think that the entire NASA program has been conducted in a studio and Sputnik too along with SpaceX and the fake ISS and the like? Well I have YouTub videos AND photos that prove that it's aaaaaaalllll a big ole cgi hoax ......
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Oh ho Ho Ho a globulist are yee? Fancy yerself a ball earther hmm? And, I suppose that you don't think that the entire NASA program has been conducted in a studio and Sputnik too along with SpaceX and the fake ISS and the like? Well I have YouTub videos AND photos that prove that it's aaaaaaalllll a big ole cgi hoax ......
I don't believe any of the conspiracy theories.... Elvis told me they were all fake while we were walking across the grassy knoll.
Bernoulli's Principal, eat enough pasta and the starch makes you stick up there...
Us fat guys stick in airplane seats all the time.

Mamma Mia, spicy meatballs is how jet engines work.
Elvis was a big pasta fan... ;)
Bernoulli's Principal, eat enough pasta and the starch makes you stick up there...
Us fat guys stick in airplane seats all the time.

Mamma Mia, spicy meatballs is how jet engines work.
Elvis was a big pasta fan... ;)

Pasta is one of my top, favorite, 3,500 food groups. Cheap, tasty, combines well with a variety of eats, a bit starchy though, not especially kind to the waistline.
Gravity cannot be denied, of course. Part of non roundnitudnal earth philosophy is the questioning of everything, which I have no problem with as long as the questions aren't frivolities just for the sake of being oppositional.
Non Ball Earther's question and deny things like Newton's ? theory, the sun being a few miles away instead of 93 million, stars not being far away suns, the moon just isn't, the oith is flat and covered in an impenetrable dome of some sort, there are no sattelites only weather balloons, many airplane pilots know the earth is flat, the non existance of space and genuine space programs, I could go on but I'm getting a headache.
I'm not going to dedicate my life in an attempt to quantifying precisely what gravity consists of be it electrical attraction or what have you, instead, I will continue to "gravitate" toward the big things having more gravitational clout than the small things and that ball shaped planetary objects do exist in something we refer to as space and they do exert gravitational pull upon each other, be it electrical or some other form of non visible energy. Amen.
So, back to the question... what keeps a plane aloft? In my experience it must be turbulence. It's always there when I'm flying so I suppose it's a necessary component.
Wings are useless in space, so I gather. The Oith's atmosphere has weight and mass, so when objects move through this medium, there is resistance. The resistance cannot be totally overcome of course but resistance can be used to do work like creating lift. When sticking your arm out of the window of a speeding car, you can change the shape of your ✋ to create lift.
So, back to the question... what keeps a plane aloft? In my experience it must be turbulence. It's always there when I'm flying so I suppose it's a necessary component.

I thought it was my pocket knife and nail clippers at the TSA check point...
Being a farm kid and Marine, I feel naked without something to clean my fingernails/open letters with, so I've donated about 40 pocket knives to TSA.

I think a guy could make a pretty good living buying up the 'Donated' clippers & pen knives sold at auction and reselling them to people landing at the airport! ;)

I snack on planes,
Why my chocolate chip cookies and jerky got confiscated probably has something to do with the 350 pound TSA 'Agents' rather than passenger security. :rolleyes:
I thought it was my pocket knife and nail clippers at the TSA check point...
Being a farm kid and Marine, I feel naked without something to clean my fingernails/open letters with, so I've donated about 40 pocket knives to TSA.

I think a guy could make a pretty good living buying up the 'Donated' clippers & pen knives sold at auction and reselling them to people landing at the airport! ;)

I snack on planes,
Why my chocolate chip cookies and jerky got confiscated probably has something to do with the 350 pound TSA 'Agents' rather than passenger security. :rolleyes:
I miss the peanuts.
During the Donald's government shut down-standoff last winter, I flew to Charlotte and other places. I thanked the TSA agents for working without a paycheck.
One time whilst passing through a TSA check, a young, *black, female TSA agent came out of nowhere and jumped directly in front of me staring me right in the eyes. She was so beautiful I guess I couldn't hide it, maybe it was my desperate look of, "frisk me, oh please dear God frisk me", but sadly she jumped out of my way just as quickly.
Recently I had to get me some extra special super secret squirrel TSA clearance so I went to their small, local office. The man and woman that worked there were quirky, kinda odd, nice but in a red flag sort of way and they absolutely detested one another. It was entertaining.
I love my TSA people and they are essential in keeping us all safe in a human culture of eternally heck bound violent pshcopaths. With that being said, I think they need way more vacation time and a weekly session with Bob Newhart.
*Note: Predjudicial Disclaimer: I come from a galaxy far away when it was okay to peacefully acknowledge our color and ethnic diversity without being persecuted by easily offended libtardia. They even used to do it on TV, constantly in fact.
I don’t understand why there is controversy about lift...

fluids having objects move through them, tilt of the surface, puts pressure below, causing a force that both pulls up, and pushes up from below... thrust keeps the object moving, seems logical to my caveman brain...

diy solar

diy solar