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diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Eve 280ah cells on their sides?

    Will mentions it a bit in this video...
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    I have not tested this yet, but it is my understanding that these settings mean your battery will discharge to 20% SOC while using grid, but NOT allow battery supplement again until the battery recharges to 80% SOC. Try changing Return to something like 75% DOD.
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    Is PV Power set to 100? (Idk what that value does) I'm on firmware LCD Version:V1.03.11 CPU1 Software Version:V2.04.11 and everything is working fairly well. The only bug that I've found so far, is that the EPS does not turn off when battery reaches "Batt End Voltage". I'm not sure if...
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    I managed to get it working last night. Unfortunately my wifi went down in the shop this am. I'm using P2P dish to get signal from my house, then a wifi router within. I won't be home til this evening to see why the connection went down. Sometimes when power goes out, the wifi doens't...
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    Well my pinout matches yours however I got 2.5 volts on pin 1 and 1.25 on the others. This was going to the ground screw right behind the com port
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    This is what I have so far. I have other parameters discovered, but I haven't entered them into my yaml yet. If there are others you need, post here and I'll see if I have them yet or can find them. These definitions are probably published somewhere, but I haven't had any luck finding them...
  • Post in thread: EVE LF280K 16S JK B2A24S15P-CAN

    Sorry, this is all I recorded.
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    I restarted the inverter last night (first time since settings change) and I didn't get watchdog or "signal restored" alerts from Blue Iris for my shop mounted cameras this morning. I'm not saying they didn't turn off, but I'll have to pay more attention tonight to see if the test runs.
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    This doesn't have generator function, correct?
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    Is anyone able to Remote Control their inverter thru solarman Pro/Business interface? I see you can set peak shift times and toggle EPS, etc thru the Home solarman interface, but it says not available when I try to access thru Pro. Is this a limitation of these other interfaces?
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    Well after 1Y and 163D, one of my MR8k blew up. I wasn't sure if I was going to post about it until I solved the issue. I have over 15MW thru these inverters. I'm not very hopeful that I'll receive support from my distributor (GSL) but I did contact them. I had two inverters in parallel...
  • Post in thread: GSL 8k non DEYE installation help! (Megarevo??)

    I read that as... If your battery is full, and the inverter is powering a heavy load from PV, and the load is suddenly turned off (goes to zero), then there is a chance the inverter will trigger the "Bus Over Vol" alarm.
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    I was under the impression those were two mating connector views. When you turn the lower image to plug it into the upper image they line up. Or am I misunderstanding what is incorrect?
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    Its a bummer because I like the pro interface better, but home seems to give more options. As far as the Chinese companies, you can either delete them from the dongle or thru solarman interface. Although I'm not sure if that completely locks out their access.
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    I can give it a try. My latest firmware before this compares as below: V14_20220907 (old) V19_20221210 v1.4.13.B02D02 (old) v1.4.13.B03D06
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    I created one from scratch. I only have those 6 parameters in it right now. I'm building off the data that flygeek decoded. I am able to poll all the registers and get values back, but matching up the returned values with the right parameter name is the part that's tough for me.
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    Do you have CTs hooked up in correct orientation? Did it do this before firmware upgrade?
  • Post in thread: How much load can Megarevo R8KLNA support

    Arrow shows TO the grid, but where does that power come from? It can't be coming from battery since power is going TO the battery. And it shows only 6w of solar. Likewise, how can you be consuming 831w of load with no pv supply? Strange indeed! What happens when you turn off your breaker...
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    I noticed on the latest firmware, Lead-Acid mode now allows charge voltage up to 58v and OVP to 60v, this was previously 56v/58v I believe. Battery End Volt is now down to 40v, from 44v previously.
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    Ah. But then your pinout shows discrepancy too, so if pin 2 lines up with 4, then the 2 gnd moves to pin 4 gnd from image above?
  • Post in thread: GSL 8k non DEYE installation help! (Megarevo??)

    If this pertains to Bus Over Voltage, I got the error again yesterday. Not sure why, it happened again in early morning as it did the previous time. Right about 830am or so. I'm not sure how the vBus is related to battery voltage or panel voltage. The main issue with this (until I...
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    I have a DIY LiFePO4 battery using the Lead Acid Setting. I keep the MR set to charge voltage 56.0v (3.5v per cell), and my BMS set to 3.60v over-voltage (57.6v total). My BMS balance setting is for 3.45v and I find this will prevent the battery from going into an over-voltage warning with my...
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    I am upgraded and running stable. However, I am not currently using grid input, just PV and a DIY LiFePO4 battery.
  • Post in thread: Megarevo 8K Firmware Update

    Do you use the wifi dongle and Solarman website? You can set the timing through the website instead of the inverter interface. I haven't tried it, but I did notice the option is there.
  • Post in thread: NIPPLE slip

    I don't have these cells yet (they're on order from Jenny), but in the pictures I've seen, it almost looks like there is a thread insert in the hole. If so, that would change the direct thread arguement, imo. Link provided below as example...
  • Post in thread: BATTERY SELLERS - THE GOOD, BAD, UGLY -- or Jenny (DOCAN) so far so good ...

    I am performing the tests in my house which is around 23-24ºC this time of year.
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    Anyone experience the inverter turning off battery charging? I am running off grid with no CTs hooked up and also have them disabled. Even in full sun, I keep seeing the battery charging disabled for short periods of time. I have not reached my battery charge voltage yet. Any suggestions why...
  • Post in thread: Adjusting CT output for Megarevo R8KLNA

    I don't currently have CTs hooked up (I'm running off grid), but have you tried adjusting the Grid Power or PV power settings? What does the "Grid Power = 100" setting affect?
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    Yes, It enables parallel function which I was "promised" when I bought my inverters from GSL. Well, happy to say they have delivered. Firmware 2.04.11
  • Post in thread: BATTERY SELLERS - THE GOOD, BAD, UGLY -- or Jenny (DOCAN) so far so good ...

    Can others please report what they are seeing for capacity of the 280Ah LF280K cells from Docan Tech? At roughly .15C (40A) I am not able to get my cells to discharge 280AH from 3.65 to 2.5v, but it seems I need to test at roughly .1C (30A) to pull the full 280Ah. Are others witnessing the...
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    @flygeek Have you made anymore progress on the modbus protocol? I've just started playing around with scanning the registers using python and umodbus with the PVSolarman5 script. It seems to be easier to access via IP & Serial# than making a cable. As you've guided me, I've found the battery...
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    I wonder if the approx 100w per inverter idle consumption always comes from the grid? Just a guess, I'm running off-grid.
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    That will be good to have. I am currently on 1.3.11 and 2.4.11. One thing that is strange. I have 2 inverters, both purchased at the same time, both on the same firmware. One of them reports much more data to Solarman (including the battery energy data @Slvrsky07 ) I can't determine why...
  • Post in thread: EG4 Megarevo 8KW Hybrid Inverter Generator Input

    I don't really care who creates/updates firmware, tbh. I almost feel like the community could really add some good feedback if it was a more transparent process, however. Firmware number is useless, and there is no official change log that I've found. Also, some newer versions with generator...
  • Post in thread: BATTERY SELLERS - THE GOOD, BAD, UGLY -- or Jenny (DOCAN) so far so good ...

    I also ordered January 5th and they have yet to show up in UPS system. I have ordered from Jenny in the past and have no concerns about the delays just yet. She did say the boat has arrived in port March 17th, so it will take time to be processed from that point.
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    You're supposed to be able to update through the solarman website, but there are never updates posted there on my update page. GSL is able to push the update if you provide your ID#.
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    Is the issue that your Load2 isn't working, or that it isn't "Smart Load"? I'm guessing you want Load2 to be powered only when there is excess solar? If this is the case, while not as elegant, you can probably set up a smart relay to turn the load on using 3rd party solution.
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    Yes, the strange thing is the "master" is the one with less data. The slave has more data, but you'll notice a lot less energy since it is currently in standby and the master has the PV and does the bulk of the work. I asked GSL for firmware info, but I haven't heard back.
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    Any notable changes?
  • Post in thread: My Megarevo 8K went boom.

    Well my 8k stopped working today. At around 9:30 this morning the EPS turned off. The screen was frozen and not-responsive to button presses. I turned it off, let it sit for about a minute, and turned it back on. It is stuck on "INIT, STANDBY, STANDBY". All values are zero. No error codes...
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    I don't know how to do this via the web interface, but you can send commands and make changes if you are good with scripts.
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    The CTs are just 2-wire 1000:1 ratio units. I received incorrect 100:1 ratio units when I ordered my replacements and they were off by a factor of 10, as expected.
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    I wonder if they are very loosely using the touch "screen" buttons to make that claim? Clearly its not the display that you're touching, but it wouldn't surprise me for them to stretch this definition to be referring to the buttons to make the marketing stats sound more appealing.
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    Well I'm doing this at my office and the inverters are out in the shop :) I guess I can just remote desktop from my laptop to check. Here are some others i think are correct, please verify. Grid Voltage R/U/A 0x3110 Grid Voltage S/V/B 0x3113 Consumption Voltage R/U/A...
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    Sure has! In the beginning, there were some days I accidentally charged the Tesla too far, or left aux heat cranked thru the night and the batteries hit low voltage cut off, which as you can guess, shuts everything down. Luckily, once sun comes up the inverters turn on from PV power, turn on...
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    You may be able to disable the reboot every morning if it is the internal test.
  • Post in thread: BATTERY SELLERS - THE GOOD, BAD, UGLY -- or Jenny (DOCAN) so far so good ...

    ZKE EBC-A40L My latest batch of 16 are a lot more consistent, but slightly under 280Ah at 40A on very first cycle.
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    Yes, I updated firmware.
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    I never knew that was an option, neat!
  • Post in thread: Megarevo RxLNA Discussion

    I may have missed some posts above, I apologize. But have you verified you have the latest firmware on your wifi dongle? I posted earlier in this thread that there is more data available with the newer firmware, but I'm not sure if it would affect the accuracy of those numbers. I do know that...

diy solar

diy solar