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diy solar

Not able to select SOC % back to grid when using closed loop pylon tech


New Member
Jul 17, 2023
Starke, Fl
I recently went back to closed loop communication for my sungold batteries and my SP 6548 and even though the option 12 and 13 are presented in SOC% it seems the battery/inverter will not accept any value and returns to 0% on each value. So by default it determines at 14% it returns to grid and at 15% it returns to discharge mode when in SBU. I have seen no way to change it in option 12 or 13 as I said earlier if I change that value it just overrides me. The sungold batteries use the pylon tech BMS if that helps the coms have been great and my batteries are much better balanced now. However not being able to set SOC return to grid and return to discharge is a bit frustrating. Any advice?
I used open loop for a long time but my batteries would always discharge at different rates and my state of charge amongst the bank would be all over the map. when I started doing closed loop it discharged very evenly and the state of charge remained more consistent. I’m not going back but when I was an open loop, I could set the voltage and it would switch back-and-forth to whatever I set it to. Setting one is SBU .
I used open loop for a long time but my batteries would always discharge at different rates and my state of charge amongst the bank would be all over the map. when I started doing closed loop it discharged very evenly and the state of charge remained more consistent.

Now that your cells are balanced, try switching back to open loop. What is your bulk/absorption charge rate? Float?

I’m not going back but when I was an open loop, I could set the voltage and it would switch back-and-forth to whatever I set it to. Setting one is SBU .

What is your 05 battery type?
Can you switch to Voltage mode. Set the values. Save it. The switch back to SOC mode. Does it then revert to the defaults?

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diy solar