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diy solar

Will large grid current passthru prematurely age eg418k?


New Member
Nov 24, 2023
Largo, FL
I received some advice that passing large grid currents through this inverter could prematurely age it. The inverter and batteries will be in a climate controlled shed so humidity will be kept down and the ambient air under 90F. Its specs say it can handle 140F. From what I can tell the internal cooling looks good. I'd prefer to not throw a lot more panels at it at this time. Any comments or discussion are appreciated.
I would assume the opposite. When in pass through mode, the inverter is simply... passing through the grid power to the loads typically by closing a set of relays joining the input to the output.
Thanks. Schematics of the inverter are hard to come by. Do you know if the inverter will supplement PV power with grid power or simply choose PV or grid? It would need someway to synchronize the grid with the PV power to do the former.
Thanks. Schematics of the inverter are hard to come by. Do you know if the inverter will supplement PV power with grid power or simply choose PV or grid? It would need someway to synchronize the grid with the PV power to do the former.
It does supplement pv power with grid power as well as battery power all at the same time. And yes it does sync with the grid.
Thanks. Schematics of the inverter are hard to come by. Do you know if the inverter will supplement PV power with grid power or simply choose PV or grid? It would need someway to synchronize the grid with the PV power to do the former.

The inverter is designed to supplement the PV power with grid power when necessary, provided the settings are correctly adjusted.


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I would assume the opposite. When in pass through mode, the inverter is simply... passing through the grid power to the loads typically by closing a set of relays joining the input to the output.
I've heard some criticism of 18kpv for using a 160A rated relay (not verified by me) rather than a 200A one, and not as industrial grade as some may have liked.

So there is still one wear item -- the relay. Vs burning down the hours the inverter capacitors are rated for.

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diy solar