diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Double Pole Vs Single pole Breakers

    Yes! We're saying the same thing and arguing about it! ;) You have to expect that the ground will carry current (not the Ground doesn’t carry ANY current ), and it has to be sized appropriately (e.g., will survive long enough that a fuses/breaker (regardless of how slow) will give first).
  • Post in thread: DIY Grid Tied Storage

    Welcome to the forums Kai, I'm surprised you didn't get any hits on this, I guess most of the battery builders are off-grid. You might check out @GXMnow's thread, he's in SoCal and has his setup trying to keep from importing during high tariffs and chronically his struggle with Enphase and...
  • Post in thread: New From Florida

    AFAIK in Florida you can install your own microinverters... but some inverter companies might void the warranty if not "professionally" installed. Typically those vendors offer "installation" courses so the DIYer isn't out of luck.
  • Post in thread: An Enphase Ensemble Installation

    I had a 22 amp start today during some tests I was running, lowest so far! Most are 26-32 as there's a spike during the wave form. MicroAir said they thought they could get it down to around that consistently with an update they're working on.
  • Post in thread: An Enphase Ensemble Installation

    Like a UPS, no lights flicker, no PCs reboot, no clocks need resetting. The enpower is fairly slow to switch back to grid (5 min?), but again no issues. That's assuming you're within the load. One of the reasons I started looking into soft starters was a momentary power loss causes the Enpower...
  • Post in thread: Earth tilt and array alignment

    You can run simulations with SAM to find out.
  • Post in thread: Working on home solar estimate - Is my math right?

    I'm like DThames, state law that protects net metering. Do you have a reference for the federal laws in the pipeline? Last threat I knew about was the NERA pettition to FERC, and fortunately that was shot down. But it's hard to keep up with and one of the reasons I'm here. I know...
  • Post in thread: Off grid 100%

    Most people put the wire in conduit and bury it to some depth; otherwise the lawn mower is an expensive accident waiting to happen.
  • Post in thread: Hotch Botch System?

    Inverter Model numbers! Sweet! That's a great start! The Sharp has two conduits coming in the bottom? Are both of those coming from the roof? If so, probably two parallel strings of 4 in series? (see What does it mean to have solar panels in parallel and series? )? It's rated for 320V...
  • Post in thread: Enphase Bidirectional Charging

    I didn't realize the IQ battery already supported that (our utility still prefers to make customers pay peaker rates). Glad to see it's already out and tested though. Hey @GXMnow, maybe next year you can put the battery back in the car ; -)
  • Post in thread: Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    NPR does lean left, but which part regarding the candidates' responses did you think was biased? I didn't watch the debate, so might have missed something - but the report aligned to what I've read about the candidates' stances on climate change so figured it was fair enough to post.
  • Post in thread: Time for a new weather station?

    Back around post #16 there are some ways to try and calculate the time the signal takes. There's a couple of methods, but they all were based on measuring the pitiful voltage created by the receiver from the incoming sound pressure waves. The three approaches in this paper are similar...
  • Post in thread: Think it works?

    As you already have a PV system you probably want to look at AC coupling solutions. If you're inverter is at end-of-life and you need a replacement, there are some hybrids (e.g. Sol-Ark, Skybox) that might be worth it. If you have Enphase microinverters, the IQ8 Ensemble solution may work with...
  • Post in thread: "Why I think it is illogical to purchase an electric truck"

    Saying there's only one way to use trucks is like saying there is only the missionary position. My thinking is people can do whatever the hell they want if it makes them happy and no one should tell them their business unless it hurts someone else (e.g., global warming). So, do what you want...
  • Post in thread: Good news for Farmers?

    The U.S. Long Term Strategy to Net-Zero doesn't do away with the Internal Combustion Engine (ICE). Instead, it suggests gasoline be replaced with renewable green fuels. Is this sustainability good news for farmers & the world? The U.S. 2018 Farm Bill Energy Title is probably just the...
  • Post in thread: DIY = Impossible to get SMART solar rebates in Massachusetts?

    What's the value of the credit versus the cost of the "primary installer"?
  • Post in thread: Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels jump again
  • Post in thread: Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    The FERC regulates that, it's not a simple problem as "traditional" sources can't turn themselves on/off easily and solar without ESS provides no night-time power. FERC knows if the "traditional" sources go out of business (because they can't compete), then there would be night-time shortages...
  • Post in thread: Bibene CN505 614WH Lithium Iron Phosphate Power Station

    Never heard of them... but ... One year warranty, fairly good reviews on Amazon.
  • Post in thread: Flexible Panels hit Prime Time?

    Do you have a link to the Miasole CIGs? The 25 year warranty flex panels (which aren't CIGs) are $1.68/W. So, $1.60/W for CIGs is news!
  • Post in thread: Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    It will surprise you to learn then that some (e.g., Gates, Musk) use carbon offsets to "fuel" their lifestyles (e.g., more expensive for them to use green fuels for their jet, but does no additional harm). When the rich start shelling out, it's time to pay attention. Musk also puts solar...
  • Post in thread: Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    And yet they're are doing things to reduce GHGs, see 117th Congress & Solar/Storage/Energy Not crazy IMO... Government can accomplish a lot, especially when it works together: Send a man to the Moon, Eliminate CFC production (thus saving the planet once already in the 70s), Ensure safe...
  • Post in thread: EV under $10k USD with Sodium Ion Batteries???

    Yup, that's why I feel fairly confident about it. It's in German, but here's the VW with sodium batteries... Love the crash at ~6:30, looks like the test dummy's head almost came off. ; -)
  • Post in thread: Adding emergency off-grid to grid-tied system?

    For that DIY itch, you might be interested in something smaller: Get a portable unit on the cheap now, add the MPPT/Panels later.
  • Post in thread: Laying down on the job...

    Notice anything odd going on? If not, start at the meter and follow the service mast up....
  • Post in thread: Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    Good start. Suppose they're not dumb? Suppose they're just corrupt? I suppose you could have them take ethics. But, perhaps penalties for breech of honesty? Big ones. Toss in misquotes and out-of-context. Paid to whoever documents the breech first. Update: Need to also fine "intentionally...
  • Post in thread: Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    Interesting bill in New York legislation, if passed other states and countries might start doing the same thing. If it will hold up in court is another issue. Seem to me the onus isn't on the seller of a poison, but rather the buyer when they know it's poison. I can see citizens going after...
  • Post in thread: Solar for home in new jersey

    I'd suggest Will's Beginner Video Playlist to get the basics, then perhaps the Frequently Asked Questions to see if it'll answer basic questions. For everything else just post on the forums, lots of super helpful people here.