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diy solar


The posts here by the MAGA Morons proves that there is chaos in the MAGA bubble every time reality bumps up against it.
While both parties are fighting on who is going to reside when they rule over you, here is how they will actually rule over you (irregardless of the puppet in chief)

While both parties are fighting on who is going to reside when they rule over you, here is how they will actually rule over you (irregardless of the puppet in chief)

Bitcoin magazine? Give me a break.
Did you Actually read the article? (I see you read the first line, lol) 100 dollars says you did not.
The same authors have successfully lobbied the SEC to make bitcoin ETF’s.
So no, I didn’t read it and I won’t.
Nobodybusiness, I started voting in 1976(carter/ford), and every four years after that.
trump is the only one that could change that, but I'm not staying home because of him.
I'll write in Nikki Haley

I think somethings are bigger then winning or losing. trump is a bridge too far.
it's possible that if I was not part of the working class, I could hold my nose and vote the winning Candidate.
I also voted in the Carter Ford Election and saw Carter being weak just like Biden and running our economy into the shitter.

Paying to get hostages back.
18% interest.

What does that have to do with anything?

Your going to throw away your vote because of mean tweets?
I suppose you have had personal Interactions with Trump that make you vote for a Globalist?
Or maybe it’s to much MSM and sound bites.

Why are you still working at 70+?
So you have nothing to say on the topic then. You are just here to distract, flood the thread with BS, and generally add absolutely nothing to discussion.
Don’t you think etf’s are beyond the scope of this forum titled “Trump”
If you want to start a new thread discussing etf’s I’ll gladly participate.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is the end result of Trumpophobia. One cannot use logic or reason to convince these poor souls of their irrationality. Similar to arachnophobes, they have no control over their jumping onto chairs and screaming like little girls at the first mention of Bad Orange Man.

Trump added $8.4 trillion to the national debt. Last edited 18 minutes ago

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Libel? Thats a criminal offense in many states. You obviously aren't too convinced the authorities are watching the bad guys here. 🤔

Everyone knows that only the original author can edit his/her post.
But not everyone knows you just opened yourself to a lawsuit and proved the depths you will stoop to. Now it is clear who the bad guys are. Count yourself lucky i am not a petty leftist.
But not everyone knows you just opened yourself to a lawsuit and proved the depths you will stoop to. Now it is clear who the bad guys are. Count yourself lucky i am not a petty leftist.
I can prove beyond any reasonable doubt that I didn’t post anything in your name. I just quoted you.
Libel? Thats a criminal offense in many states. You obviously aren't too convinced the authorities are watching the bad guys here. 🤔
You are an idiot...go ahead...sue me for libel.

Trump is a fucking moron...there...I did it again! I also hope he chokes to death on a 1/4 pounder!

Trump added $8.4 trillion to the national debt​

You can’t even be honest with the facts that are public domain.

Typical liberals.

The total federal debt increased more under the Obama administration in terms of raw dollars than any other president, according to government data.
Your going to throw away your vote because of mean tweets?
Nobodybusiness, as I said governing by tweets only adds confusion and drama, IMO
trump could have stopped J6th before, or during or even after. but did not. a bridge too far.
Why are you still working at 70+?
when I started working in my career there was 20 people that I could look over there shoulders
and learn their tricks and over the years each have given up the company cars and credit cards
and given the gold watch, because there was someone to fill their shoes. my boss just turned 80
and still works each day, I'm not that far behind him and still working. because there is no one
looking to take our place

I did get a quick start, joined the army at 17, at 18 was fixing nuclear missiles in Alaska.

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So you have nothing to say on the topic then. You are just here to distract, flood the thread with BS, and generally add absolutely nothing to discussion.
They are not here to chat with you as a person.
Klystron, while you watching the left's lips move, they are quietly removing confederates welcome signs

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View attachment 196396
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and while the right is storming the capital, for what...Trump/Q crap.

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what the right should be doing is remove the left's welcome signs.

View attachment 196404

is the real target the jews as D71 feels, or U.S. immigration policy which 40% of the U.S feels.
as long as we can't believe the data we'll only be left with Q, and screaming at the sky.
and nothing is going to change.
you are old enough by claimed age to know the capitol has been stormed many times. A couple women tried to blow it up. One of them was pardoned by Bill Clinton and got into finance management for BLM …. Guess what religion. When they pop up so much then ppl should begin to wonder. Patterns. Dance moves.

Post in thread 'Trump'

Post in thread 'Trump'

As for the monuments they always get taken down and destroyed after communist have waged out right civil war for 7+ months and were allowed in 2020. I blame Trump for that - No Martial Law like Rodney King Riits. I blame the ppl calling themselves patriots allowing it in their own areas the Rooftop Koreans stopped burn loot murder during Rodney King Riots. Each group of Right have own areas they could have stood up. Had 2nd amendment and right to defend themselves and their communities. Rittenhouse stood up to ppl being destructive in his communities. They said Rittenhouse had no right to be there then same goes for Rioters and they had no right to be there and be destructive. Most of those areas have not been built back at all much less better. Local Ppl had to move because stores and such weee destroyed.

There is no reason to burn loot and murder. That is well beyond scope of lawful protest…especially when it goes on for 7+ months by promoted, paid, and political agenda activist. The BLM had logistics and were traveling across the country invading and destroying vs local protest. They were also caught with weapons and declaring UsA properties for themselves as new lands at CHAZ - CHOP. ‘Summer of Love.”

As for the ppl going into Capitol there are FUCKTARDS on both sides. All they had to do was not go in or go home or stayed home. Instead they felt entitled to go in especially before our govt even ruled on it for election. Rodney King riots ppl wait until after the verdict was announced not before to riot. My thoughts are not popular but everyone that went in SHOULD HAVE BEEN SENT TO TRIAL AND SENTENCED TO BE HANGED. That would of done several things such as CLEANSE THE GENE POOL OF Q TARDS. Second thing they would be forced to fight or die after that - which is most likely coming anyway. None of that happened. What the Right did was act out of anger but it was not insurrection - it was MELEE. Other sections of Capitol it was ppl on tourist trip. Everywhere there was violence there was blm antifa components or leftist pplice acting out for Nancy Pelosi. Shooting of Ashli Babbitt was murder by Black Police Officer and BLM was there filming it- sold video to CNN for ~$60,000. CNN covered for John Sullivan to which BLM threw him out for being to violent and radical.

Pelosi could have ordered the National Guard in advance but did not. They planned on 6 Jan 2021 to cover their tracks of proceeding with stolen election and certifying it. The Right are most heavy armed political group in the World so if they had planned insurrection it would have happened. If the Right had planned Insurrection even National Guard would not of been able to stop them without force multipliers such as tanks, planes, bombs, and missiles. None of that happened… the Q guy with buffalo hat was released because the 6 Jan 2021 video showed his innocence and proved charges weee lies. The ppl that buried him and withheld evidence for false imprisonment should be held accountable. THAT will Never happen either. Again they damaged the Right so much it basically will never recover and mass protest again. Democrat Goal achieved.

Hillary laughs at democrats and calls them stupid…. it was her election committee that stated “Obama was not a citizen”. I think she was talking about you. It was after that everyone ran with it even Trump kept it going too. Use your internet device and search for it. Trump is anti-gun, pro-vax, Q game player, and ol fashioned FAKE Pro Wrestling shit stirrer. Unfortunately ppl like Ross Perot are dead and gone no one around like him. A vote for Nikki Haley is a vote for democrats like Roberts in Supreme Court. Crazy part, Trump up held promise after promise. No new wars. Why they were mad. I doubt the things going on around World would be happening now if Biden had not been selected and assembled the most extensive voter fraud team since Obuma.

Biden admitted on tv for all the World to know and nobody protested him for it that he had election fraud team in place. So the ppl making claim Biden has declined in health is not truth. Biden was never right and you should be old enough to remember how he lied and news media ousted him in 1987. News Media said “Joe Biden is done” Never happened but the news predicted Political carrer was over for Biden.
Lot of Biden's current direction in rule is revivals of Carter Era for plans and policies. Only ppl that lived it can see it.
Just waiting to see interest rates on new cars at 20% and home rates at ~15%….. I know that shit because lived it. I also remember Carter telling working man “going to have to work harder and pay more”. Carter never said “everyone else is going to have to get a job and pitch in too” JFK told everyone was “going to have to do their part.”. CARTER just pointed at ppl working and supporting the upside down system ….

Biden is trying to bring all that back. …Biden put down White PPL…. Plus wrecked what is left of the country by allowing Massive new voters illegally enter the Country and break us financially. Biden has intentionally destroyed this country. Everyone knows it. Exactly Why ppl not supporting Trump can only attack Trump… they have nothing good to say about Biden and if they really had 81 million voters would win with ease again. Right? 81 million voters plus 11 million more with illegal voters should make 92 million in 2024. So… why is the left worried?
trump could have stopped J6th before, or during or even after. but did not. a bridge too far.
You mean the video he sent out that said “ Stop go home peacefully” that twitter took down immediately.

He certainly didn’t tell anyone to break into the building or do anything malicious.

when I started working in my career there was 20 people that I could look over there shoulders
and learn their tricks and over the years each have given up the company cars and credit cards
and given the gold watch, because there was someone to fill their shoes. my boss just turned 80
and still works each day, I'm not that far behind him and still working. because there is no one
looking to take our place
I’ll give you that.
Not many looking to take the positions of us that retired.

diy solar

diy solar