diy solar

diy solar

DIY Battery via Smart shunt to inverter integration (Solis etc)

Chose my correct ESPDEV platform and connection but keep keeping this error on MacOs. Might have to find a PC to try.


Error: Nothing to build. Please put your source code files to the '/Users/youcantseethis/Desktop/DiyBatteryBMS/.\src' folder
Chose my correct ESPDEV platform and connection but keep keeping this error on MacOs. Might have to find a PC to try.

View attachment 217733

Error: Nothing to build. Please put your source code files to the '/Users/youcantseethis/Desktop/DiyBatteryBMS/.\src' folder
In the platformio.ini there is a line that has .\src which tells it where to find the source. Try ./src, might be mac needs it in a different way.
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Tried on VSCode MacOS and couldn't get it to work however, it compliled and installed via windows machine. Having another issue. The WiFI comes up, connect to it but can't get to (note my DHCP on computer when connected to ESP is I even did a few factory resets but can't get to first setup page. Tried with two ESPs, no luck.

Tried in edge and chrome also incognito mode and not. Just can't get to config screen as you mention in readme.


Have you tried pinging it?

Also (I might be misunderstanding something) but isn't the address of your DHCP server and not the ESP32?
If you look at the instructions you connect to the ESP WiFi (which works) then put in to bring up the initial config page. The initial config page is not loading. Yes ping to works. You can see that the ESP is also issuing my device an IP, the .5 address.
If you look at the instructions you connect to the ESP WiFi (which works) then put in to bring up the initial config page. The initial config page is not loading. Yes ping to works. You can see that the ESP is also issuing my device an IP, the .5 address.
what esp device are you using?

Did you do a flash erase before flashing the device?

You are correct in trying to connect to that ip address, when it's in AP mode the IP address you connect to is or can use host name http://diy-smartbms.local/

I did test this and worked so am assuming it's something simple that we're missing.

Try opening the serial console to see what that is showing, see if there is any errors, just noticed the error is too many redirects so i'd try a phone and see if that works.
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Have you tried pinging it?

Also (I might be misunderstanding something) but isn't the address of your DHCP server and not the ESP32?
on first boot if the flash doesn't have any wifi details it defaults to creating a AP, it's default address is and then gives out ip addresses in that subnet.
LOL.. I'm obviously still thinking in 2022 terms, without all this new-fangled AP functionality ;) 🤣👵
@ChrisG If you want you can edit the wifiMQTTManager.h file and put your wifi details in, that will then mean it bypasses the AP and will just join to your network.
NOOO.... then I would have missed something I should have been aware of!!!
I have flash erase using Google chrome but maybe you have better steps/erase flash than I do. It’s definitely in AP mode as I can connect to the DIY-SMART BMS ssid and receive an IP from it.

These are the ESP32 boards I have:

This board has been running the non-UI V1 code for months.
Not sure if it's any better, but basically the steps you follow in VSCode and go to PlatformIO build task, there is another task for flash erase, probably just another way to do it.

Have you also done the Upload Filesystem Image as well? You have to do that or you won't get any webpage.

I have flash erase using Google chrome but maybe you have better steps/erase flash than I do. It’s definitely in AP mode as I can connect to the DIY-SMART BMS ssid and receive an IP from it.

These are the ESP32 boards I have:

This board has been running the non-UI V1 code for months.
If the upload of filesystem image isn't doing anything or you don't know what i mean try this.

Download this zip and extract it: Filesystem Image


Choose "Filesystem"

Choose the bin file from the zip, and it will flash the filesystem image, it should reboot and then try connecting to the IP address without /update at the end.
Ugh, forgot about the platform IO upload file system secondary task. Working now. Thanks for your help. @sijones2010 do you mind putting that step in the instructions. I completely forgot about it.

Just running v2 of this ESP stand alone, not connected to inverter. Noticed in the UI if you go the page to update MQTT settings and reboot, the ESP does not come back online, need to physically force a reboot through power off. Might wait to put this into production.
Just running v2 of this ESP stand alone, not connected to inverter. Noticed in the UI if you go the page to update MQTT settings and reboot, the ESP does not come back online, need to physically force a reboot through power off. Might wait to put this into production.
Do you have a can bus adapter connected?

Do you have the console serial on to be sure it's not rebooted?

After clicking reboot what is the state in the console serial log?

It works for me so am wondering what's different.
Do you have a can bus adapter connected?

Do you have the console serial on to be sure it's not rebooted?

After clicking reboot what is the state in the console serial log?

It works for me so am wondering what's different.
I’ll look at it in a bit. Yes have CAN adapter attached.
try pressing the button to reset on the board rather than power cycling and see if the same thing happens.

I can't see it being the ESP not rebooting but something with reconnecting to the wifi being the issue.

diy solar

diy solar