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diy solar

PowMr crashed router/internet while charging


New Member
Jan 9, 2023
Hi all
I have a very strange behavior. I use a PowMr 3200VA 24V connected to daly BMS and 24V battery. When I use the PowMr offgrid (without 220V input) all works just fine. But as soon as I charge the battery via utility source my internet router (Swisscom via cooper cable) looses internet. Only turning the charging off and hard reset of router solves the issue.
First I thought it is because of EMI, so I put the inverter 10m away from the router and covered it with a metal shelf/frame. Still interference. Then I thought it might be because of the WiFi Dongle, but disconnecting did not solve it.
Now I guess it could be that while charging it messes up too much the power supply frequency? But router is connected to a DC adapter, should should not have any impact.
Does anyone has similar experience and maybe even a solution?
Interesting, I have my entire IT infrastructure (two servers, a tplink LTE router, 3 poe switches, 12 security cameras and so on) connected to a clone of PowMR 4.2kW 24V (y&h 4.2, but it ts the same thing). A very similar device.

I don't even have it in the UPS mode and nothing happens to my devices when switching between grid/battery/grid tie or charging.

So if these two units share design elements how come yours is causing the router to restart? First, let me ask, is the router the only thing connected? If so, perhaps try to add another load (100W at least) and see? Maybe it has issues maintaining voltage at too small of a load? (Just a guess).

If the voltage is fine and this indeed is EMI (most likely conducted not emitted, so covering the unit doesn't help) you need some AC noise filters, but before you spend money and discover they do nothing I'd do more troubleshooting.

I don't suppose you've an oscilloscope or you'd have used it by now, but maybe you know someone who can bring one to capture what's going on at the moment the router restarts?

Another thing worth trying is a different DC brick/wall adapter, but if you do make sure about the same polarity voltage and current capability.
Thanks for sharing your experience and fast reply. I do not have anything connected to AC Out on the inverter. I have it even turned off. I just start AC In and charging of battery and then internet goes down. Router is still up, but says no internet connection.
I have an oscilloscope and will connect it today to check the AC In.
I connected my oscilloscope and was a bit shocked about the AC noise it produces while charging the battery. Picture below (the first pic is without charging and by the way also the AC out running on battery is as smooth, the following pic are those while charging).
The Swisscom router is powered by a 12V adapter. I found on other forum in the internet that also switches are sensitive on AC noise and other inverters are causing same issue. I am very surprised, bc I thought a 12V adapter going to DC would have sufficient capacitor to smoothen the voltage. Well, I will sell that inverter for island solution then...

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