diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    "There is growing evidence that individuals with severe COVID-19 disease can have symptoms that persist beyond the initial illness". I didnt have "severe Covid-19", if you understand the zinc lozenge therapy and begin it soon enough the virus doesnt take hold long enough to do any damage. I...
  • Post in thread: Domestic Terrorist

    I dont have a problem with that at all.
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    Would you give that a rest. The only reliable comparison of Trumps unemployment figures with any other President will consider the period ending in February 2020 and nothing later. If you want to argue against that you are wrong. Bobs error was in wording his claim to include.pandemic...
  • Post in thread: Gas-Powered Lawn Equipment Will Soon Be Banned In Cali, a broad category that includes generators.

    most fan heaters make lousy fans. 1800w, eh? If you were on the grid I doubt you'd ever use it. Where Im at it doesnt get very cold, in fact tonights low of 40f is about the coldest night of the year yet. Nobody I know uses electric heaters, just too damn expensive with our high rates. The...
  • Post in thread: Project Farm tested product list

  • Post in thread: Use a fuse - and wear safety glasses... This could have been very bad.

    She looks a little Irish. After a few of those youll get a black eye, then the cops come...
  • Post in thread: Inverter-charger or Inverter+charger? Honda Odyssey with 560ah 12v lifepo

    I guess thats why you cannot charge while you invert, shared components? I was thinking it had to do with heat sinking capacity. Anyway the transfer switching I dont even need, theres rarely a time I have the luxury of an outlet to hook up to. For others I could see the value. So my choices...
  • Post in thread: Best gas generator for a backup battery charging?

    Neighbor had that exact bike too. Horsepower king until the Vmax. I understand a tuneup was no cakewalk, valve shims? The side profile looks a lot like the cb900c I had before the 500 turbo (with several cars between them- a porsche 914, and a firebird formula) The magna directly replaced the...
  • Post in thread: Van Life - Sleeping Above / Near Batteries Inverter etc

    Am I the only one who realizes that most of the drinking water supplies of the United States have long been stored in reservoirs and run through rivers that while protected from various contaminants, were open to recreational fishing and hunting? Which inherently involve the unavoidable loss of...
  • Post in thread: Toyota Sienna hybrid electrical system

    I understand removing that second row is doable, something like 10hrs of labor (but maybe thats just the first guy that did it) and when I researched this a few months ago nobody had a solution for the error codes or panel lights that come on for the seat belts. I seriously looked into buying...
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    "No actual history"? Of course youre asking to see a unicorn. Medical records are private information. The article isnt "op-ed". It states "She knew her husband was sick, but how was it possible that a young, healthy 30-year-old with no pre-existing conditions declined so swiftly" Youre a...
  • Post in thread: I'm a Makita guy. You? LifePo cartridge?

    Someone gave me one of those 7.2 2 speeds around the year 2000... It was a dinosaur even then. The nicd batteries were shot, I retrofitted some eneloop aa nimh rechargeables into it, i guess it was 6 of them i really had to force the case shut. It worked but i didnt use it much had the 14.4 pod...
  • Post in thread: so their are too many restrictions on posting here and this forum is on its downhill slide...

    Gas has always been high in europe due to taxes, that we also pay just in other forms. If gas rises to 7 bucks a gallon we shouldnt just accept it as if we had been getting a bargain unless those other taxes were eliminated. Off topic just sayin. The current administration totally f***ed up...
  • Post in thread: A different way to think about climate change

    The largest natural contribution to climate change is solar variation, the cycles from the 40s through 90s were so active they may have caused such significant polar melting that the resulting methane release caused sustained forcing of temps. C02 doesnt just drive temps, temps can drive C02 levels.
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    Ac A friend has had a list she clipped on her fridge of all the signs of the onset of a stroke. Last year she had one. Her roommate was in the kitchen making lunch, reviewed the list and called paramedics. They arrived in minutes. She lost the use of most of her right side and had to retire...
  • Post in thread: DIY 12v 280AH Lithium Battery Pack for RV

    For wire I go to a local welding supply store, have been since I was doing car audio competition almost 25 years ago. Welding cable is far superior to anything offered by automotive or audio industries, its got the proper strand count, and the insulation is oil and flame resistant. And usually...
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    If youre a republican but voted for biden because of trumps personal qualities Im sorry but youre a dingbat. As for january 6 well some of you are maintaining the facade but anyone following the facts realizes that the election was in fact stolen...
  • Post in thread: changing world

    Your alleged situation isnt typical. For most people gas and food are significamt expenses. If gas wasnt before then it is now. The average american drives 41 miles round trip each day to commute. This doesnt include pleasure, errands, family commitments. medical appts. Since that commute is...
  • Post in thread: Tesla car charging stations.

    The cables are liquid cooled?
  • Post in thread: Would you buy these cells listed on EBay?

    Theres a handful of listings like this from no to low feedback sellers from china and sri lanka. As low as $229 for 4 cells with free shipping. Ill take a dozen. The thing is, cant you get your money back from ebay or paypal? Unless they send a box of rocks.
  • Post in thread: back in the day

    B210.... The one with the warning light for floor overheat when the cat got hot?
  • Post in thread: So this is how low humans have sunk !!!

    The fact is many theists mislabel people atheists, when like myself, they are actually agnostic anti-theists. We dont allege to the existence or lack thereof of a God, but we can absolutely be sure that the one presented by virtually all organized religions, is complete malarky, as are those...
  • Post in thread: What Mini-Split did you use, and Why?

    In my case it was less about cost than it was about size. I was putting it in a vehicle and all the ones that are dual hose are substantially larger than the smallest single hose units. They are also larger capacity.
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    Youre waiting for the DOJ to investigate the Biden family crime syndicate.... I doubt thats going to happen when mob boss daddy has everyone from the secret service on down in his pocket. Why...
  • Post in thread: Grid reliability with current administration

    And youve taken it upon yourself to declare things as conspiracies even though they were presented with evidence you asked to see but didnt bother to look at or make a relevant comment on. Your constant ad hominem remarks merely because we disagree politically are cheap, boorish, and are...
  • Post in thread: so their are too many restrictions on posting here and this forum is on its downhill slide...

    People usually change the subject when they cant prove their claims.
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    Thats the worst fact check Ive seen. Partisan hackery and does not refute what I said. See how it pretends to address their claims about the pandemic threat at the beginning but instead launched into talk about july 7th and masking? Which is irrelevant anyway because mask mandates were all done...
  • Post in thread: Did I just got scammed by a forum member??

    FWIW $50 in southern california today will buy you maybe a half a tank of gasoline, or ONE days rent in a 1 br. apt on the bad side of town. It might pay your SDG&E power bill for about 6 days in that apt. It wont get you one night in any motel anywhere. Motel 6 is about $70.
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    What are you talking about. None of the allegedly threatened politicians were in the room ashley was shot in. Pelosi, Pence, et al, had already been evacuated from the building, the sole representative witnessing the shooting was a republican. The only rioters that got into the senate building...
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    This is how stupid the regulations have gotten on this. Im on the tail end of a 2500 mile Amtrak trip right now. Masks required 100% of the time, they expect you to remove and replace the mask between each bite while eating and each sip while drinking. Washing hands is very difficult as the...
  • Post in thread: Renogy inverter/charger not working on shore

    Thats also a gorgeous rig you have if its like the examples I just looked up out of curiousity. Currently in San Diego what Ive been doing calls for a minivan to stay low key, but in another place and time that would be nice. (They used to not care but a few months ago they started cracking...
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    Youre the one who now introduced "magical invisible sky fairies" to the discussion, and you have the audacity to suggest others are crackpots. People like you post a red herring or strawman when you have nothing coherent or intelligent to contribute.
  • Post in thread: This man while holding a USA Govt job got paid by a Foreign Govt

    Bentham journal not a credible scientific pub. Nanothermite doesnt exist. Thermite not an explosive. No custody chain on the sample. The study deemed nonsense by experts. Thermite itself is a compound of aluminum oxide and iron oxide, two elements expected to be all over the site anyway...
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    Are you claiming that spending more years in institutionalized education precludes people from being completely full of shit? As for directed energy weapons, at the time I had some really weird neighbors and was suffering from undiagnosed GIRD. Its very painful and I had no idea what the fuck...
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    Just because you misunderstood my point hardly means something is wrong with me. Of course mathmatics is useful, what is NOT is a person in an alleged institution of higher learning, injecting his partisan philosophies into a biased analysis which includes a different and subjective field...
  • Post in thread: The portrayal of Israel as innocent victims of palestinian animals is absurd.

  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    1. The Soviets attacked the US embassy workers in moscow in the 60s with microwaves, thats a well documented case. 2. The US government did experiments with monkeys and microwave weapons. Im not going to claim here and now that was happening to me. Nor has the idea of a weapon of DESTRUCTION...
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    You take medical advice from HOWARD STERN? What happened to listen to the experts? Follow the science? Listen to your doctor? Now its "the shock jock agrees with my unconstitutional mandates that the supreme court tossed out". How does the death and serious illness rate from Covid for young...
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    No because Trumps statement was consistent with what his number one advisor on covid 19 was saying at that time. What was inappropriate or inaccurate about his statement in regards to what was happening on that day? Youre seriously claiming Trump was stupid because of his january 22nd statement...
  • Post in thread: Supreme Court to take on Vaccine Mandates.

    I was just making a general assumption about radiation exposure. Not sure if that is typical of backscatter emissions.
  • Post in thread: Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

    How many children died of covid because their parents refused to vaccinate them? Think hard now.

diy solar

diy solar