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diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Cheap Chinese junk: I'll trow my 3 Daly controllers in the garbage bin. ANGRY!!!

    I think you will find this interesting. I bookmarked this 18 years ago during the 2004 election. Later I found an acknowledgement on the CFRs own website about the authors larger work on them,
  • Post in thread: Peanut Butter, Costco And Customer Service

    I once bought a jigsaw from home depot, it had this weird scrolling head feature that had so much slop in it that when locked it actually prevented the saw from making much forward progress in the material unless you really pushed hard, then the blade would snap because it was wiggling back and...
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    "Is it possible we may be spreading life throughout the galaxy with our space probes?" That isnt a rhetorical question?
  • Post in thread: The portrayal of Israel as innocent victims of palestinian animals is absurd.

    I understand it was recently revealed George Floyds official autopsy was falsified because the medical examiner was afraid of losing his job if he didnt file a report that matched the mob narrative... that it was actually a fentanyl OD and there was no trauma to his neck at all. Yet that poor...
  • Post in thread: Netflix Users going Ballistic over account sharing clamp down.

    Dont know if you remember that youtuber named scott grove. Think he pulled most of his content and hes in bad health now. But he used to have a ton of videos with a lot of inside info on guitar companies, how they outsourced stuff. All the bullshit terms like tonewood, etc. How Ibanez isnt...
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    Why is this guy so full of shit? "they carried identical golden records designed as the first recorded interstellar message from humankind to potential intelligent life in the cosmos." " The records, now...
  • Post in thread: Can the electrical grid handle a boom in electric vehicles?

    Without taking a stance on the gun issue in general, that article is about as biased as it gets and cherry picks its stats in the worst way. For instance suggesting Vermonts low crime rate is due to gun ownership. The basic stat it ignores is that gun owners and their families are far more...
  • Post in thread: Can the electrical grid handle a boom in electric vehicles?

    Youve never been wrong about something? Youre amazing. Tell us how you do it. Ill tell you what a moron is. Someone who comes here to talk about ME. Thats all you seem to want to do, keep talking about me. Thats all you got because when it turns to the topic of discussion youre gonna get...
  • Post in thread: Gas generators to be banned in USA

    Frankly I prefer putting my tongue across the contacts as I usually dont have buss bars laying around. Besides I hear chicke really go for that forked tongue thing.
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    I hope you dont seriously believe science plays any role in their publishing.
  • Post in thread: You bought that Solar Charger on Amazon because of Fake Reviews

    The article is helpful but isnt a condemnation of the whole system. We would have to assume every Chinese supplier is willing to pony up $11k for 1000 reviews. It also doesnt mention how they can manipulate reviews from verified purchasers. What someone else said about getting negative reviews...
  • Post in thread: Car audio... Lol

    I still have mine with the modified horn bodies but cant find the titanium drivers. I have them buried in a 10x20 storage locker somewhere. Cant remember if they were cd1 or cd2 but they were comp and about $950 a pair in 1997.
  • Post in thread: I suspect a Mouse is going to give the conservatives a beat down.

    "Left as in fair, peaceful, respectful, open minded and tolerant?" Wasnt feelin that during the BLM riots. Open minded. Who was censoring people on twitter and facebook. Fair. Oh yeah theres that CRT thing teaching black kids the reason theyll be nothing all their lives is the white kids.
  • Post in thread: Crypto Currency Mining a Giant Pyramid Scheme?

    You found that guys hard drive in the landfill.
  • Post in thread: Fighting Disinformation ..... or Censoring Oppostion.

    This really earns the "dickhead troll takes discussion off the rails award".
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker... The assertion this was solely a racist motivated prosecution is dumb and wrong. This supports my statements 100%. Those boys were in that park that night committing violent crimes. Violent crimes that were themselves, racially...
  • Post in thread: Personal Rapid Transport

    Im sure some big corporation will reap huge profits with this robo driver doing something I do just fine for myself now. And convince dopey people it saves the planet with batteries that go in a landfill every 7 years. Meanwhile this is what green is really about...
  • Post in thread: Gas generators to be banned in USA

    If you dont have a pair of .50 cal barretts to dual wield youre clearly a wuss.
  • Post in thread: Personal Rapid Transport

    And the govt will offer a $10k subsidy. That wont add inflation, nawwwww...
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker... The lead investigator in the case was BLACK.
  • Post in thread: to crimp or not to crimp

    From what I understand the concerns involve a loss of flexibility in the cable which can be avoided by preventing solder creep up the cable. As a US Navy avionics tech in an active deployed fighter squadron, (AQ3, FITRON twenty one, fire control shop, CV-43 1979-83) my pre fleet training(VF-171...
  • Post in thread: Gasoline cars 60 TIMES more likely to catch fire.

    "but I suspect the newer battery chemistries will solve that issue" Blind faith, how reassuring. Typical environmentalist fantasy. The same thing that brought us the environmental disaster of shipbreaking. You people dont think these things through and wont be around to clean up the results...
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    Ad hominem toward people in your imagination. How quaint. Lets stick to the central park 5. Youre getting owned.
  • Post in thread: 1 awg battery cables that turned out to be 4 awg.

    To number one. Why did it matter that this "weak point" had now moved from right at the terminal to down the wire from it? Youre going to have a point where flexible wire meets solid no matter what you do and if the wire is moving so much you have to worry about breakage youve got a very strange...
  • Post in thread: How to deal with EMF from inverter

    Thats pretty stupid. RF from cell towers is not EMF. I dont doubt that the powers that be might try to cover up health effects as long as they could for financial liability. Problem is you cant cover it up forever and it really doesnt help when the ignorant pass around misinformation. Anyway...
  • Post in thread: The january 6 video democrats dont want you to see

    Looking at the video just shows what a lie thats been perpetuated by democrats against America. Many of these people are STILL locked up to this day. All they did was exercise their rights to peacefully protest an election that has mountains of evidence that it was not legitimate...
  • Post in thread: Can the electrical grid handle a boom in electric vehicles?

    Q: How come the carbon cost of upgrading the grid, generating facilities, and installing and mfg the charging stations, has never been calculated? You think its inconsequential?
  • Post in thread: Car audio... Lol

    Couple more pics of the veritas horns that went in the hearse, and one of the soundstream exact 10s in the vette. The vette also had a precision power pro 12 flat piston carbon fiber sub with a ppi 600w amp just for that.
  • Post in thread: A different way to think about climate change

    The article is from yale university and contains data from a peer reviewed research paper from the scripps institute of oceanography.
  • Post in thread: Save the planet, kill everyone on the road.

    "According to a key study published by Oxford called "Pounds That Kill," when the other vehicle involved in a crash is 1,000 pounds heavier, the likelihood of dying in that crash increases by 47%." In case someone forgot the point here.
  • Post in thread: Can the electrical grid handle a boom in electric vehicles?

    Complete cluster**** no way to deny this.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Challenging the results of a clearly shady election is not a crime. And it was shady as hell.
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    Great post Bob quoting it just so it appears twice.
  • Post in thread: Get ready for the coming little ice age!

    Theres a book out there that tells the story about einstein being promoted as the smartest man in the world by jews for propaganda purposes. I read part of it, its not inconceivable.
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    We cant even be certain he paints the things himself, experts agree theyre awful anyway. Dont expect the media to report it as scandal. They were mostly mum on the clinton foundation even though that was obviously payola.
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    Yo You should look up the meaning of hypocrite.
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    You beat me to it. That user in posting that is trying to insult your intelligence, patronizing you as if youre so dumb youll accept that argument. Like gee, OJ couldnt get the glove on his hand, now doesnt that make it impossible he killed them? Oh yup sounds good to me. Whatever you say cuz...
  • Post in thread: BYE BYE Tucker...

    Seems to me thats what troll was arguing here. "His lawyers most certainly did argue that his show was so ridiculous that no one takes him seriously. They tried painting him as an entertainment venue. Some people are intelligent enough to recognize what his show was, and some people in our...
  • Post in thread: I am always fantasizing about having a energy efficient air conditioner for van life, anyone seen any concepts in tech news or anything?

    What voltage do they run at though? Is it practical to adapt to a 12v system? Might only be marginally more efficient than using a 110vac AC through an inverter, and I would get a little wary about the safety of playing around with high voltage DC.
  • Post in thread: 1 awg battery cables that turned out to be 4 awg.

    Thats exactly the hammer crimper I use now. I dont like the way it leaves a "+" imprint. Otherwise its effective enough.
  • Post in thread: When not to neglect the resistance of a car body

    True enough, but whats our circuit reference ground? The vehicle chassis, not the battery negative post. The battery is the power supply of our circuit. Also a second battery negative to chassis cable would prevent this scenario. The grounding at one point I agree with. Thats anywhere on the...
  • Post in thread: TOP NOTCH Samsung (SR255MLS) 255 litre Inverter Fridge that runs on an oily rag -great for home or RV

    LOL that looks like someones home kitchen. I guess an RV of that size isnt subjected to the kind of vibration, g forces and road grades that would normally give home fridges a very short life in most vehicles. Unless its like the assault vehicle/RV they had in the movie "Stripes".
  • Post in thread: Cell compression: zip ties and lexan?

    Looks like it works. Im thinking zip ties and lexan because they dont add much bulk. Q: looked at a few of your videos, wish I had such a spacious vehicle to work with. Mine is a 3rd gen honda odyssey, I guess the trade off is that it drives like a car. Anyway, flexible panels. 3 years later how...
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    Nice car, thats a lot of power not sure what Id do with it, Ill be 60 in june and that need to go fast faded awhile back. I like the low insurance premiums! Oh dont get me wrong every time I see a fast car go by and theres a lot Id like to take it for a spin. A guy at my storage facility last...
  • Post in thread: 1 awg battery cables that turned out to be 4 awg.

    I was an AQ3. Same A school as you, AFUN/P and BE&E too right? Millington was a blast. After that I went to NAS Oceana for F-4 FRAMP. Then VF-21 Miramar/CV-43.

diy solar

diy solar