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diy solar

Need help adding EG4-LL-S with EG4-LL v1


New Member
Jan 30, 2024
I sent a request to SS about 10 days ago with no response ( and spent hours on hold) and I have reading several articles but do not have a clear understanding of how to add 2 EG4-LL-S batteries to my existing EG4-LL V1 batteries.

I have seen feedback to a) sever pin 6 if using LP4, does this apply to EG4-LL V1 as well? b) I have seen reference to updating the EG4-LL V1 firmware but I have not found V1 firmware on SS or EG4 websites.

I did try to add the EG4-LL-S but as soon as I connect the battery comm cable between the EG4-LL-S and EG4-LL V1, the EG4-LL-S has a fault light AND the breaker is tripped.

Any help would be appreciated.
I sent a request to SS about 10 days ago with no response ( and spent hours on hold) and I have reading several articles but do not have a clear understanding of how to add 2 EG4-LL-S batteries to my existing EG4-LL V1 batteries.

I have seen feedback to a) sever pin 6 if using LP4, does this apply to EG4-LL V1 as well? b) I have seen reference to updating the EG4-LL V1 firmware but I have not found V1 firmware on SS or EG4 websites.

I did try to add the EG4-LL-S but as soon as I connect the battery comm cable between the EG4-LL-S and EG4-LL V1, the EG4-LL-S has a fault light AND the breaker is tripped.

Any help would be appreciated.
Hi @drfort I am so sorry you haven't had a response! I'd like to see what happened here, we have been working diligently to ensure this is not the case anymore.
You will just need to apply the firmware to the batteries, I have attached the links below! If you'd like to reach out to me at with your email address, I would really like to find your email and ensure there are no communication issues that we need to address. If you have any issues getting the batteries updated or connected, there are 0 calls in the queue for tech support right now, it would be a great time to call for support!

Thank you @sunshine_eggo
I sent a request to SS about 10 days ago with no response ( and spent hours on hold) and I have reading several articles but do not have a clear understanding of how to add 2 EG4-LL-S batteries to my existing EG4-LL V1 batteries.

I have seen feedback to a) sever pin 6 if using LP4, does this apply to EG4-LL V1 as well? b) I have seen reference to updating the EG4-LL V1 firmware but I have not found V1 firmware on SS or EG4 websites.

I did try to add the EG4-LL-S but as soon as I connect the battery comm cable between the EG4-LL-S and EG4-LL V1, the EG4-LL-S has a fault light AND the breaker is tripped.

Any help would be appreciated.
For proper functionality, it is necessary to upgrade the EG4-LL S' with the multipack firmware to establish communication with the EG4-LL V1, which can be downloaded from the following link: or by using the Multipack Firmware sent in the post by @SignatureSolarJess

Alternatively, you can create a custom communication cable between the second LL-S and the EG4-LL V1, utilizing only pins 3, 7, and 8. This method allows communication without requiring a firmware update.
For proper functionality, it is necessary to upgrade the EG4-LL S' with the multipack firmware to establish communication with the EG4-LL V1, which can be downloaded from the following link: or by using the Multipack Firmware sent in the post by @SignatureSolarJess

Alternatively, you can create a custom communication cable between the second LL-S and the EG4-LL V1, utilizing only pins 3, 7, and 8. This method allows communication without requiring a firmware update.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I just ran into this exact problem today when I tried to add a new EG4-LL-S battery to my existing battery stack that included EG4-LL version 1 batteries. I didn't use the software that was pointed out here, but instead just made my own cable with pin 6 removed. I already had the crimper, ethernet cable, and connector ends, so that was much easier for me rather than attempting to update the EG4-LL-S firmware. It worked great and now I'm up and running again. This forum is awesome!
is it possible to see picture of your rack and lcd screens. I have the communication issue and even when i do the firmware multipack updates they don’t communicate, breaker trips and alarm light turns on.
is it possible to see picture of your rack and lcd screens. I have the communication issue and even when i do the firmware multipack updates they don’t communicate, breaker trips and alarm light turns on.
Your breaker is tripping because the EG4-LL S batteries are using the battery-com ports RJ45 pins (3,6) for the external RSD, these pins find continuity between other battery com ports and trip the breaker. You will need to build custom patch cables with only RJ45 pins (7,8).
is it possible to see picture of your rack and lcd screens. I have the communication issue and even when i do the firmware multipack updates they don’t communicate, breaker trips and alarm light turns on.

Removing Pin 6 for the standard ethernet cable on the battery communication port between the LL-S and the LL V1 would fix this.
please see attached pictures: Picture 1 is all my 4 LL-v1 in close loop communication; picture 2 is my 2 LL-S in close loop and picture 3 is when i have all 6 batteries together related without pin 6 between LL-S and LL-V1. LL-S are updated with multipack firmware and LL-V1 have Luxfirmware on them. Am i missing something ? The only good thing is that the breakers from the 2 LL-S don’t trip anymore. Please advise as i have two more on the way.


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please see attached pictures: Picture 1 is all my 4 LL-v1 in close loop communication; picture 2 is my 2 LL-S in close loop and picture 3 is when i have all 6 batteries together related without pin 6 between LL-S and LL-V1. LL-S are updated with multipack firmware and LL-V1 have Luxfirmware on them. Am i missing something ? The only good thing is that the breakers from the 2 LL-S don’t trip anymore. Please advise as i have two more on the way.

What protocol and port is being used from the master battery to the 18kPV?
I see on the pdf that it’s required to have the version V15P15 for the v1’s to communicate with the LL-S. But when i go on bms tools i see that the version i have is Z15T07. Anything about that also ? @EG4_Jared @SignatureSolarJess
Eric, Still no communication. As suggested i used the can port and installed the multipack firmware on the LL-v1. Currently only two batteries are trying to communicate LL-S with multipackfirmware as master and LL-V1 with multipack firmware through cat5 cable without pin 6. The 18kpv only reads the master battery.

Dip switch for master battery is on off off off off off
And second battery is off off on off
Eric, Still no communication. As suggested i used the can port and installed the multipack firmware on the LL-v1. Currently only two batteries are trying to communicate LL-S with multipackfirmware as master and LL-V1 with multipack firmware through cat5 cable without pin 6. The 18kpv only reads the master battery.

Dip switch for master battery is on off off off off off
And second battery is off off on off
Could you please provide a pictures of the battery connection setup you're using?
Hi @drfort I am so sorry you haven't had a response! I'd like to see what happened here, we have been working diligently to ensure this is not the case anymore.
You will just need to apply the firmware to the batteries, I have attached the links below! If you'd like to reach out to me at with your email address, I would really like to find your email and ensure there are no communication issues that we need to address. If you have any issues getting the batteries updated or connected, there are 0 calls in the queue for tech support right now, it would be a great time to call for support!

Thank you @sunshine_eggo

Is this only for 48V batteries, or any of the V1 variants?


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