diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: California GO database

    The battery list doesn't have my batteries, but it has grown to 56 entries. Ah there I am, in the Energy Storage Systems. 266 Systems listed now. SolarJuice American? Never heard of these guys... but their inverter looks familiar and they show compatibility with both Enphase and tesla...
  • Post in thread: Index

    IDK....Put's more stress on coming up with a good title. ;)
  • Post in thread: Aldrin Cycler

    It's in the news again (thanks to a NetFlix movie)
  • Post in thread: Plug and Play Expandable battery backup

    WOW! Thanks for posting that! I like how they made it simple. They don't have the ATS, but are smart enough to not come on unless disconnected from the grid in an outage: ref It might work with a whole house ATS. I see they say they work with solar/renewable sources, but don't see anything...
  • Post in thread: Anyone current on attic ventilation for Climate Zone 1?

    And the numbers keep on dropping.... Inside humidity has been going down as well...
  • Post in thread: Some beginners questions

    Welcome to the forums! The FAQ has a lot of sample calculations in it; but your questions seem more around equipment choices. There are some vendors that publish test reports, but an independent trustworthy source (like the CA GO database for solar panel testing) would sure be nice. There are...
  • Post in thread: Real or Fake? Test your knowledge and bamboozle your friends!

    Tour Trappist Visit exciting Trappist, now only available from VG tours on their luxury liners.
  • Post in thread: Alternative Fasteners for low compressive forces?

    One problem with a nut and bolt fastener is that getting the nut tight so it won't come loose puts the bolted together bits under a lot of compressive forces. You can reduce that with lower torque and loctite. Another problem with the solution is that you need access to both sides to hold and...
  • Post in thread: Service Meter Problems?

    Thanks! As always appreciate the information! My house isn't any different I guess. I have a 200 amp meter and two 150 amp breaker panels - so theoretically could draw 300 amps through it. Of course, with most stuff on (e.g., drier, microwave, lights, oven, d/w, ac) my clamp meter only read...
  • Post in thread: What I'm learning about DIY Enphase and Hoymiles Microinverters

    Linking @GXMnow as he's the only one I can think of that has successfully programmed with modbus and he might be able to supply some pointers. He also has Enphase and is AC coupled so will probably be interested in your IQ8 microinverters mixed with Hoymiles microinverters.
  • Post in thread: RV power qestions

    I believe Will has examples in his blueprints (link above in the blue bar).
  • Post in thread: At what price does LFP storage make it possible to go off-grid?

    Calendaring aging is a concern. With 2d autonomy, you should get 6000 cycles, about 4 years short (18%), but assuming they only calendar age to a decade it would halve the price point to $161.5/kWh for a 10-year payback at 2% inflation using the other numbers in the OP. Go Enphase! 20-year...
  • Post in thread: At what price does LFP storage make it possible to go off-grid?

    Lithium-titanate battery - Wikipedia The calculations after the OP generally use 3 days autonomy and a generator. So, four is three? Never say never is also an old mantra. The value of backup is different for everyone, so it wasn't...
  • Post in thread: Time for a new weather station?

    I was wondering about that too... have to find my transducers to know for sure but I bet your right. I did find information on the PWM here: like the tone function won't have a problem setting a square wave of the appropriate frequency, so...
  • Post in thread: Diagnosing a Failure to diagnose a failure

    The good news was the flooding had receded by half. Unfortunately, Enphase can't see anything, nothing we try is getting them in. Finally, they suggest calling the installer. I go upstairs as the harbinger of crappy news, and my sister-in-law asks, could it be because the network is down...
  • Post in thread: Series/Parallel - Questions....

    You might also find this FAQ thread helpful: Figuring out how many panels in series and parallel based on your MPPT
  • Post in thread: Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    Reference please? AFAIK, renewables incur no quality of life hits. In fact, quality of life with solar & EVs should increase in terms of lower costs, inexhaustible energy, improving health, new jobs, stable energy prices, reliability and resilience, not dependent on foreign sources, and...
  • Post in thread: Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    In 2007, the US Supreme Court decided CO2 is a pollutant ref I'm not sure what body normally decides something is classified as a pollutant or not. I would have thought it was the EPA.
  • Post in thread: Intro Seasonal NPS Housing and Shooting Range

    Welcome to the forums Bill! The first thing that comes to mind is you should ask Will if he'd be interested in a training swap since your both interested in things the other is an expert at. But even if he's not up for that, looking forward to your questions. You'll see a lot of stuff people...
  • Post in thread: DIY White Elephant Forum Game -- Merry Christmas y'all

    Merry Christmas @Supervstech
  • Post in thread: Buying 2 new batteries

    Do a search in the forums, pretty sure there are threads on that battery.
  • Post in thread: Is your annual consumption going up?

    From 2021 Hawaii was the most expensive in the U.S. Interestingly, the average residential electricity rate in Bridgeport, WA was only 2.64¢/kWh [ref], nice to have hydro. Still, the U.S. is less expensive on average than some countries. I can see why a lot of people want to switch to switch to...
  • Post in thread: Those Darn Kids!

    Corian Evans, Hero Corion Evans, 16, jumped into the river around 2:30 a.m. Sunday after he saw a car drive off the I-10 boat launch. The driver of the vehicle said she was following her GPS and did not realize she was headed for the water’s edge, according to a Moss Point Police Department news...
  • Post in thread: Solar Pond

    I wonder from @EclecticBadger's thread on focal mirrors if some sort of heliostat panel could take advantage of the analemma shape to focus more sun on the pond? Phase 2 funding?
  • Post in thread: Steam juicer verses Straining

    Thanks for posting this and your experience with it! I'd never heard of a steam juicer, had to look it up: Between the heat and water dilution, I can see where it might be a problem for jams. Interesting idea, but I'd be worried about the heat breaking down the fruit enzymes for wine...guess...
  • Post in thread: Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    Optimistic Researchers Say There Still Time To Head Off Climate Change Before It Starts Killing Rich People It's a landmark article from The Onion which has an incredibly long and rich history which you should check into if you're not familiar with them. They have frequently broken stories long...
  • Post in thread: Radiation Age and the prudent person

    TL;DR: How could one sensibly prep if they live close to an aging nuclear reactor? Thinking about getting a cheap detector for a cell phone, thoughts? I live within a 30 mile radius of a power source that back in the '50s promised energy that would be too cheap to measure. Not only did that...