diy solar

diy solar

"Hive mind" help with designing phase 2


Solar Enthusiast
Nov 21, 2023
Private USA
Hi forum friends. I have set a goal for myself to install a robust solar system. I have phase one (see link) of that system complete.

Looking forward to phase 2, pick apart this plan and see what I could improve please! Ideally keep in mind what you would do different, or what your ideal setup is now if you were to start over.

I have decided on ground mount due to weird roof, and plenty of space to do so.

Ground mount: Quoted Sinclair and MT solar. I want approximately 4 feet off the ground so I don't have to do snow removal. MT solar looks great, but is expensive. Can go full vertical, which would be ideal for the winter months. Sinclair is a trusted brand, and should be less expensive, but will not tilt to anywhere near vertical. This should be less than 250 ft from the inverter.

Panels: This ties in with the ground mount. I plan to use non-bifacials. Something like this. I have a very similar panel now on my small 2kW array, REC Pure 400AA and they are stellar performers. December and January, and I can still get very near full rated output at solar noon. My reason for this type of panel? The known entity, and the fact that I can max out the Sol-Ark 15k. They have the right VOC and such to do a full 19+kW setup. They are also shorter vertically than the larger 500+ watt panels so they SHOULD help with ground clearance if I go with Sinclair.

I have been trying to get a local installer to get back to me, but they seem elusive, and want to use bifacials, which I can only use about 12-13 kW of due to their VOC, etc. Not a great fit for my 500 volt limited inverter in a cold climate.

So, what am I missing? Am I being dumb to avoid bi-facials or larger panels? I like that bigger panels are less wiring, but it's not like I would be using 100 watt panels here.


Looking forward to phase 2. You guys and gals have been awesome. Hopefully I have helped others some too!
Hi, thank for the suggestion. The problem I ran into with two strings (when using 550 watt bifacials) is that the amperage exceeded the limits. The best I could do with that panel was 3 individual strings of 8 panels (one to each MPPT input) when running it through Sol-Ark's online panel calculator.

Basically doing two strings will run me into an amperage problem, where the single string is voltage limited. In my mind, I just have to find the right panel to optimize the strings instead of trying to make a certain panel work.
Would you be able to put two strings in parallel and get half the voltage?
Just to let you know Chrisski, that was exactly what I ended up spec'ing out in the end. Thanks for forcing me to keep an open mind, and re-visit panels that would work with a parallel setup. Going 7s2p I can get over 300ft without a lot of voltage drop.

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diy solar