diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: I fear Magnum is done.

    I would consider myself a dinosaur maybe (I have owned a midnite classic for most of a decade, owned Magnum inverters, etc). The problem is that Magnum was legitimately Tier 1 in every way until they started having failures and not responding to equipment repair requests, and there are a lot of...
  • Post in thread: Is it possible to protect your Solar System against EMP?

    For the amounts of money most of us are spending, offline spares is the correct answer because it's also going to help you address interruptions caused by other types of hardware failures as long as you're there to install them.
  • Post in thread: .

    You might have a US-centric view of the world, I do too. For me, I happen to be in an offgrid situation, we just need it to operate correctly. I will appreciate the UL listing when it happens for a multi II (on a new model, it's not a retroactive listing), and totally understand that not...
  • Post in thread: Is it possible to protect your Solar System against EMP?

    They also have a webpage about cyberattacks, but it's just grid failure scaremongering... Waters down their other claims to be talking about things that they're clearly not experts on--it's a red flag that they're playing fast and loose with the truth in other areas possibly...
  • Post in thread: Not to happy with Magnum.

    NAWS also doesn't bother to respond when I point out to them that Magnum doesn't even respond to support inquiries when your inverter breaks. Dead MS2024 stopped inverting when it was less than 2 years old. Time to also drop vendors and distributors who sell Magnum for me. EDIT: Magnum is...
  • Post in thread: Signature Solar should I even bother

    The fact that you just used the term "aftercare" in reference to buying some solar gear... No. You need to go to a local installer who will charge you more because you're afraid that you won't receive enough "aftercare".
  • Post in thread: Signature Solar should I even bother

    Show us on the doll where signature solar touched you.
  • Post in thread: Pls help me decide - cheap old vs newer expensive solar panels

    Mounting costs aren't trivial, I'd definitely get a smaller number of newer panels. I wish I could switch from 330w panels I bought last year to a larger wattage panel now that I'm trying to actually get them mounted!
  • Post in thread: Building my first off grid system

    Weird trick... Make sure to also freeze a bottle of water on its' side and then turn it upright after frozen. If the freezer ever gets too warm, the water will flow back down to the bottom of the bottle.
  • Post in thread: Idle Consumption: Is It Standby or Overhead?

    Yeah, most of the systems people post about here basically need their own solar array just to power the electronics, it's pretty disgusting.
  • Post in thread: Sol-Ark 15K Rejected by PG&E in California

    Is this reply supposed to make sense? Sol-Ark chose to claim they have "cyber" capabilities in their marketing materials--They put their own clown makeup on and you expect me to not laugh at them... I wouldn't be installing a Victron if I was trying to meet the latest California requirements...
  • Post in thread: Second Smartshunt for second battery bank?

    You can't give VenusOS two different shunts as the system state of charge, you have to pick one. Is this battery bank part of your main system? Or is it a separate system that you want to just add some additional monitoring to? It sounds like you're expanding your main system (which should force...
  • Post in thread: .

    Do you have a moment so I may share my testimony of the gospel of Victron with you, brother? Did you know that Victron open sourced their operating system, and lets you deploy their software and monitoring features on a raspberrypi for free? You don't technically need to buy a cerbogx for a...
  • Post in thread: EG4 6k - need help with wiring diagram

    I was running my deep fryer earlier and the generator died... So my inverter started pulling 42A from my 2x Lifepower4 51.2v batteries for a minute. They definitely don't mind 20A each, that's a reasonable load on them. I doubt they would have an issue, they run whatever load I want all the way...
  • Post in thread: Signature Solar should I even bother

    OMG I was wondering when you were going to take the lead!!! WTF are you talking about? EDIT: also, BBQ
  • Post in thread: Victron VenusOS driver for serial connected BMS - JBD / Daly / ANT / JKBMS / Heltec / Renogy / Tian / ECS

    I just wanted to report that EG4 Lifepower4 monitoring is working great for me. Thanks for all of the hard work! Now I'm trying to get another USB/RS485 cable for my other battery. I left a message for signature solar on Friday (they sent me one USB cable for two batteries) but, it's probably...
  • Post in thread: EG4 48 Volt issue

    If you called me for tech support and then failed to actually send the necessary information to work on your issue, I wouldn't help you either. They answered your question already and you ignored the answer because it seemed more dramatic to repeat this?
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    It might be good to add your entire troubleshooting debacle onto your youtube videos in some way so they have some context of all that you've been through. The video title should have the inverter makers' name in it as well as the model number so that other people who are considering this...
  • Post in thread: WWWS (what would Will Say) EG4 vs SOK server rack battery

    Yeah I do agree about it being better and all of that. I went back and read the statement, it is about OVP (I need to read the thread again!), not the inverter startup. Clearly a different issue than inverter startup issues. Thank you for correcting me.
  • Post in thread: Victron with eg4 batteries 48v

    No. You can buy one of the new batteries as a master battery. That new V2 master battery can then talk to your previous model batteries and become a gateway enabling the other batteries to feed data to the inverter through the V2 battery--I think it's normal design for one master battery to...
  • Post in thread: "All In One" systems << Are these the exact opposite of what it reads?

    Talk to your credit card issuer if you believe that you've fallen for a scam with misleading advertising. Why didn't you compare a reference system from a leading manufacturer to these wonder systems and ask what the difference is?
  • Post in thread: Is it possible to protect your Solar System against EMP?

    That's hilarious. Exactly the kind of blind spots I'm referring to, they don't even need to launch an EMP to brick your inverter if they still control software libraries that downstream vendors use to build your firmware. A post on software supply chain security and how they implement code...
  • Post in thread: Vevor Inverter.

    Did you contact "vevor" about these problems? Why do people buy from unknown random companies in china that apparently sell everything under the sun?
  • Post in thread: .

    They don't make it in the USA. If you believe that this slightly modified chinese inverter was designed in the US, you are part of that scammer's target market.
  • Post in thread: Rock solid, no bells, 48 volt inverter

    Who did you buy your magnum from? I have a non-working MS2024 and Magnum didn't respond when I tried to contact them about seeking a repair. I also emailed NAWS to tell them they're selling an unsupported product. There are clearly other people who bought magnum based on a myth that it's...
  • Post in thread: Multiplus set up sequence

    I wired my batteries to the inverter first, with the battery circuit breakers turned off and the inverter power switch turned off. Then I turned the battery circuit breakers on, and then I turned the multiplus II power switch on. I'm using a 48V model with 2xlifepower4 48V 100AH. I verified the...
  • Post in thread: .

    Since they're just reselling something out of a factory in china, they probably consider themselves no more liable than amazon for selling junk inverters.
  • Post in thread: Signature Solar should I even bother

    In all seriousness, I have asked the sales staff for custom shipping quotes a few times in the last couple weeks and had pretty good experiences and turn-around times. Also, no issues with the batteries I own from them. The "taking the lead" comment just confused me though, I didn't realize I...
  • Post in thread: Victron with eg4 batteries 48v

    I use multiplus II 48/3000 with 2x EG4 lifepower4 48V 100AH batteries. Communications doesn't work, but everything works fine otherwise. I'm very happy with them so far. They released a new battery in the last few days, not the base model, but a V2 of the more expensive one, and are claiming...
  • Post in thread: How to Connect 6awg SOOW Wire to AC Busbars

    Switch to 6AWG romex, problem solved. Stop trying to use DC wiring practices on your AC system where they create unnecessary problems.
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    The idea that people are taking out loans to buy inverters because somebody made a video on youtube and says they like it is insane.
  • Post in thread: Please reccomend a shunt or inductive for measuring small current/wattages.

    Because it can be used for many different system voltages, and because inside a system voltage, there is also variation. They stated it the way that it was correct. Since this thread is about a 12V system, it's safe to assume voltages will be between 10V-16V, which yields 0.10W to 0.16W as...
  • Post in thread: Building my first off grid system

    Nice... The amazon link looks pretty good! I'm a big fan of appropriate technology and I consider the silly liquid gravity sensor in that category. I do tech for a living, cloud architecture and security for big organizations, it's really easy for me to get carried away. "appropriate tech" is...
  • Post in thread: Signature Solar Customer Service

    You should show up at their location and engage in physical violence to show the internet not to mess with you. Congrats on becoming an e-toughguy.
  • Post in thread: Rock solid, no bells, 48 volt inverter

    Victron is a great idea for the MPPT. But I don't think it's risky to use a Classic. I had a midnite classic 200 with a noisy failing fan, installed in 2015... It's still running the same installation, something tells me the fan has probably failed entirely by now and it's just derating its...
  • Post in thread: How to Connect 6awg SOOW Wire to AC Busbars

    I think we've all seen somebody try to use some 12ga romex in the worst possible way, I totally get it! Correctly sized romex for AC wiring, inside the house? Right tool for the job! Can go UF if needing to handle burial and UV exposure, it has similar stranding but more durable insulation. UF...
  • Post in thread: For sale: Brass SOK terminal studs to replace M8 steel bolt.

    I have an inverter repair that I may be able to use these on--it sounds like a similar material to what a sheared lug was made out of... In fact there are probably a lot of uses for conductive M8 rod. Great idea and I will DM you if I end up going this route. If this is similar material to...
  • Post in thread: Inverters/All-in-ones that can compete with Victron Powerassist

    Running a Victron MultiplusII/48 is worth a little AC rewiring and a dryer replacement ;) It's not just the inverter that's cool, it's the inverter+smartBMV+RaspberryPi4/VenusOS/VRM Online monitoring interface that's awesome... And a higher quality inverter is also nice to have, it handles...
  • Post in thread: Schneider 6848 with eg4ll battery bank inverter wont start up

    I don't have that exact battery, but you're being cagey about what your system even consists of using terms like battery(s). How many of those batteries do you have? If you're trying to start that inverter with 1 of them, that's not even supposed to work, if you want to run a 6KW inverter you...
  • Post in thread: Victron Multiplus II in passthru without batteries

    What's a hybrid inverter? Are you trying to say the MultiPlus II is a hybrid inverter? And this thread overall, on what basis did you make the decision that it's a good idea to remove the batteries? Doesn't seem consistent with product design or installation procedures to me, try not to die...
  • Post in thread: Second Smartshunt for second battery bank?

    While their voltage should stay very similar being connected, differences in wiring and cell resistance still can cause them to discharge at different rates... Current sharing videos on YouTube show this sometimes.
  • Post in thread: Getting more than 1500w out of an EG4 3000w and a single Lifepower4 48v

    Exactly. My 3000VA inverter from a Tier1 manufacturer calls for minimum 2AWG no matter how short the wire is (0 meters even).
  • Post in thread: Idle Consumption: Is It Standby or Overhead?

    120w operating continuously for an hour yields a 120wh consumption. Over 24 hours, that would yield 2.88kwh of power consumption. I don't think smiley faces excuse willful ignorance/similar if that was your intent. I'd never use an inverter that wastes so much power.
  • Post in thread: Current Connected waiting room

    Thanks for taking the time to reply! The DHX tip could change things in the future, I had a colleague with a different forwarder that had some unexpected costs come up last year with their regular commercial forwarder (one of the companies that gives us a "mainland mailbox"), and pre-shipment...
  • Post in thread: SOK/Growatt shutdown, where am I going wrong??

    Cool, you just barely started shipping them and hit quality issues... How do you plan to determine what percentage of units you're shipping are badly assembled?
  • Post in thread: Do what's good for the environment or do what's good for me?

    If you send them any money, you're a part of the problem. I don't think you can seriously refute that. And no, you don't need to buy all that stuff, you could just use less energy. Sometimes you have to relocate to make that possible. The thing is, I'm not placing blame, so you're confused...
  • Post in thread: I fear Magnum is done.

    You have some pretty interesting timing for posting this thread. I emailed Magnum again on July 17, to again point out to them that they owe me a repair under warranty. Just because they didn't want to pick up their phone shouldn't get them out of supporting their product. Yesterday, weeks...
  • Post in thread: Help

    It's possible to run a generator for longer than necessary... Some batteries need to be maintained by being topped off regularly though (1x per week usually for AGM), I'm not sure it was really a waste unless you know when they hit that voltage and how long they were sitting at it. Most people...
  • Post in thread: For sale: Brass SOK terminal studs to replace M8 steel bolt.

    Cool story bro. Explain to me why my MultiPlus II inverter pos/neg battery lugs are made from tinned brass instead of stainless then. Stainless would be MUCH MUCH stronger, but the tinned brass provides a lower resistance connection. You wouldn't need a torque wrench to install this inverter...
  • Post in thread: I fear Magnum is done.

    The fact that somebody talked to magnum tech support at all is pretty shocking. They haven't answered their phones since 2016 at least, had their equipment fail (during warranty period) back then and they were just as useless and unresponsive.

diy solar

diy solar