diy solar

diy solar

How much data is transmitted by your system? Trying to figure out IOT SIM card likely usage


New Member
Apr 15, 2024
I have no clue how much data is transmitted when Solar-Assistant is polling my Steca Solarix 5000-48 and I view the results over the web. I think I can set how often it polls, but I don't know what the data output will be because the entire system isn't set up yet. It's just the batteries and the inverter. No AC, no solar panels. Any idea how much data I might need to accommodate in a 24 hour period?
get wireshark and sniff traffic to and from home assistant, then you could estimate that with a good precision.
The problem is that the entire system is not set up and when it is, it will be 7,400km away. I figured somebody here might have some traffic stats based on their particular setup which could be useful. If they for example have a much more complex system, but bandwidth at or below what I would have no problem with, then I can make informed decisions even though my system is not the same.
It's probably not entirely useful for you, but my Victron Cerbo GX has used 5.69MB of data in the past 24 hours.
Assuming you are using the cellular data to connect to the SA box that's onsite, and just watching the dashboard, it might be similar to mine:
The additional data used for watching the dashboard with a browser is about 2 kilobits upload and 8 kilobits download. Your milage will vary, but something in that range.
Assuming you are using the cellular data to connect to the SA box that's onsite, and just watching the dashboard, it might be similar to mine:
The additional data used for watching the dashboard with a browser is about 2 kilobits upload and 8 kilobits download. Your milage will vary, but something in that range.
Thank you very much! Can you estimate how many minutes a day you access the dashboard?
Thank you very much! Can you estimate how many minutes a day you access the dashboard?
I can’t really answer that question.
First, I can’t really see SA from off the LAN, as it is on a separate VLAN.
Second, I have a permanent broadband connection of somewhere around 100 Mb, so I just leave my VPN tunnel up and don’t really care about the bandwidth I’m using.
Third, I have other monitoring software that puts the few statistics I care about (solar power, battery state of charge, AC load) on a simple webpage in an S3 bucket that I can get to from anywhere.
Fourth, while it might be fascinating to glance at it, I can’t imagine spending all day staring at the SA dashboard.
Fifth, most of my monitoring sends me an email when something significant happens in addition to a daily summary, so I don’t even have to check in on my webpages constantly.
I wouldn’t leave it nailed up 24x7, as that’s 3 or 4 gigabytes per month
Fourth, while it might be fascinating to glance at it, I can’t imagine spending all day staring at the SA dashboard.
I can't think of a better first date activity! "Hey, wanna see my graphs?"
Where can I read about how to setup an alerting system like you have?

diy solar

diy solar