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diy solar

Lifepower4 battery automatic updater

I’m pretty sure this updater tool was made for dumb old farts like me. I have an old laptop that I have loaded the BMS software on and have eventually got it to work. But! Can’t update my batteries to save my life. Can’t spell and have bad grammar also. I can repair heavy equipment though.

I have two problems with my 6 Lifepower4 batteries.
1. After a few months during the winter the SOC indicators will get out of balance. I will remedy this by changing with my generator to 57.5v and the will all reset to 100%
2. I burned up Two BMS’s so I’m sure the replacements don’t match the first 4.

So I’m pretty sure I could use one of these updaters.
The BMS_Tools software downloadable from the EG4 website can update the firmware in the batteries (I prefer it as I don't need to change the address on the battery or disconnect cables). The Lifepower4 battery automatic updater is restricted to updating with the latest (supposedly) V3.37 firmware. Won't do any good if EG4 comes out with a V3.38 or later update.

Cell balancing voltage is set to 3.45 volts (3.45 x 16 cells = 55.2 volts). Once cells start to approach 3.4 volts or so (SOC will hopefully be at least 95%) you need to decrease the charge voltage to between 55.5 and 56.5 volts to slowly finish the charge without causing a cell overvoltage protection (set to 3.6 volts). You will see charge current decrease and cells start balancing as the BMS resets SOC to a true !00%

Bulk charge using 57.5 is ok if you are paying attention to the batteries. At some point in the charge process you do need to decrease the charge voltage to what some will call an absorption or float charge, Bulk charge voltage gets you close to a full charge very rapidly (hopefully above 95% SOC) and the absorption/float charge eases you to the finish without causing any protection setpoints to trip which will interrupt/stop further charging.
The dongle is only for the Lifepower4's

You're welcome! I'm so glad. I'd hold onto it, just in case you can update the dongle for another update later on. (Not sure if this is even a thought, but I'd personally hold onto it)
I have 6 of the old 'GyLL' batteries. These got rebranded as 'Lifepower4'. Will this tool work for the GyLL (G4LL)?
I realize my question might be a little off-topic, but has anyone tested the communication with Solar Assistant against the LifePower4 batteries running the newest firmware 3.37?

I couldn't determine if there were any communication type adjustments in the firmware that might break communication.

diy solar

diy solar