diy solar

diy solar


Daddy Tanuki

Solar Wizard
May 11, 2021
Flanks of Mount Fuji
So arrived at the cabin about two hours ago. First thing I did was to turn all the lights and the kerosene heaters and then put six eggs in a pot on the stove to boil for tomorrow’s breakfast and lunch :) around that time frame I start smelling what smells like wood scorching so naturally I freaked out started sniffing around the cabin hoping it was not a wire somewhere shorting.
Shut off the boiling eggs continue to look couldn’t Find anything and eventually the smell went away so just now a whole hour later I found out what the smell was. It was my homemade handle on my pot it was burning. I replaced the handle when the original bakelite handle broke and repalced it with a piece of hardwood. Being that I have other pots that have wooden handles I figured it would be OK… Not reallyimage.jpg

Here’s where the smell came from.

Ok enough to make me twitchy after reading some of the latest problems others have had 😹
I hate when that happens! Your fear of burning is legit...I've been there. Was severely burned in a fire when I was a kid, third degree burns over about 20% of my body. The right side of my lower back and right leg to this day looks like a pizza. Spent almost 5 months in the hospital with multiple skin grafts done and it was over a year before I could walk again. Here I am 55 years later and the healing still continues. I remember being told it would take a long time for the nerves to regenerate where the larger skin grafts were done, and spent most of my adult life with no feeling there. It's just been the past 5 years I've recovered feeling that's the same as areas that weren't burned.
Gas range I will guess. Gas flame tends to run up the sides of a pan which is why I am not a fan of using gas for cooking.
yeah the first couple of times using it no issues, but I think the metal sleeve needs to be larger for a wood handle. I will work on that next when I have time.
If he's around Mt. Fuji, outside slippers will be outside the door. 🩴🩴
i have inside and outside ones. its not cold enough in the house to need the indoor ones at the moment. one kerosene unit on low and the split pack running from the battery bank. its 0025 in the morning and getting ready to hit the sack... got a big day of wood splitting in store for me. picked up about 4+ tons of hard wood that needs to be split and stacked.
You all stay safe and have a great day.
But it's the underwear that's important in the event of an accident.

At least, that's what my mum said!
meh Not worried about that.... most the time when people die they shit and piss themselves as the muscles relax. smelled and seen it a couple of times. not a pretty sight.
So if you got tracks that look like skid marks right before hitting a deer, just hide them from your prospective mates... when you die your gonna loose it anyways.
meh Not worried about that.... most the time when people die they shit and piss themselves as the muscles relax. smelled and seen it a couple of times. not a pretty sight.
So if you got tracks that look like skid marks right before hitting a deer, just hide them from your prospective mates... when you die your gonna loose it anyways.

Just noticed your avatar update... you mad, bro?

Anyway, good to know that I have head start on the end of my life! 😁
Just noticed your avatar update... you mad, bro?

Anyway, good to know that I have head start on the end of my life! 😁

Nah I was just exhausted from dealing with the navy, these days 90% of the upper enlisted and about 80% of the officers have no clue on how to adult.
when you have a contract with them and you have to correct them constantly to the point where even the DLA contracting officer rep is getting frustrated.... perfect example:

get email requesting service with half of the carriers command listed on the CC line, reply back to sender with "pick two days tues-thurs so tues-wed, or wed-thurs". Get a reply back a week later asking why I had not came the week prior, this time replied all included and highlighted the prior reply about picking two days... Ohh....Ok we take tues-wed this week.

GTG, show up provide service, leave.

Following week an idiot on the earlier email chain sends a screamer up to DLA saying I had not shown up when requested for over 2 months... hit reply all and made sure I cc'd the Contracting officer: you mean last week after you ship failed to reply on my first email? You mean where you had to arrange for an escort onto the pier as its a nuclear carrier? You mean the same two days I had to have an escort to leave one area and enter another?

the fact the idiot did nto bother to follow up on the email chain to see if it had been resolved or not which then lead me to be called to the carpet, yet when the whole thing was done, and DLA was like "Ken no bad guy, ken fix you, go back to your stateroom mongo! "

it just wears on you .

Maybe Tanuki is a Marine and of German heritage to boot ... they always look pissed off ... just sayin. :ROFLMAO:

Marine/Irish descent. sad love songs and happy wars!

diy solar

diy solar