diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Cause of Battery Fire

    I have a strange little makita corded drill i special ordered years ago. I think they called it an aircraft drill. Its tiny, a 1/4" chuck, only 2 amps, but 4500 rpm. I bought it to use with a cloth wheel for polishing, and sanding when an angle grinder was just too much power. The low torque...
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    In the unlikely event you prove anything I post wrong, maybe I will let you know.
  • Post in thread: I wonder what kind of batteries are used in this bus

    In opposition to your sheer speculation about future EV performance we also have recent advancements in ICE vehicles in just the last few decades. Cars today are more powerful today and get much better mileage, and are more reliable than they were in the 80s and 90s. Are you pretending they are...
  • Post in thread: You might want to pay attention this time...

    Go fuck yourself asshole. Department of labor is notorious for redefining and recatagorizing sectors to hide bad trends. I provided references. Youre a stupid cock sucking ass pirate if you dont realize that Bill Clinton oversaw the exodus of manufacturing jobs to China. Pay attention while you...
  • Post in thread: Oh my goodness how Presidents have changed oh no drama drama like a man with a period

    The homophobia is a bit over the top here but I gotta say this is probably the most amusing post I have ever seen in this forum. Chuck Conner with his fresh meat Johnny, both shirtless. NAMBLA beefcake shot fer sure. Ive seen the promo shot for Chucks gay porn film, it really happened. Many of...
  • Post in thread: The portrayal of Israel as innocent victims of palestinian animals is absurd.

    Some people call voting for Trump a despicable action. The fact is "terrorism" does have an actual definition but now it seems to be used to villify enemies for propaganda use and to justify war crimes, disproportionate response, and genocide. Torture is torture. It isnt terrorism. Killing...
  • Post in thread: The Man Who Accidentally Killed The Most People In History

    More than Mulholland. Huh. As for lead I think its interesting that in rivers and reservoirs in America that are used for storage of our drinking water supplies, sportfishing is one of the few activities thats freely allowed. Until very recently lead was a common component in fishing tackle, you...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    You cant say analogy without saying ANAL.
  • Post in thread: Peanut Butter, Costco And Customer Service

    Considering the risk of getting seriously ill is quite real, I am surprised at walmarts actions. That decision was probably from a low level dept manager who has no idea of the astronomical punitive damages you could see if you tried to take it back then later consumed it and fell ill.
  • Post in thread: Coming Energy Prices …..

    Ooo... Attacks the source with no rebuttal. Youre such a stud.
  • Post in thread: Gas generators to be banned in USA

    You dont shut down the gasoline supply with the touch of a button. Theres the inventory in place at distribution centers, service stations, and in the tank of our cars. And some preppers have tanks but thats an anomaly.
  • Post in thread: Oh my goodness how Presidents have changed oh no drama drama like a man with a period

    Well that certainly isnt a crime and if true that means no crime was committed. Case dismissed. PS. Trump has never lied about anything I give a damn about. More importantly he did, or tried to do but was stopped by opposition, everything he promised he would when I considered who to vote for...
  • Post in thread: Gasoline cars 60 TIMES more likely to catch fire.

    So you have no proof whatsoever besides a picture of the chairman. We dont know how much of the institutes funding, if any, is provided by Singer. We dont know how much of his portfolio is oil stocks, it could be equally in renewable energy. Always check the motivations of your sources. Why...
  • Post in thread: Can the electrical grid handle a boom in electric vehicles?

    Typical democrat orwellian control freak. We are only allowed to post at certain hours they see fit. Deviation from this will result in forced medication until comformance to mandated standards is achieved. Go eat a big bag of dicks. Im an adult, nobody tells me when my bed time is or when Im...
  • Post in thread: The portrayal of Israel as innocent victims of palestinian animals is absurd.

    Perfect example. By labelling the opposition as terrorists, theyve justified criminalizing any criticism or opposition to their own agenda and war crimes.
  • Post in thread: Pictures: Look What a Few Punishing Minutes of Baseball-Sized Hail Did to Massive Nebraska Solar Farm

    Yes we know youd like to pretend Zuckerbucks didnt rig the election. It did, its documented, and it was wrong. Legislation was passed in many states to prevent it in the future. I suppose that legislation was against something that didnt happen right?
  • Post in thread: I suspect a Mouse is going to give the conservatives a beat down.

    Haha. Well this thread didnt age well.
  • Post in thread: Inverter-charger or Inverter+charger? Honda Odyssey with 560ah 12v lifepo

    No I dont mind at all but will do after I build and install the batteries, wiring is a bit messy. As a single guy I think the porta potty isnt as useful as a wide mouth juice jug. :) One of the best investments... Door shades. Crack every window an inch and you really cant tell they are open...
  • Post in thread: Inverter-charger or Inverter+charger? Honda Odyssey with 560ah 12v lifepo

    Anyway, solar powered ventilation Ive done a few of. This was a 95 honda passport(isuzu rodeo) there was a 10w panel on the roof the blower was an ebm pabst 24v so it was directly hooked to the panel. Yes it was a lot of sheet metal work not just cutting the slot but flattening the area. It was...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    I see from your posting history you have no previous posts in this forum. When we see a track record then we can trust your word on party affiliation. I have seen enough of this stuff to assert your position suggests you are no republican.
  • Post in thread: 6 Jan 2021 videos coming out

    Making it that much worse is that while we cannot prove voter fraud, there is plenty of evidence the election was rigged. Zuckerbucks, FBI and Twitter, among others. Oh BTW Schumer is lying. Again. Tucker never said it wasnt a violent act.
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    Medicine? Science? Or just plain corruption? You have to ignore a lot of things to just accept their claims as gospel.
  • Post in thread: Get ready for the coming little ice age!

    Oh gee he is referencing climate change "scientists". Which one of them is doing research that would put them out of a job? You know, coming to any other conclusion than nodding along with the other alarmists? "While scientists continue to research whether an extended solar minimum could have...
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    I was in IAM in the 80s for a short time. They did nothing for me and nicked my paycheck $2 an hour for doing it. All the union guys looked like gangsters.
  • Post in thread: Inverter-charger or Inverter+charger? Honda Odyssey with 560ah 12v lifepo

    Thats kind of the opposite way mines set up, it just ended up that way. I have a national luna fridge freezer behind the drivers seat. I sleep on camping pads on the floor. If I wasnt hesitant about drilling holes Id have mounted a fold up bed platform to one side. Have it hinge down and hang...
  • Post in thread: Gasoline cars 60 TIMES more likely to catch fire.

    Hey fuckstick. Elliot management. has diversified holdings across dozens of industries... Including... "Solar projects in UK In February 2015, the Telegraph reported that Elliot Management's UK arm, Elliott Advisors (UK) Limited...
  • Post in thread: This man while holding a USA Govt job got paid by a Foreign Govt

    Until you people come up with a comprehensive alternative hypothesy, the 9/11 truth movement will remain the joke that it is. Evidence? Who did it and where is your evidence. How did the towers collapse and where is your evidence. Threats to family members? You have evidence of this happening...
  • Post in thread: The perfect 4x280ah box? Milwaukee packout.

  • Post in thread: Gas generators to be banned in USA

    If we are pursuing the conspiracy theory angle of shutting down certain peoples' power as a means of control for political reasons or isolating social unrest, I believe one button isnt far off the mark. Rolling blackouts are a thing here in Southern California, they can do it the same way...
  • Post in thread: back in the day

    You didnt know about those? Its been a thing for years, a little axial fan just a little more powerful than a desktop pc case fan, put inline with the air intake. Stupid to even think it could make boost, but people buy them. A friend bought a used 90s mustang 5.0 that had a switch on the...
  • Post in thread: I am always fantasizing about having a energy efficient air conditioner for van life, anyone seen any concepts in tech news or anything?

    I didnt know if I had posted this here or not but I guess I didnt yet. About 6 weeks ago I special ordered from home depot a home window fan called a vornado transom and using some aluminum angle mounted it in the sunroof of my 4th gen honda odyssey. Now that Ive had time to use it enough to...
  • Post in thread: Netflix Users going Ballistic over account sharing clamp down.

    In a related topic, have you seen those chinese copy guitars? I bought a real gibson les paul in the early 90s when they were cheap, kept it about 20 years. A few years ago my friend was looking on DH gate. They had the identical one, the two pickup black les paul custom with gold hardware, for...
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    Look at this one I give him so much material to work with and thats all hes got. I said he could have the last word and he has it. To anyone that cares, my English composition skills are impeccable when they need to be. Im posting all mobile phone with small touch screen and dropping...
  • Post in thread: Oh my goodness how Presidents have changed oh no drama drama like a man with a period

    Go create a Trudeau thread and stop meddling in our politics. Youre irrelevent to this discussion. Marginalized. Posting silly ass shit. Of course you want us to have "the courts sort it out". These people have corrupted and weaponized the courts. Youre the enemy. Youre part of the problem. The...
  • Post in thread: Fields of unused EVs in China

    Implants? Do ya think? A size too big for me. Note another one of his videos he is pretty critical of their government surveillance. China is an interesting country with a lot of contradictions.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Look up that stupid broad that immeraed her toddler in the rio grande (most polluted river in the US, 6 million gallons of raw sewage a day released by nuevo laredo.) kid dies of of some disease after being released from detention 3 weeks later. She claims its because a cold was passed to her...
  • Post in thread: California to regulate all pool pumps beginning 2025

    A history of consistently doing just that!. Where the hell have you been living, under a rock?
  • Post in thread: Common Mistakes Made, Sloutions To Problems In Terminals/Connections (Technical)

    IME torque tools are best on very small and very large fasteners to make sure theyre tight enough and not to prevent breakage. Interestingly I have clickers in 1/4, 3/8, and 1/2, beam type in 1/4 and 3/8, and last year bought HFs fancy ikon 1/2 split beam thats a snap on clone.(done again Id buy...
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    You had absolutely zero evidence to produce supporting your assertion Bush knew Saddam had disarmed (as if we even know now) before the war, when he was relating intelligence he was given concerning Iraqs WMD. You continued to repeat the claim Bush lied even when shown the comprehensive...
  • Post in thread: This man while holding a USA Govt job got paid by a Foreign Govt

    How about explaining what point that was trying to be introduced? I looked at all three of them. So three links with zero substance are offered, and the reason for that is I dont have an open mind. Theres nothing there. Gold in the basement that was documented and well known. The gold...
  • Post in thread: Dang PC

    LOL thrift stores in my area usually have a few PCs like this collecting dust on the shelves for around $25. Dells are bulletproof most are filthy like the previous owners never heard of an air compressor. For most of us smartphones do everything a PC used to do just dumbed down. A year ago I...

diy solar

diy solar