diy solar

diy solar

Have any of you all looked into building a Tesla magnetic Wheel?

The magnets have power. Solar is OK but there are much much better techs being hidden from us as of now.
Not hidden just study generators and motors. The Truth is out there! It however does require study.
The Tesla wheel is real, the net has been changed and scrubbed over the last 10 to 15 years.

Just look how they locked the entire planet down for Covid, issueing the worlds money will give you this sort of power. They know this, this is why Lennon stated an exclusive credit monopoly will get you 90% of the way to communism and with digital money it is more like 100% if they pull it off. The US is supposed to be on a GOLD standard. They just sit back and laugh at the Sheeple as they have taken the world over..
"Free energy" devices are not real.

If you believe they are, select one and build a working prototype, take measurements, demonstrate it.
Any claim they are real will be rebuffed by all of us with understanding of engineering, physics, etc.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
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"The magnets have power. Solar is OK but there are much much better techs being hidden from us as of now. ."

You edited in such a way you made it look like Mattb4 wrote those words. Maybe inadvertently - you should put the cursor outside of the referenced post when typing so your words are seen as from you, not misattributed to someone else.

I'm a COMMIE, I am just using their play book and inverting reality is all...
OP is talking about something like this -
As far as a "Tesla Magnetic wheel" I didnt find much of anything except what we know of as an F&P motor, or an opposed circle of magnets on two wheels pulling towards each other. No demos on that device. Nor do I think Tesla ever cared much for magnets, except he loved to wind coils.

OP is talking about something like this -
As far as a "Tesla Magnetic wheel" I didnt find much of anything except what we know of as an F&P motor, or an opposed circle of magnets on two wheels pulling towards each other. No demos on that device. Nor do I think Tesla ever cared much for magnets, except he loved to wind coils.
You would need a bunch of these and big, the Tesla wheel however if designed correctly ZOOMS so fast it is loud. The master class is trying to depopulate. The last thing they want is cheap energy getting out to the masses so they can throw their chains off...
Any "free energy" device is a total waste of time. Unless you market instructions on how to build them; could make a good living off the gullible that way.

Even if you believe they are real, look at the dimensions and energy claims of any you seen on You-tube. Like spins a motor no-load. Scale up to what you need to make 10 kWh/day and compare cost to PV panels.

PV is cost effective except for people who can buy power from the grid for $0.10/kWh. For those of us with high utility rates, PV makes power for 1/5 or 1/20th the cost. Put your efforts into PV.
You would need a bunch of these and big, the Tesla wheel however if designed correctly ZOOMS so fast it is loud. The master class is trying to depopulate. The last thing they want is cheap energy getting out to the masses so they can throw their chains off...
If you want to throw your chains off, consider a "KW saved is a KW earned" and live it. Find the level that makes you comfortable not wasteful, and generate your own with proven methods like solar or hydro.
If you want to throw your chains off, consider a "KW saved is a KW earned" and live it. Find the level that makes you comfortable not wasteful, and generate your own with proven methods like solar or hydro.
Another one was the GENEPAX water car generator, they pulled it out in 2008 and unveiled it through Reuters but rumor has it that news organization is owned by God who owns all the central banks and it was never seen again. The Japanese lost WW2 so they are a conquered vessel like the rest of us. The Lord works in mysterious ways you know...
The Tesla wheel is real, the net has been changed and scrubbed over the last 10 to 15 years.

Just look how they locked the entire planet down for Covid, issueing the worlds money will give you this sort of power. They know this, this is why Lennon stated an exclusive credit monopoly will get you 90% of the way to communism and with digital money it is more like 100% if they pull it off. The US is supposed to be on a GOLD standard. They just sit back and laugh at the Sheeple as they have taken the world over..
You might have better luck convincing the flat earthers than you're going to have here.
Another one was the GENEPAX water car generator, they pulled it out in 2008 and unveiled it through Reuters but rumor has it that news organization is owned by God who owns all the central banks and it was never seen again. The Japanese lost WW2 so they are a conquered vessel like the rest of us. The Lord works in mysterious ways you know...
You're seeming very knowledgeable. Could you tell us about 5G cancer, Vaccines, Chemtrails & JFK? Don't make it too depressing though - I might go & jump off the edge of the earth.
Okay, then make one.
I was reading where Joe Biden signed an executive order shutting down the production and mining of Rare Earth metals in the US so we can no longer make the magnets. The masters are coming for the debt owed to them...
You're seeming very knowledgeable. Could you tell us about 5G cancer, Vaccines, Chemtrails & JFK? Don't make it too depressing though - I might go & jump off the edge of the earth.
I will tell you about JFK, he was trying to breakaway from the gangsters who have taken the planet over with a charter going back to the bank of England in 1694 to issue bills of credit from nothing. Last time I looked on Ebay you can get 2 and 5$ bills that were printed in 1963 that say United States Treasury and NO Federal Reserve. Lincoln did the same thing so they killed him as well. Also Jack was going to dismantle the CIA, stop the Vietnam war, and audit Israels nuclear capability. These were the main reasons. As far as vaccines just research where they can from and it tells all right there. The empire where the sun never sets just laughs at us idiots who believe anything we are told by the power structures they control...
As far as 5g goes it's rumored the world is being turned into a interstellar buffet for space monsters passing through this solar system so we are being slowly nuked to perfection. It's a franchise called " Monster's Buffet " owned by none other than Jabba The Hutt... He also is supposedly the one ordering the Jabs world wide to speed this all up.
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I will tell you about JFK, he was trying to breakaway from the gangsters who have taken the planet over with a charter going back to the bank of England in 1694 to issue bills of credit from nothing. Last time I looked on Ebay you can get 2 and 5$ bills that were printed in 1963 that say United States Treasury and NO Federal Reserve. Lincoln did the same thing so they killed him as well. Also Jack was going to dismantle the CIA, stop the Vietnam war, and audit Israels nuclear capability. These were the main reasons. As far as vaccines just research where they can from and it tells all right there. The empire where the sun never sets just laughs at us idiots who believe anything we are told by the power structures they control...
You seemingly believe all this tosh. If you start posting relevant stuff I'll help. Any more nonsense & I'll report you & encourage others to do so. This is your opportunity to listen and learn... you won't 'convert' anyone here, they are too well grounded. 200 ohms or less typically.
You seemingly believe all this tosh. If you start posting relevant stuff I'll help. Any more nonsense & I'll report you & encourage others to do so. This is your opportunity to listen and learn... you won't 'convert' anyone here, they are too well grounded. 200 ohms or less typically.
You probably work for the government, they have an opportunity to learn as well.
How did you realise?
There aren't any private sectors jobs left the commies destroyed them all, can you get me a job operating a machine gun turret mowing down evil capitalist and throwing them in a pit? I am just looking for a good way to earn carbon credits is all in the all encompassing communal dictatorship coming about..
Trolling or schizoposting?

I'm always down for a good conspiracy theory. To me, the only difference in a conspiracy theory and the reality is the waiting period...

But I gotta break it to you brother, "free energy" isn't real.
The OP was "have any of you all looked into building a tesla magnetic wheel"
Sure, I looked and saw that it would need to violate Conservation of Energy - so moved on, because the laws of physics are set, and they are not "suggestions".
People can waste a lot of time and effort trying to invent free energy systems if they like, and maybe (hopefully) learn something in the process.
No one is controlling what we do in our own free time, in our own workshop or garage spend it as you like.
I am working on more solar, even though it is at best 21% efficient, I feel it is a better use of my time.
even though it is at best 21% efficient, I feel it is a better use of my time.
Yup. There are two good lessons here:
1. Making power is hard, unless you’re in the business of fusing hydrogen into helium.
2. The sun blasts us with a truly huge amount of energy. So much so that harvesting 20% of any given area of it seems pretty worthwhile.
Yeah that huge fusion reactor 93million miles (149million km) from here is hard to beat. May as well harvest some and put the electrons to work doing some thing. LOL.
{Try to imagine this: 620 million tonnes of hydrogen fused every second, and the Sun has enough fuel to last another 5-Billion years.}
You probably work for the government, they have an opportunity to learn as well.

Been there, done that. I schooled a few people while I was at it.

Second time around, it was in a facility contracted out to a private company to run. I didn't get too far before the door hit me on the way out.

1. Making power is hard, unless you’re in the business of fusing hydrogen into helium.

Actually, that one is really hard. I make more power in my yard than the sum of all (non bomb) fusion mankind has done. Maybe even enough to power their futile attempts at fusion energy.

I just checked on Megatons - One megaton is 1.16 Terawatt hour, or 133 MW continuous for one year. I don't expect to generate that in my lifetime.

diy solar

diy solar