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6000xp dongle connect


New Member
Jan 3, 2021
Seems there is a fair amount of issues getting the dongle to connect, I have searched the limited solutions with no luck. My issue is I can not connect with the, tried using 2.4G as some suggest, tried both the computer and the phone. Maybe I'm just not understanding the process. Anyone who has solved this issue I would appreciate a little insight. thanks
Seems there is a fair amount of issues getting the dongle to connect, I have searched the limited solutions with no luck. My issue is I can not connect with the, tried using 2.4G as some suggest, tried both the computer and the phone. Maybe I'm just not understanding the process. Anyone who has solved this issue I would appreciate a little insight. thanks

The 6000XP won't establish a connection via I recommend confirming that the router isn't set to auto-negotiate and that you're connecting solely to a 2.4GHz network. Sometimes, router firewalls block ports, requiring manual port opening. Other issues include excessive special characters in the home Wi-Fi password and not setting the home Wi-Fi to WPA2 encryption.
I would like to know this as well! It took me a month to figure what this network was and it is my 6000xp dongle, why is it even still broadcasting after initial setup?

Currently, it is not possible to turn this off. The Wi-Fi continues to broadcast for local connections. However, you can disconnect the Wi-Fi dongle, and the inverter will still operate as intended, but you will lose the monitoring capabilities.
Is there a way to turn off WiFi SSID broadcasting?

I've just noticed this. My dongle is broadcasting an entirely unsecured network using its unique identifier no less. This is a rather huge security issue. There must be a way to turn this off.
Isn't there an ethernet dongle, available at an extra charge, that replaces the wifi dongle? Calling @EG4_Jared ...

We do have an ethernet dongle available through our distributors.

Please post directions for 6000XP dongle.
Here is a guide on how to encrypt the Wi-Fi Dongle:

I’m going to have Current Connected update mine. @HighTechLab

But I really would think this is something that we should be able to do.
Amen. Not cool, EG4 - just give us the ability to update OUR equipment, which is what it becomes once we BUY it. I have no doubt the great folks at Current Connected or other good dealers will update us if/when needed, but we shouldn't have to rely on (and bother) them to do so. Just give us the ability to do things on our own! If we need dealer help we can always ask for it. But this BS of requiring it is just that: BS! Take note - this is DIY forum. We tend to like INDEPENDENCE.

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