diy solar

diy solar

Not a complaint, but a request.


If I can do it, you can do it.
Feb 5, 2022
It would be nice to have the ability to clean up personal build threads.
As in, remove non relevant posts.
I know that I can report them, for removal. But I don't want to put that much work on the staff.
I'm not sure if permissions can be granted for individual threads. Or if that's actually more work than it's worth.
Just trying to figure out if there is a simple solution for everyone involved.
Thanks for listening, either way.
It would be nice to have the ability to clean up personal build threads.
As in, remove non relevant posts.
I know that I can report them, for removal. But I don't want to put that much work on the staff.
I'm not sure if permissions can be granted for individual threads. Or if that's actually more work than it's worth.
Just trying to figure out if there is a simple solution for everyone involved.
Thanks for listening, either way.

Oh come on! Where's your DIY Solar Forum spirit!? :p

I get it though.

I think it would be cool for an OP to INSERT new posts before others at the beginning of the thread. That way you could document your build all at the beginning of your thread allowing the verbal cha cha cha to run amuck below... :)

The only way I see that happening now is if you had the foresight to reserve the first dozen (or more) posts below your original post to allow for future editing... but who can predict that shit?!
It's really not for me.
It's more for the people who might be interested in my build.
But might not want to scroll through everything else.

If you're really being altruistic, you could add links to subsequent posts to your original post... :p

Would probably take WAY less time than actually editing a thread.
Example of adding a link to the end of my pathetic review:

That would be ideal if each person had a personal thread only they could post to. Maybe only if the title included a keyword.

I dunno what software is used but might be doable.
You could always make it a hidden thread...
Perhaps will could enact moderator status on ONLY own threads?
As a mod, i can lock any thread so only mods can edit or add to thread...
I follow each of you folks (good or bad...), How will this affect those that follow your posts. The price of experience and wisdom, or just neat stuff.
Ideally it would mean folks could delete off topic posts in their build threads. Or request people to post questions in a new thread and when they ignore it clean things up if the question isn't about the build.

People do tend to go off the rails here from time to time.
Which is where it might be only threads that include 'my build thread' as the topic or part of the subject.

Or maybe a person could report their own post asking to moderate their build thread.

Two features that I would like to see -

Search in thread. - when they get long it can be a pain to find something in a thread you know isnthere.

And a button to ignore a thread - sometimes they go so far off the rails after you reply once that you would rather ignore it.

Exists already
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I've seen this or similar sentiment come up periodically for almost 5 years. My immediate reaction this time was to agree that OPs should be able to moderate their own build threads. As I was typing this, @timselectric hit on the big gotcha. Nobody would benefit if threads were a dry presentation or a "my way or the highway" despotic OP's screed. Maybe try reporting the content since the mods don't seem to have issue with it, and they even encourage reporting at various times.
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Or just post several dummy posts at the beginning of a new thread to hold them for editing in more details later
This is what I've done. I try to anticipate a few topics that may be helpful in the opening sequence and then save one or two for others. Links to awesome posts from others can go those posts too.

Once I post a thread to the internet I figure the internet owns it and the mayhem can begin. By reserving the right to edit a few early posts I hope to keep it relevant for non-marauders.
There's probably not a simple solution.
If that turns out to be the case.
I'll just make a new build thread, when my system is complete. (Assuming that ever happens)
And re label the first one.
Be careful! This is one of the best forums I have seen or been on. I find it very open, informative, and supportive.
I find differing (but respectful) opinions to be a valuable tool for me to learn from.
While it is valuable to always try to improve, remember the motto "If it ain't broke don't fix it."

diy solar

diy solar