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diy solar


if you can say no wrong doing has been done, and nothing has been brought to a court
of law(legal system), your reply would could me to wonder.
Do you know anyone politics or out .... who has been the subject of non stop investigations like Trump has? They had special counsel chasing bogus Russia, Russia, Russia claims which were cooked up the the Clinton campaign for years .... No wrongdoing on Trumps part.
What happened with the Clinton investigation ... she lied repeatedly to the FBI, but somehow it was determined that a reasonable person wouldn't bring charges.
What happened to the Biden document investigation? It was found that he ... willfully ... had possession of documents from when he was senator and vice president .... it is clearly illegal to have possession of any classified document when you are a senator ... Yet, it was found that he was simply too confused mentally to stand trial.

I could go on for pages .... I don't believe you when you pretend you can't see the politics in the legal system.
if you can say no wrong doing has been done, and nothing has been brought to a court
of law(legal system), your reply would could me to wonder.
I sometimes edit a post .... normally just for spelling or punctuation .... If you want to change the meaning of a post after others have had time to read it, it is best to clarify in a new post. You can even reply to your own previous post.

Somebody didn’t want to allow a legit election so they raised hell for 4 years tried every dirty trick in the book lie after lie. From day 1.

These cucks did the same shit after Reagan election and raised hell My suspicion it is why they reward John Hinckley jr with his own sold out concerts now because he shot Reagan and other ppl . The left are bunch of finger pointing cry baby mf’ers. Mostly peaceful my ass. Those areas are like always still messed up. Lives ruined…. Because these cry baby mf’ers wanted to void a legit President. Hahaha

Tommy where were you? Did you not know about these events?
Russia claims which were cooked up the the Clinton campaign for years .... No wrongdoing on Trumps part.
Bob, and trump standing in front of national TV saying "Russia if you can find her 30k mails"
played no part?

IMO RNC which started it because they were betting on ted, didn't the RNC send papadopoulos to the trump campaign.
it seems that you have a lot of opinions that have no basis.
Bob, IMO facts matter. 500 people could repeat the same false line, but without facts it would be hard
for me to agree.

I have typed many lines of opinions, yet received no facts to correct by.

if you can point out my errors I make every effort to correct them.
Bob, IMO facts matter. 500 people could repeat the same false line, but without facts it would be hard
for me to agree.

I have typed many lines of opinions, yet received no facts to correct by.

if you can point out my errors I make every effort to correct them.
I'm starting to wonder if we need to revisit some of the first conversations we had about what your goal is.

Every time you are presented with facts, you promptly ignore them and move on to something else.
Bob, IMO facts matter. 500 people could repeat the same false line, but without facts it would be hard
for me to agree.

I have typed many lines of opinions, yet received no facts to correct by.

if you can point out my errors I make every effort to correct them.
What do you consider facts?
Bob, and trump standing in front of national TV saying "Russia if you can find her 30k mails"
played no part?
I am curious what part that would play. The 5i spy on each other and pass the data around. Last I heard the US and Russia were never 'at war'. So why not ask a neutral foreign power if they had any documented info on illegal acts perpetrated by the first lesbian (not to be confused with the first tranny, Mike).
D71, I'm not saying the CIA is not out there pulling crap
I'm saying I'm not able to change that, my father loved to say if you can't take the heat, stay out of the fire
CIA has drones, I don't.

for each of my sons before I gave them the keys to the car I told each, if you are pulled over by the police only say
"can I help you officer" when asked for your ID, give it to him and only say "here you are sir".
HighDestoffgrid, didn't the guy with the nixon tattoo get a pardon for being a dot.
How many people in international business and politics have ties to Russia? 90%? Seems like everyone is a secret agent. Was it Pompeo that had the Nixon tattoo? What does that tattoo represent?
How many people in international business and politics have ties to Russia? 90%? Seems like everyone is a secret agent. Was it Pompeo that had the Nixon tattoo? What does that tattoo represent?

Pompeo.... Globalist Scum

In 2016, tens of thousands of emails of senior Democratic officials and higher-ups at the Democratic National Committee were leaked to Wikileaks. The emails contained politically damaging revelations for the Hillary Clinton campaign—such as details about a series of private speeches the candidate gave to Wall Street executives—and even some evidence of outright corruption, like the fact that the Democratic National Committee had been sharing upcoming questions with Clinton before primary debates.

A year later, the organization obliterated any resulting goodwill it might have enjoyed from the Donald Trump White House when it published the so-called Vault 7 documents. The leaks detailed aspects of the CIA’s cyber warfare capabilities—most notably the agency’s ability to monitor and remotely control newer cars, smart TVs, personal computers, web browsers, and most smartphones.

The leaks infuriated CIA director Mike Pompeo.
In response, he turned the agency’s sights on Assange, who had been granted asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy in London five years earlier. The CIA got UC Global, the Spanish company in charge of the embassy’s security, to secretly record Assange, including while he met with his lawyers, and to send the recordings back to the CIA—a scheme the head of the company would later be charged for in Spanish court.

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