diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Prepping for impending grid outage

    Obviously the nuclear retaliation threat is limited to nuclear strikes in which we are certain of their origin. That doesn't deter cyber attacks, rogue nations, terrorist groups, and of course, the sun.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    Damn! Got my hand slapped. Is this a safe space? I may be triggered. Where are the puppies?
  • Post in thread: Solar and the Economy Your Thoughts??? Or anything else on your mind!

    Ben Davidson is carrying that torch rather well.
  • Post in thread: Small wind turbines no longer worth it?

    I discarded the included controller immediately and sourced a 100a rectifier straight to the batteries. I installed an MPPT controller in-line on 01-10-23 to test whether allowing the blades to maintain momentum (an object in motion tends to stay in motion) will show any significant gain in...
  • Post in thread: Storing heat in bricks

    To quote Richard Feynman, "Science is questioning the ignorance of the experts." I doubt there are many here that could compare brainpans with ole Richie. A quote of his more applicable to me, "I am smart enough to realize I'm dumb."
  • Post in thread: We Live to Fight Another Day. May the odds be ever in your favor.

    Post pics.👍 Aurora have been seen in TX,and AZ this cycle. Here's to clear skies 🍻
  • Post in thread: We Live to Fight Another Day. May the odds be ever in your favor.

    Which was stated verbatim. So where is the half truth? What do you define as danger? EMS communications in AZ went down as well. Nasa lost contact with the Odysseus craft as it was touching down. Nothing to see here. Move along. 🤷‍♂️
  • Post in thread: Signature Solar Tech Support...Ghosting?

    Why are you shipping inventory that needs software/firmware updates?
  • Post in thread: Trump

    I would say you shouldn't call your grandpa dogface and your posts seem to lack a certain wisdom attained by dogfaced old men. Something about the youth who don't vote liberal have no heart and the aged who don't vote conservative have no brain. You have worked very hard your entire life to...
  • Post in thread: Jump pack for waking up batteries?

    If you are talking about a situation where a charge controller needs battery voltage to begin charging then yes I have done this on a few occasions. It doesn't take much.
  • Post in thread: 24 vs 48 volt system for beginner

    The only reason I went from 12 to 24v was to get a 240v split phase inverter capable of running my mini split.
  • Post in thread: Inflation Reduction Act may be Unconstitutional - Take your Credits ASAP

    Educational and entertaining as usual.
  • Post in thread: Food Security Through Modern Chemistry- Hydroponics

    That is aquaponics. It is interesting. The systems are more complicated and delicate than hydroponics. They often use Talapia. The "chemicals" are still added to the system in raw form via the fish food. Although chemicals is a loaded word. Everything in hydroponic solution is naturally...
  • Post in thread: Trump

    But not everyone knows you just opened yourself to a lawsuit and proved the depths you will stoop to. Now it is clear who the bad guys are. Count yourself lucky i am not a petty leftist.
  • Post in thread: Any EE's in the house? I need an EE -> Grease Monkey translation please...

    ONE voltage, Absolutely! My cheap Chinese wind generator (PMA) will put out over 130v, if left to freewheel. The SCC puts a load on it and slows it down while converting voltage into V/I that your system likes. The sail governor on the gas engine will control output to keep a constant RPM. As...
  • Post in thread: Is it possible to protect your Solar System against EMP?

    Doesn't really matter. If the grid goes down and takes out the stoplights, all highways will be impassable within a few hours.
  • Post in thread: California proposes “blatant seizure of property” in solar ruling

    When you continuously brag about your ROI and the PoCo decides to enforce the fine print.
  • Post in thread: Newbie 2.1 Crate Build: suggestions and questions

    The only difference I can see is that you have twice the storage and it is moderately heavier.
  • Post in thread: Get ready for the coming little ice age!

    Meanwhile the icepocalypse continues in China as temps plumet a record breaking 52C and freeze birds in place.
  • Post in thread: Cheap Horizontal Wind Turbine/MPPT 1 Year Results

    To be clear, I am not proposing wind as a replacement for solar. I can tell you the turbine is advertised as able to withstand 100mph. Sustained winds here when I posted were well above 35 and gusting to 60. My area made national news last spring with sustained winds above 80mph. The turbine is...
  • Post in thread: Need COMMERCIAL OFF-GRID BUILDER for LARGE project

    Seriously, this seems pretty straight-forward with plug and play components. Is it a time constraint issue or the remote thing? I alone could build two a day without a garage and plenty of beer breaks.
  • Post in thread: Need to expand my RV System - Hurricane Ian took out power grid in my County.

    If you can get anything shipped into a warzone, I would see what panels you can get from Santan in GA. Definitely look into another 400 amp hours of storage. Especially RV ac units.
  • Post in thread: Growatt AIO SPF 3000TL Not Recognizing Solar

    This thread was posted long after I gave up on mine. THREAD Same issue but was caused by reflashing unit. ?
  • Post in thread: Battery Post Pulled Off

    If the above ideas fail... I'm not sure if the plastic pieces are electrical isolators or shock absorbers. If they are the latter, you may be able to pour a lead terminal on the top and tap it. Assuming you understand the dangers of molten lead and ventilation. The heat may or may not damage...
  • Post in thread: Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    That would explain why I'm seeing new panels for $.17 per watt.
  • Post in thread: One Hundred Thousand!

    At least 50% 🤣
  • Post in thread: Is it possible to protect your Solar System against EMP?

    Double yup. A cascade on the cascade. Anyone driving will just sit there, oblivious, with no phone or radio until they run out of gas.
  • Post in thread: Hard mind set getting used to lithium iron phosphate batteries

    I have 20kwh. I charge them to 90% daily. Guess I'll see when the 4-10k cycle life actually ends. Do you monitor your system and only charge when they get down to a certain level?
  • Post in thread: Zero voltage

    Hedges says everything I'm thinking except better. 😆
  • Post in thread: is LiFePO4 Resurrection possible?

    silly: (aka: not wearing my readers) Never happened to me, but I heard it was a thing.
  • Post in thread: We Live to Fight Another Day. May the odds be ever in your favor.

    This is from 'Nature'. One of the top two prestigious Science Journals in the world. Take it for what it's worth. It won't end life on earth. Just most life that depends on electricity...
  • Post in thread: Stalling Issue on turbine

    Those damn sparrows probably stuffed an old boot into your turbine.😉
  • Post in thread: Solar and the Economy Your Thoughts??? Or anything else on your mind!

    OP wanted opinions and the floodgates were opened. If opinions are like assholes I will never be constipated. I have dozens of them.
  • Post in thread: New Delta Pro Ultra and Smart Panel 2

    The market for these things should be limited to jobsites. They have found a new home with offgrid/preppers who don't speak ohm.
  • Post in thread: Food Security Through Modern Chemistry- Hydroponics

    I would like to see that set up as well. Especially if they are growing food there at this time of year.
  • Post in thread: Trump

    I am curious what part that would play. The 5i spy on each other and pass the data around. Last I heard the US and Russia were never 'at war'. So why not ask a neutral foreign power if they had any documented info on illegal acts perpetrated by the first lesbian (not to be confused with the...
  • Post in thread: Devising a solution short overcast winter days

    Ouch! Is that with the array angle optimized for winter?
  • Post in thread: We Live to Fight Another Day. May the odds be ever in your favor.

    Too many lyrics in that song. However solar panel prices seem to have bottomed and are rebounding. Which could be perceived as TEOTWAKI.
  • Post in thread: Amped up and confused!

    I suspect that screen isn't accurate.
  • Post in thread: Community Solar power.

    What is the vision? 1/4 acre lots or 10 acre lots? Kinda makes a difference.
  • Post in thread: Solar panel cooling

    Interesting concept. Probably not. If you don't pay for water usage, you could spray the backsides of the panels with water to cool them down.
  • Post in thread: Does Solar Pay for Itself? Is it worth it?

    I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night, so I'm qualified to argue the inverse. Converting light energy to electrical energy will produce heat.
  • Post in thread: How exactly does grid-tied hybrid inverter detect loss of grid?

    That seems beg the question, how much wiggling can the grid take as more and more residential solar wigglers are added? Do solar farms wiggle? 🤔 Us non-wigglers want to know.
  • Post in thread: Food Security Through Modern Chemistry- Hydroponics

    From Wikipedia: Doesn't seem like special panels. There are three basic types of agrivoltaics that are being actively researched: Solar arrays with space between for crops. Stilted solar arrays above crops Greenhouse solar arrays.[1]
  • Post in thread: Trump

    One more thing you have zero knowledge about. Civil litigation requires preponderance of evidence. Ask OJ.🤦‍♂️
  • Post in thread: Working diverter for off-grid LiFePO. Powering immersion heater when solar power is plentiful.

    Reliability is always questionable with OTS components. Proper heat sinks, Overrated SSRs, and a backing mechanical relay might suffice. If, that is, we are talking about the same 10 amps?
  • Post in thread: Solis S5-GR1P3.6K with datalogger and RAI-3K-48ES-5G AC coupled inv,

    You may want to edit your post title to show the make/ model to catch the eye of someone familiar with that equipment. Sounds like something in your settings.
  • Post in thread: Cheap Horizontal Wind Turbine/MPPT 1 Year Results

    Living the dream! 👍

diy solar

diy solar