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diy solar

Why is my stoven always on?

Some induction burners have some sort of power supply that on high has cooling fans keep thing cool. So they are far from silent. Least my parents unit does Samsung I think?, they did have major issues with one brand control board that was replaced once under warranty, second time was a multi hundred dollar repair with unknown longevity, needs to say they got another unit
Thanks for all of the responses everyone. This is an old fashioned electric. No induction, no gas. 40 amp dedicated circuit. It's a GE J BP23D R1WW.

What does it use when it's running?
Still waiting for usage results. It's been too hot to cook inside since I got the monitoring setup.
You might swap CT's with a another load and see if the problem follows the CT or the behavior stays the same.
If all else fails, I will try that.
That looks like an oven lighting element? This is a gas stove? I might guess that lighter element is randomly turning on without any gas flowing? Might be a bug in the computer chip, or something has gotten corrupted? You might try opening the oven door when the oven appears to be running and look for a dull-red glow from the bottom of the oven.

You might try unplugging the stove overnight, and then reboot the stove's chip the next morning. If a clean copy of the firmware is running, maybe this issue will go away.
I'll do some visual checks tonight and then unplug it to see if it keeps using power.
If you want to verify it's a burner, and don't have time to watch it all day, just leave something flammable on top of them.. it will be hard to miss. 😈
I'll get right on that ;)
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Oh Noes! Someone walked away from their computer for hours and hours!
Agghhh people have jobs!!! :D

Should we call an ambulance? The OP could be suffering from AED (acute electronic deprivation)? AED has to be taken very seriously! In teenagers it can be fatal!
Work provides plenty of electronic stimulation even if not on the solar forums. :)
If you don’t use it, open the breaker and get a wall clock. lol
I would absolutely unplug the range (i have never heard the term stoven)
And see if the behavior continues...
Or setup an infrared camera on the thing and see if anything gets hot...
Thanks for all of the responses everyone. This is an old fashioned electric. No induction, no gas. It's a GE J BP23D R1WW.

That probably has easily removed burners/coils. Remove the coils from the top of it overnight, when you aren't using it anyway.. see if it goes away. If it does, then it's probably the infinite switches wearing out. Then just do it one burner at a time overnight until you find the culprit.
Or setup an infrared camera on the thing and see if anything gets hot...
That would work, or even a regular camera if you can time lapse either of them. Gotta catch it in the act.. should be able to see them briefly light up red a bit even on a non infrared camera if it's really using 500-600 watts for 30-60 minutes.
That probably has easily removed burners/coils. Remove the coils from the top of it overnight, when you aren't using it anyway.. see if it goes away. If it does, then it's probably the infinite switches wearing out. Then just do it one burner at a time overnight until you find the culprit.
I'll try this later tonight. Thanks!
My microwave and one of my mini splits have idle draw that is to much to leave them plugged in. Its a pain unplugging them all the time. Eventually I will get around to putting them on switches.
500-600 watts when running seems kind of low for a regular electric burner.. maybe a small one might be using that much. Do you have that particular CT (breaker reader) set for 240vac in Emporia? By default it would be at 120vac.
I have a stove/oven combo. I recently installed the Emporia energy monitoring system and it shows that my oven is always using power. I know the clock is on, but half a kWh seems a little excessive and I would think it would be flat. Does this seem normal? What is causing these peaks (We aren't using the stove at 3AM!)?View attachment 226294
GE ?
Bad board
Check if an element is warm oven or broiler

Traces burn off the board the heat can be felt to the upper side clock
Element might be warm to the touch

If you don’t use a feature like broiler and it’s this part that has failed you ay or may not notice right away
It may not burn up completely untill you start to use that function

Sniff around for the aroma of burning electronics
It’s not a huge safety hazard but rather a know problem with Chinese parts

Similar problem with sone older electric driers
Heat coils sag ground out and cause the element to be partially on
That is more serious caused drier fires
No device can randomly make current draw like that. It's ramping up for 3hours, then flat for 6 and ramp down for 3 hours...
Maybe dehumidifier could draw like that following increasing and decreasing ambient humidity. Or some grow light....
For sure you don't dismiss if your stove is on at 500W for 6 hours!
The first oven/range we bought for our off-grid house was a bust. I told her it had to be gas, convertible to propane. She got one of the newer Samsung units. 400-600w glow plug igniter, always on. Convection fans, always on, etc etc. Kill-a-watt showed oven used 1600w. A gas oven. Sold it. Bought a Unique brand propane stove. No clock, no cord, no electricity.
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The first oven/range we bought for our off-grid house was a bust. I told her it had to be gas, convertible to propane. She got one of the newer Samsung units. 400-600w glow plug igniter, always on. Convection fans, always on, etc etc. Kill-a-watt showed oven used 2200w. A gas oven. Sold it. Bought a Unique brand propane stove. No clock, no cord, no electricity.
Gotta laugh at the junk being sold these days under the pretense of modern technology, we have a smeg propane stove, runs off a single D cell think I've changed it once in 8 years.
Gotta laugh at the junk being sold these days under the pretense of modern technology, we have a smeg propane stove, runs off a single D cell think I've changed it once in 8 years.
Yep, the Unique also uses a D battery for ignition. Love it. The Samsung was super fancy with fancy buttons, lights, even music! FFS!!
Yep, the Unique also uses a D battery for ignition. Love it. The Samsung was super fancy with fancy buttons, lights, even music! FFS!!
haha my sister in law has a induction hob that tells you about its status "cooking" "you have ten minutes till finished" "your food is done" she told us it broke ,we asked what was wrong does it not heat up anymore and she told us no it works fine but it stopped talking........
I was watching the app last night before doing any troubleshooting and I'm wondering if it's the emporia system. If I switch to hourly it says I haven't used any power since Monday. But if I switch to minute it says I'm using power intermittently, it the graph is showing zeros. 🤔

The CT is closed, facing the right direction. It's physically touching the other wire of the other leg. Would that matter?
500-600 watts when running seems kind of low for a regular electric burner.. maybe a small one might be using that much. Do you have that particular CT (breaker reader) set for 240vac in Emporia? By default it would be at 120vac.
I set it it to the 240 when I installed it.
I was watching the app last night before doing any troubleshooting and I'm wondering if it's the emporia system. If I switch to hourly it says I haven't used any power since Monday. But if I switch to minute it says I'm using power intermittently, it the graph is showing zeros. 🤔

The CT is closed, facing the right direction. It's physically touching the other wire of the other leg. Would that matter?
View attachment 226489View attachment 226490
It would likely have to be a bug in the firmware rather than false readings from the CT, as I said before as far as I'm aware CT interference tends to be big sporadic spikes or that's what I've seen on the 20 or so I have fitted around my farm.
Be interesting to look at the raw data from the CT clamps to see what it is seeing.

To OP, does the system have the option to download a csv file? If so can you upload it?
Be interesting to look at the raw data from the CT clamps to see what it is seeing.

To OP, does the system have the option to download a csv file? If so can you upload it?
So it's weird, ever since I noticed the issue and started messing with it, the spikes went away. I'm wondering if it's a broken part on the oven that is - currently - not shorting since I physically moved the oven and lifted the top.

But all that said, it's still weird that there are hours of (admittedly low) usage, then hours of no usage. If it was "just the clock" I would think it would be some small, constant amount.


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