diy solar

diy solar

One Hundred Thousand!

I fear I'm in the same category :(

I've been hounded out (or totally ignored) from other fora for asking questions that "everybody knows the answer to" or for "posting in the wrong forum".

Guys, if I know the answer why the flip did I post the question?

If it's in the wrong place, mods move it (I'm a mod on another forum, it's hardly major effort)!
I always tell people, If you want to learn, then participate.

Ask questions, and ask a lot of questions.

Keep in mind, that the DIY solar community is like none I've been in before and I've been in a whole bunch of them from flight control systems, mechanical engineering, bla bla, even RC, and so forth.

For whatever reason, it's not very open, explorative, fluent, or stimulative.

The good thing is, there's a whole bunch of people here who put a respectable effort to reach out and help out members. Too many to name each, but I'm sure they already know whom I'm talking about.

I guess what I'm saying is, don't be discouraged to ask questions.

Do your research, ask more questions, be persistent, share with others, and enjoy the exchange with the good ones here.

Participate! :)
It would be interesting to see some stats on how that breaks down by:
Geographic location
Background/education field
You are not telling lies. When pv and battery get cheap enough, like as cheap as Australia, everyone will get in.

I think the reason this forum has grown so much and will continue to grow is people are tired of the bs costs in the USA and want to explore doing it themselves to save money. I built my own house and saved tons of money but there has been no bigger savings than doing the solar myself.
That's why I'm here. I hate to pay for things I can do myself. the more expensive the world gets, the more I want to do myself. I've got time to learn and add to my skill set.
Did a search on candlepowerforums (flashlight enthusiast site) for keyword “diysolarforum”. It is two pages long. Yes it was all me (pretty sure) but the exchange of knowledge goes both ways. Quality of solar/heatpump/battery info here is often priceless.

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I always come here to learn more about HVAC! LOL
seems there are a lot of HVAC and IT people on the DIY-Solar forum!
Glad I found this forum. Kudos Will! You're an amazing resource and you've given great information! Many others on here have been very helpful, too.

So far, I'm still in the "consuming" camp. As I transition through the "don't do it like I did" camp, I'll one day arrive at the "advise others" camp. It's an interesting journey!
Like a skid mount unit with inverters, generator and batteries or panels as well?
No, I mean a standardized ground mounted grid tied set up. No batteries, no generator. These are popping up along rural road lines where there are utility lines available. Generally on agricultural land where there are no trees that would cause shading.
They use a galv steel frame that gets buried about 2m (7feet) into the ground, and the superstructure above this is built with adjustable posts for levelling. These units are all single axis tilting, and I noticed they get tilted up in Nov and then tilted down again around April every year.

diy solar

diy solar