diy solar

diy solar

Is it me or all these off grid Asian inverters built by one company and rebranded?

road glide

New Member
Aug 14, 2020
Lurking the last 2 months viewing and researching off grid inverter for possible purchase with PV priority, utility grid if needed, split phase USA 120-240 with or without batteries 3500 - 6000.
It seems like when I find one that might be a candidate, I read reviews and my balloon gets popped....
Units seem to be NOT trouble free and I understand it could be installer or operator (If it has parts any could fail) Most of the reviews are I just bought mine, too soon to tell
Renogy, EG4, SunGlow, PowMr, Growatt, SunPower, Vevor, etc....are these all built by SRNE and repackaged?
Victron and Midnite solar have good reviews.
We have one plant with SMA products ( 2 SI's and 5kw SB US 41) ..pretty bullet proof but with Sunny Boy and Sunny Island combo you are either 100% off grid or on grid
Do you want to backfeed the grid?

With Sunny Island & Sunny Boy, one mode of operation keeps battery full while grid is up, and backfeeds from PV.
A different mode operates as off-grid, connecting grid only if SoC drops below a certain level. Doesn't backfeed.
What I'm not aware of is a way to cycle the battery for time shifting.

I don't have experience using it with lithium batteries, but some people here do.
Do you want to backfeed the grid?

With Sunny Island & Sunny Boy, one mode of operation keeps battery full while grid is up, and backfeeds from PV.
A different mode operates as off-grid, connecting grid only if SoC drops below a certain level. Doesn't backfeed.
What I'm not aware of is a way to cycle the battery for time shifting.

I don't have experience using it with lithium batteries, but some people here do.
Nope..... on the backfeed....
as you know because you have Sunny Islands there are 4 settings....PV only, Gen (which still has PV), Grid and Gen/grid. My existing system is Gen
My post shows I am sold on SMA but Amazon, Facebook forums, Solar forums have lots of reviews when you view comments.
It seems like alot of these Chinese inverters that the quality is not there and either after purchase or down the road they act up and need repair or replacement. original question is: Is one manfacturer spitting out the above named inverters irregardles to burning them in or hard testing.
I guess maybe I shouldn't be so pro SMA....but who wants to go through an install and then have to redo everything, wait on line for service, etc
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Lots of folks are pro lithium...which is different strokes for diff folks...
Although lithium is listed in the SI manual, it takes the Rec-Bms system to function properly or Raspbery work around (which is way over my skill set)
Lurking the last 2 months viewing and researching off grid inverter for possible purchase with PV priority, utility grid if needed, split phase USA 120-240 with or without batteries 3500 - 6000.
It seems like when I find one that might be a candidate, I read reviews and my balloon gets popped....
Units seem to be NOT trouble free and I understand it could be installer or operator (If it has parts any could fail) Most of the reviews are I just bought mine, too soon to tell
Renogy, EG4, SunGlow, PowMr, Growatt, SunPower, Vevor, etc....are these all built by SRNE and repackaged?
Victron and Midnite solar have good reviews.
We have one plant with SMA products ( 2 SI's and 5kw SB US 41) ..pretty bullet proof but with Sunny Boy and Sunny Island combo you are either 100% off grid or on grid
I thought Voltronic Axpert is the OEM for all of them? original question is: Is one manfacturer spitting out the above named inverters
The CCP controls the pseudo capitalism in China. There is no unauthorized competition in the marketplace. Only a high level party member could give you the answer. You won't get it here.
The CCP controls the pseudo capitalism in China. There is no unauthorized competition in the marketplace. Only a high level party member could give you the answer. You won't get it here.
Well, I'll keep looking and reading reviews. Lux Power 6kw grid or hybrid seems interesting so far
We have heard that EG4 PowerPro works closed-loop with Sunny Island.
Fairly new report, maybe in time some issues will pop up. Or maybe not.

While a pair of Sunny Island (plus a Midnight Classic 250) can be had for $4k, seems a competitive option for the battery portion of up to 24kW PV system.
I try to buy Sunny Boys for $0.10/W.
Voltronic = Axpert = MPP
Growatt is Growatt
SNRE and many re-badge models of their products out there
lots of CN copies - POWRMR etc
then there are the sub-assemblies internal to the models - lots of shared parts there it seems.
Growatt Min-TLX model is Growatt own design.
Growatt SPF model = Voltronic Axpert OEM.
Lurking the last 2 months viewing and researching off grid inverter for possible purchase with PV priority, utility grid if needed, split phase USA 120-240 with or without batteries 3500 - 6000.
It seems like when I find one that might be a candidate, I read reviews and my balloon gets popped....
Units seem to be NOT trouble free and I understand it could be installer or operator (If it has parts any could fail) Most of the reviews are I just bought mine, too soon to tell
Renogy, EG4, SunGlow, PowMr, Growatt, SunPower, Vevor, etc....are these all built by SRNE and repackaged?
Victron and Midnite solar have good reviews.
Tier one equipment Victron (but typically not UL), Midnight, Fronius, SMA, Samlex

Lower tier but reliable stuff Growatt, EG4, MPP, Luxpower, SRNE, Deye

Then all the rebadged stuff and clones
We have one plant with SMA products ( 2 SI's and 5kw SB US 41) ..pretty bullet proof but with Sunny Boy and Sunny Island combo you are either 100% off grid or on grid
"One Plant" - are you using the inverter for a commercial/industrial application?
Will it be 3P?
There are commercial scale inverters 30wk an up - but we don't typcially discuss those on the forum.

Would there be advantages to matching equipment - for staff learning curve and maint reasons, standardization can be a good option in many commerical industrial settings, assuming that is what you mean.
Growatt Min-TLX model is Growatt own design.
Growatt SPF model = Voltronic Axpert OEM.
that may be so, growatt is it's own OEM it seems at least on some models,
I have seen this discussed a few times on the forum. I don't have any Growatt equipment of my own.
They're built by at least 3 companies and then rebranded.

But you can buy better, you can buy western design, we still have Schneider, Outback, Victron, and Midnite. The power is in your hands to put your money on quality. You will just have to sacrifice some features and functionality.
They're built by at least 3 companies and then rebranded.

But you can buy better, you can buy western design, we still have Schneider, Outback, Victron, and Midnite. The power is in your hands to put your money on quality. You will just have to sacrifice some features and functionality.
not sure about Schneider any more, at least from the comments from those that do have it.
Lurking the last 2 months viewing and researching off grid inverter for possible purchase with PV priority, utility grid if needed, split phase USA 120-240 with or without batteries 3500 - 6000.
It seems like when I find one that might be a candidate, I read reviews and my balloon gets popped....
Does not sound like you know what you need. Start with a energy audit.
Tier one equipment Victron (but typically not UL), Midnight, Fronius, SMA, Samlex

Lower tier but reliable stuff Growatt, EG4, MPP, Luxpower, SRNE, Deye

Then all the rebadged stuff and clones

"One Plant" - are you using the inverter for a commercial/industrial application?
Will it be 3P?
There are commercial scale inverters 30wk an up - but we don't typcially discuss those on the forum.

Would there be advantages to matching equipment - for staff learning curve and maint reasons, standardization can be a good option in many commerical industrial settings, assuming that is what you mean.
Sorry, for poor choice of words..not commercial or industrial.
Small ag ranch powers barn and home 6800 ground mount, AC coupled
Tier one equipment Victron (but typically not UL), Midnight, Fronius, SMA, Samlex

Lower tier but reliable stuff Growatt, EG4, MPP, Luxpower, SRNE, Deye

Then all the rebadged stuff and clones

"One Plant" - are you using the inverter for a commercial/industrial application?
Will it be 3P?
There are commercial scale inverters 30wk an up - but we don't typcially discuss those on the forum.

Would there be advantages to matching equipment - for staff learning curve and maint reasons, standardization can be a good option in many commerical industrial settings, assuming that is what you mean.
What I am seeing is your TIER ratings are spot on.
Tier one equipment Victron (but typically not UL), Midnight, Fronius, SMA, Samlex

Lower tier but reliable stuff Growatt, EG4, MPP, Luxpower, SRNE, Deye

Then all the rebadged stuff and clones
Schneider should probably be in your list of Tier One. I have Schneider, but would probably put it lower than Victron, Midnight, and SMA. I don't know anything about Samlex or Fronius.
Energy audit being all loads?
Biggest hogs - 2hp well 30amp 240v & 240v elect dryer 30amp.
Yes all loads. The hogs are often not what people suspect when they look at the heavy draw items like you mention the well pump. It draws a lot to start and a fair amount to run but only runs for a few minutes at a go. However you might have a yard light of 120w that runs all night that ends up drawing much higher amount of watt hours.

Generally speaking though heating appliances such as your dryer and a water heater are going to be an issue.

Once you have a good understanding of your loads you can design a supply.
Energy audit being all loads?
Biggest hogs - 2hp well 30amp 240v & 240v elect dryer 30amp.
Look up the resources section on the forum, you will find the Energy Audit x-cel sheet iirc filterguy posted it.
This will assist you to tabulate all the loads on the system, and identify the peak power output (instant load) and total daily energy requirements for your site.
The peak load, ie like the well pump comes on while the electric dryer is running - this info will help you pick the inverter output you need.
The daily energy use - this will tell you what energy you need to collect - how many solar panels will likely be required.
Look up PVWatts online and plug in your location, 1kW array size and use your latitude for the array angle - see what it spits out. The numbers are kWh per month (divide by 30 to get the daily values to compare to your audit)
once you have the PVWatts per 1kW array it is easy to multiply ie if you need 5x the values shown you need 5kW array.
Look up the resources section on the forum, you will find the Energy Audit x-cel sheet iirc filterguy posted it.
This will assist you to tabulate all the loads on the system, and identify the peak power output (instant load) and total daily energy requirements for your site.
The peak load, ie like the well pump comes on while the electric dryer is running - this info will help you pick the inverter output you need.
The daily energy use - this will tell you what energy you need to collect - how many solar panels will likely be required.
Look up PVWatts online and plug in your location, 1kW array size and use your latitude for the array angle - see what it spits out. The numbers are kWh per month (divide by 30 to get the daily values to compare to your audit)
once you have the PVWatts per 1kW array it is easy to multiply ie if you need 5x the values shown you need 5kW array.
Downloaded spread sheet on Energy audit ...will be working on that.
BTW...are you still happy with your MPP inverters?
Downloaded spread sheet on Energy audit ...will be working on that.
BTW...are you still happy with your MPP inverters?
I am, they do their job day and night. I have never had any issues with them. My first was ordered in 2021, then one more 2022, and third 2023.
Are there better options today (that were not available when I got started in 2021) yes there are.
Will I continue to use the MPP's I have - for now I will, and I will keep a close eye on new offerings as these come out.
Will I eventually upgrade from the MPP's to 'something else' - yes, perhaps something else or a newer MPP - that will depend on what is available over the next couple of years or so.

The only negative for the MPP's is the high idle consumption values - during low production winter weather.

What I would like to see in a new inverter:
12kW capacity, parallelable up to 3, 120/240 60Hz output, with low(ish) idle current less than 50W each, supported by Solar Assistant comms, capable of 500v PV input, and cost about $1500 each. It will come one day, soon.

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diy solar