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diy solar

Dumb newbie...BMS position question.


New Member
Mar 23, 2024
Hello bright minds,

I have a really dumb question, but I figured I would ask just in-case it IS an issue, I don't want to find out when its too late! I'm designing some custom enclosures for some of my battery packs. Is there any issue or safety hazard by mounting a JK BMS sideways? So say you are looking at it the "right way" wires facing down, you can read the writing on rotate 90 degrees counter clock-wise. Is that a problem? I mean I've seen them mounted all kinds of way's but that doesn't mean its safe.

So dumb question but figured I ask and save myself a big headache if I can't mount them that way.

You can mount them any way you want. Do keep in mind that the FETS get warm and so you want to ensure that it has a certain amount of airspace around it to allow for heat dissipation.
Horizontally across the battery terminals or underneath the cells is a bad idea, but I've run plenty of BMS's sideways with no issues.
Oh the humanity, you have moved the BMS from the position it was manufactured in. It will never work again.

Just kidding. And it isnt a dumb question.
Thank you guys (and gals?)!
Yes it will have plenty of cooling and not near the batteries themselves.


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diy solar