diy solar

diy solar

where to go after Binance US


New Member
Jul 7, 2022
Are there any other options for US crypto traders after Binance US goes no fiat..??????Will any major US banks do ACH with any US crypto change after this bullshit?
In November, O'Leary said that FTX's implosion convinced him to move all his assets to Canada, and that he would no longer keep funds in unregulated exchanges.

He reiterated that point in a Monday interview with Insider, shortly after crypto firm WonderFi, which O'Leary has backed as an investor, announced a merger with two other Canadian exchanges, Coinsquare and CoinSmart.

Together, the companies have formed the largest regulated digital asset trading platform in Canada. WonderFi surged 31% to trade at $0.21 per share on the news.

WonderFi's regulatory backing, he noted, gives him more confidence that it can keep assets and users safe and compliant.

I don't do crypto
I am still waiting for ACH withdraws to clear....major money...big banks are playing chickenshit games cause of pressure from the SEC...they are holding up dispersals...But Binance US was a legal business in the US and the banks ACH agreements were
legal and standard for the industry..they required both ends to agree on any account and they now the major banks are still sitting on millions in ACH funds that they are getting overnight interest on at good rates but you better believe they won't give any interest to the people waiting for dispersal after a full week..the delays are screwing hundreds of people who need the cash to get by every day ..its their money and the banks are acting like they can seize it for as long as they takes a federal judge to get them to act and there is a huge backload of cases in the courts already..

diy solar

diy solar