diy solar

diy solar

Siemens QSA spd?


Solar Enthusiast
May 16, 2023
I've been on the hunt for a surge protector. I'm wondering if anyone has anything good or bad to write about this one. It was recommended to me from a tech at Siemens which is the manufacturer of my panel. They also recommended First Surge, but I like the QSA spd as it looks like it'd be a simple install for an electronically simple guy.

Now this QSA spd would supposedly protect the panel and everything feeding off of it, but I've read others on this fantastic forum (thanks Will P & many others!) have had concerns regarding their solar power system not being protected. I'm all eg4'd with an 18kpv, 30kwh of batteries and 12k of panels. My meter has a 200amp breaker and then another 200 amp in the panel.

What do y'all think?
If this gizmo is good enough post inverter, what do I do pre-inverter to attempt to protect it?

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First surge you can wire into any panel. The qsa requires a compatible panel. There are some other minor differences. Get the largest one. I would go with the breaker version for ease of install.
Ok, but what about pre-inverter? This qsa located inside the panel isn't going to do the inverter any good.
It would appear that Siemens QSA spd does not warranty anything plugged in. Apparently their spd is a pos.
I emailed midnight solar with ?'s.

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