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diy solar

Deye 5kw inverter no grid power and load power units showing


New Member
Sep 1, 2022
Greetings ,
I seem to have problem with my deye solar inverted lately, everything works well when sourcing power from panels during the day , however , the battery never kick in when the Lee is no solar power, my load is zero although it is present , the grid , which supplies then does provide power but thuu is d imported power is showing zero, this has been happening for a month and it is really frustrating . I kept settings that worked for year or so , any wisdom on what this cud be.
Thank u in advance
Greetings ,
I seem to have problem with my deye solar inverted lately, everything works well when sourcing power from panels during the day , however , the battery never kick in when the Lee is no solar power, my load is zero although it is present , the grid , which supplies then does provide power but thuu is d imported power is showing zero, this has been happening for a month and it is really frustrating . I kept settings that worked for year or so , any wisdom on what this cud be.
Thank u in advance
I have the same issue. The display (and Solarman monitor) for grid input and load output show zero power when connected to the grid even though power is present; displays correctly in off-grid mode.
I have the same issue. The display (and Solarman monitor) for grid input and load output show zero power when connected to the grid even though power is present; displays correctly in off-grid mode.
I have the same problem with parallel-connected 5kw hybrids; load power displays zero watts when inverters supply load.
If there is no DC power present, then the display will show 0's because DEYE monitoring shuts down when the DC bus is powered down.
Either PV or battery needs to be there for monitoring to function
I have the same issue. The display (and Solarman monitor) for grid input and load output show zero power when connected to the grid even though power is present; displays correctly in off-grid mode.
Hi Dd,
Did you ever get a solution for this strange issue? I have a similar behavior with Deye Hybrid 8Kw. It is connected to Pv modules, a battery system, and grid.
When grid is not switched ON, the inverter's display panel shows values of kilowatts correctly as per power from solar panels, and power going to loads. When grid is switched ON, the Inverter display shows Zero value Kilowatts for PV, grid, and Loads.
Why is this happening yet it's sunny outside and batteries are full ?Screenshot_20240522-203909.png
What if the battery is available, Pv, grid, loads also and the screen shows zero watts for PV, Loads, Grid ?
Hi all,
Good news....I finally managed to get to the root of this issue.
(Recall the issue was: That the deye inverter will display zero Watts for Pv, Grid, and Consumption; whenever the Grid power source engaged ).

Can you Guess what was "confusing" the inverter "brains" ?

I found that the residential building's recessed ceiling lights had a metal frame which was obviously grounded as per installation codes. The ground cables were daisy chained to the various lights. One of the lights grounding wires happened to be "black color" instead of green like the rest, for some reason. Now my guess is that during an electrical repair, someone found a black cable and assumed it is a Neutral and proceeded to terminate this end of cable to neutral bar on the consumer unit.
In the my laborious task of trying to find out why inverter was misbehaving on grid, I switched off all grid power at the utility connection point, powered off inverter, and checked the building installation resistance with an multimeter.
That's when I noticed that Neutral of the building and the Earth(ground) were connected to together, EVEN though the utility was fully isolated. That's when I started searching inch by inch, for the position where the Earth and Neutral were combining and finally traced to the ceiling 🙂.
On rectifying that neutral-Earth cable issue, I then reconnected all power sources and started up inverter.
It successfully connected to Grid and displayed correct values.
It's been running for 3 days and no problems. So I can say problem solved.
I hope this may help anyone who may face similar challenge....That the issue will be building installation related matter.IMG_20240613_174502.jpg

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