diy solar

diy solar

JK B2A8S20P - Software issue with password


New Member
Jul 6, 2024
Vienna, Austria
Hello everybody.

My JK BMS has a problem maybe either it´s S/W or with the app.

I changed both passwords to alphanumeric letters without special characters and i cannot change the values in the BMS app.

Once i put in the new password, the app won´t letme get into the settings, all regarding buttons are dark.

Is there a way to get quickly a temporarly pw to reset my BMS?

I tried from Version 4.9 upwards.

H/W version: V11.XA
S/W version: V11.45

Thanks and greetings from Vienna, Austria.
Hi. Thanks. I get a notice regarding my serial number that i had to put instead the letter a zero inside and it worked and my pw is set only with 0-9 numbers.

diy solar

diy solar