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Seplos v3 comms with solar Assistant and EG4 3000EHV-48 (solved)


New Member
Jan 9, 2021
Ok, hope I'm posting this in the correct forum. I have an EG4 3000EHV-48 that I have been successfully using with a JK BT 8S-20S 120A through Solar Assistant. Recently I purchased two Seplos Mason v3.0 kits (48v) w/ active balance to replace the single JK.

I am banging my head against the wall trying to get the Seplos v3 to connect to Solar Assistant. I have used the Seplos adapter to connect to the Seplos 3.0 with my PC and update the firmware. But every attempt to connect it to Solar Assistant fails. I tried the Seplos adapter, I also bought a USB to RS485 adapter to make my own cable according to the pin out in the Seplos manual.

I'm using this adapter:
I emailed solar assistant for support, they said to select USB modbus for the battery. That has not changed anything. I get a "no response" message when trying to connect to the BMS. I have all dip switches off and the comm cable is in the left port for CAN/RS485. It does the same "no response" message when I use the middle port too.

Does anyone have experience getting The Seplos v3 to talk to solar assistant? How about just getting the Seplos v3 to talk straight to the 3000EHV-48? Can I just run a straight through Ethernet cable between the Seplos v3 and the 3000EHV-48 and select Pylon as the protocol on both?
You'll need to update SA software to latest version (05/23) to support V3 BMS.

This got it working for me. Thank you! I had to update Solar Assistant and change my dip switches to make the battery address 1. I thought it would auto assign an address from what the manual said, but nope. I had to do it the way that the manual for the old model specified. I thought I had updated it just a few days prior, but I guess I still was not on the latest version. It seems to be working ok. Not as much data as I had hoped for, but it's better than a stab in the rear with a sharp stick. In a perfect world it would report all cell voltages. Also the cell high and low voltages are not reported correctly. They are way off. The bluetooth app for the BMS says the max deviation was +/-0.03v. I'll give it some time and see if it changes.
SA is working on an update to display all individual cell voltages. I believe that’s supposed to come out in September timeframe if I recall correctly.
As for the cell voltages, they match what I see on PC software perfectly for my 3 packs.

I hope your numbers are incorrect, otherwise your battery is way out of balance!
This got it working for me. Thank you! I had to update Solar Assistant and change my dip switches to make the battery address 1. I thought it would auto assign an address from what the manual said, but nope. I had to do it the way that the manual for the old model specified. I thought I had updated it just a few days prior, but I guess I still was not on the latest version. It seems to be working ok. Not as much data as I had hoped for, but it's better than a stab in the rear with a sharp stick. In a perfect world it would report all cell voltages. Also the cell high and low voltages are not reported correctly. They are way off. The bluetooth app for the BMS says the max deviation was +/-0.03v. I'll give it some time and see if it changes.
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how did u do that.. mine also not responding my SA True RS485 to V3 BMS seplos.. can you share? on how? thanks
how did u do that.. mine also not responding my SA True RS485 to V3 BMS seplos.. can you share? on how? thanks
Are you running latest version of Solar Assistant (2024-05-23)?

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