diy solar

diy solar


If the American people in large numbers stood up tomorrow and all at once decided we were going to shut down the leftists, boot out the globalists and take the government back, we would succeed and there’s nothing anyone could do to stop us. We’re the largest armed population in the world and by extension the largest army in the world by far.

I get it, the democrat's are putting this crap out there so they can take our rights away.
I was thinking this was a mr bannon, and mr stone's wet dream.

the song used a 80 million number :unsure: that's a lot of fishing(commercial/industrial)
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grizzzman, you got me there. you can find both me and the fishing for canon fodder topic repugnant(I get that Thanks!)

anyone that points a firearm at a cop or national guard members is canon fodder IMO.
my views were formed back in the mid 70's while in the army, and that was before drones, M4's and GPS
once they have your GPS location your done/out of the fight IMO.

''I, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and of the State of America
against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to them; and that I will obey the orders
of the President of the United States
And if you were commanded to shoot your kid who had a gun in his hand would you?
And if you were commanded to shoot your kid who had a gun in his hand would you?
grizzzman, this is not a kids game they are playing, they are fishing for you and me.

but to your question, not my kid if it was pointed at me, but if his gun is pointed at someone else :unsure:
or if it was some other kid(even my crackhead nephew) pointing at me or mine, I'd pull the Triger.
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aeync, do you think the link you posted is from the democrats?

habitual Liar that is running this country to stop attempting to divide this country.
if we could find out who is doing the fishing, we could find out who is dividing this country :unsure:
nothing divides a country like a call to arms.
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what in the name of Sweet Baby Jesus is that shit? that looks like something my wife would build, and the bike like thing looks like something my 12 year old daughter would want..
Yeah if he said he built it for his 12 year old granddaughter Id say okay, a republican might go there. But the idea of him poking around town on this moped thing (with a power kickstand no less) is about the most pansified thing I can imagine.
Tommy you better tell us this thing tears up 0-100 mph runs in 7 seconds or we're gonna have to take away your man card.
We know the reality is it tops out at 22 mph and youre terrified at even that.
ken, only a fucking sick mind could post something like that. while it's true I may just be an extra in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
you my man, are a sad example of the human race, and when I'm standing in front of my maker he's going to ask why I didn't use a
baseball bat on the back of your fucked up head when I seen the problem, I'm not going to have a good answer.

View attachment 227933

sick mind or foreign troll, baseball bat unscrambles both.
Thats a charming little story but AP is well known for DNC propaganda. They identify two people yet mock right wing critics. They did nothing to disprove their claims.
Yeah if he said he built it for his 12 year old granddaughter Id say okay, a republican might go there. But the idea of him poking around town on this moped thing (with a power kickstand no less) is about the most pansified thing I can imagine.
Tommy you better tell us this thing tears up 0-100 mph runs in 7 seconds or we're gonna have to take away your man card.
We know the reality is it tops out at 22 mph and youre terrified at even that.
ha ha ha Tommy, I had to set my daughters speed limiter to 20 to keep her out of trouble. you do not want to challenge her to a speed contest!


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ha ha ha Tommy, I had to set my daughters speed limiter to 20 to keep her out of trouble. you do not want to challenge her to a speed contest!
Can’t believe you can still get the 3 wheelers.
Been outlawed here for 40 years..

I remember trying to ride those on trails fast with those balloon tires.
Would just toss your right off from bouncing.

I think the sidewalls are a lot stiffer now and lower profile.
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Can’t believe you can still get the 3 wheelers.
Been outlawed here for 40 years..

I remember trying to ride those on trial fast with those balloon tires.
Would just toss your right off from bouncing.

I think the sidewalls are a lot stiffer now and lower profile.
yeah, both of these are at least 40 years old. I was initially searching for quads but they are rare here in japan so I picked up the two three wheelers this was 5 years ago, now we have three quads and two three wheelers, I feel like a ATV salesman we have so many.
ken, you didn't make them bikes?

you are correct, the motor on the front wheel was only geared for 10 mph for hills/trails
the rear wheel motor was geared for 25mph. toggle switch on handlebars for shifting between them.

do you have images of one you did build? as you can see I have lots to learn

I have found over the years the best way to teach our kids/grandkids how to safely(keep our fingers) when using bench grinders,
bands saws, lathes and bridgeport mills, even hand tools is with DIY projects.(the sillier the better)
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Someone almost finished the job .... shot at him and hit him in the ear.

They are having trouble getting joe out .... Trying to take Trump out instead.
False flag or not, a whole lot of people are going to fall for it. (In fact are already falling for it)

The agenda will be to put conservative and liberty movement principles on trial and paint them as ideals of calamity. Meritocracy, individualism, independence, personal liberty, responsibility and discipline, free markets, private property, everything that makes up the foundations of western civilization is going to be put on the pyre. Giving Trump an easy win against a cognitive deficient like Biden (or any other weak candidate) might be a setup; letting conservatives gain a moment of power only to find they’re sitting on the throne of a crumbling castle.
Explain your thoughts please.

Read the link.
While I do not necesserely agree with his thesis, i agree with the general priciple.
Trump will be installed, but my thesis is that it will be Trump who will lead us to the brave new world (of digital surveilance and digital control), but a vast majority of people will jump right along because "trump".
I sincerely hope to be proven wrong, but based on pure math of economics and debt, the point of no return has been long passed, and the piper will be paid. Economic reset always results in chaos. The only question is for how long and what happens on the other side.
With all the digital prisons already built and tested during Covid, the future does not look promising unless we have some sort of wide awakening.
Remember, for the "Great reset" to work, they absolutely must destroy the "old order" and this maybe the match that ignites the keg in the final act. If people fall for it.

(BTW, the rumors on Trump VP picks are superdisappointing, both "rumors" are deep deep staters.
Unless he picks Massie or Rand Paul (Who at least on paper are pro-individual liberty) I will be firmly convinced that the whole "Trump" thing is a dud.
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diy solar

diy solar