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diy solar


Read the link.
While I do not necesserely agree with his thesis, i agree with the general priciple.
Trump will be installed, but my thesis is that it will be Trump who will lead us to the brave new world (of digital surveilance and digital control), but a vast majority of people will jump right along because "trump"
To me the link did not show up tell I posted my comment. It is there when I refreshed the page.
False flag or not, a whole lot of people are going to fall for it. (In fact are already falling for it)

The agenda will be to put conservative and liberty movement principles on trial and paint them as ideals of calamity. Meritocracy, individualism, independence, personal liberty, responsibility and discipline, free markets, private property, everything that makes up the foundations of western civilization is going to be put on the pyre. Giving Trump an easy win against a cognitive deficient like Biden (or any other weak candidate) might be a setup; letting conservatives gain a moment of power only to find they’re sitting on the throne of a crumbling castle.
Good read an viewpoint. Thanks.
Unless he picks Massie or Rand Paul
Massie is actually my Congressman, his home is not 30 miles from us. He's a real maverick, is pretty much off grid, and is not your normal Congress Critter. Glad he's my representative.

His wife tragically died a couple weeks ago, I still haven't heard what happened to her. They were vacationing out west right before she passed, but don't know if she had been ill or not.

He's not going to get picked, nor Rand Paul, even tho they'd be great picks. Lots of folks seem to think Rubio is the front runner, but I hope not. I think JD Vance would be a decent choice, but his lack of experience might work against him. He would be a good pick to rally the Rust Belt states, tho

Some are suggesting Tulsi Gabbard might be a dark horse pick. She's a former Dem, but left the party years ago because of their hard left turn. She's well spoken, a veteran, and was a former Representative. But don't know a lot about her to say yea or nay.

Yeah I could see them letting Trump back in only to have it collapse around him only to blame him and his supporters. The national debt is not getting paid back, and even tho the stock market is at ATH, the economy is in the crapper and not recovering. We're on a knife's edge and there's lots of matches waiting on a spark to set it off.

My biggest fear is the Ukraine fiasco turning into a hot kinetic war real fast. NATO is itching to get something started with Russia, even tho Ukraine is done. It wouldn't surprise me if this gets escalated before the election.
Yeah, I saw a BBC reporter interview someone who saw this guy clambering up on this roof with a rifle and they were pointing him out to LEO's minutes before the speech started yet did nothing.

Folks say the SS did a great job, maybe after the fact. But there's no excuse to not have every rooftop scoped out within 300 yards of the stage. Totally unacceptable.
“We’re done talking about the debate. It’s time to put Trump in the bull’s-eye,” he said. “We can’t go another day, another day, without explaining what he’s doing, and we have to go after him.”
No matter your political affiliation, if you can't see that this would be all over the news, were the situation reversed, then you are intentionally ignoring the reality of the situation.
any bets he is gay tranny?

If he has a manifesto won't ever see it. Never happened .... "known by fbi " coming up
Meds coming up.

Imagine foreign news scoops the picture. Is he gay. We know it was evil ar15 though.

any bets he is gay tranny?

If he has a manifesto won't ever see it. Never happened .... "known by fbi " coming up
Meds coming up.

Imagine foreign news scoops the picture. Is he gay. We know it was evil ar15 though.

View attachment 228581
FBI already trying to tie him to Republican Party while they scrub his social media and email.
The FBI likely shot him because he missed.
Truth right here folks. I think the Secret service was fucking up, 500 meters is the minimum range for a protective detail in most countries. this guy was well under that... probably about 150-200 meters if you ask me.

so lets play conspiracy theory... one of bidens pet LGBTQXYZ types is used as the shooter and told he will get put in witsec if he pulls it off.

secret service and police were supposedly told by bystanders that there was a guy with a weapon on a rooftop... neither did anything until the shooter shot...and missed. (at that range?) yeah, I would hire black rock (not sure of the current company name) to provide for my own security if I was Trump, and refuse the secret service protection until I was in office and could fire 50% of them.
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But, But...he didn't miss, he seemed to have the elevation right, he didn't figure the wind gradients :unsure: .
Any shot that doesn't kill would be classed as a miss when it comes to assassination. Didn't you see the secret service hold him up and in the open hoping someone else would take a shot likely the other riflemen saw the first guy go down and decided f-that.
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Didn't you see the secret service hold him up and in the open hoping someone else would take a shot likely the other riflemen saw the first guy go down and decided f-that.
ThaiTaffy, seems the only time mr trump was exposed by the secret service was while a moving target. the active shooter
had a stationary target yet missed his mark, hard to see that conspiracy theory.

or ken's "one of bidens pet LGBTQXYZ types" hard to picture a girly guy putting in that much time at the range. :unsure:

Any shot that doesn't kill would be classed as a miss when it comes to assassination.
history has shown us you don't always need a kill shoot to change outcomes.


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ThaiTaffy, seems the only time mr trump was exposed by the secret service was while a moving target. the active shooter
had a stationary target yet missed his mark, hard to see that conspiracy theory.
Looks pretty stationary to me once he was lifted up and there was a good few seconds before they felt the need to actually cover his head...
Likely your American news edited the clip heavily. I'm not shouting conspiracy I'm purely stating facts, I'm not American I have no horse in this race but from people informing law enforcement of a shooter before shots were taken to the poor security detail after it's hard not to think something funny was going on.
Looks pretty stationary to me once he was lifted up
ThaiTaffy, wasn't that on mr trump(showmanship) in that video. :unsure: they seemed to be doing there jobs.
two people seeing the same video, yet seeing different things :unsure:

hard not to think something funny was going on.
I'm thinking it's the other way around, conspiracy theories are the easy answer. the truth
requires more thought, and a few facts IMO
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Truth right here folks. I think the Secret service was fucking up, 500 meters is the minimum range for a protective detail in most countries. this guy was well under that... probably about 150-200 meters if you ask me.

so lets play conspiracy theory... one of bidens pet LGBTQXYZ types is used as the shooter and told he will get put in witsec if he pulls it off.

secret service and police were supposedly told by bystanders that there was a guy with a weapon on a rooftop... neither did anything until the shooter shot...and missed. (at that range?) yeah, I would hire black rock (not sure of the current company name) to provide for my own security if I was Trump, and refuse the secret service protection until I was in office and could fire 50% of them.

Yeah I dunno.

In most cases I think it really is as simple as hiding in the bushes or scrambling up a roof.

The only reason these things don't happen more often is because people don't attempt them, not because they are made difficult by armed guards and security detail.
seems the only time mr trump was exposed by the secret service was while a moving target
I was just pointing out this statement was incorrect.
wasn't that on mr trump in that video. :unsure: they seemed to be doing there jobs.
Yes it was on him but I would imagine they as a protective detail should go against his wishes to fulfill their duties.
I'm thinking it's the other way around, conspiracy theories are the easy answer. the truth requires more thought, and a few facts IMO
I've only stated facts no theories.

If I was to say "trump staged the whole thing to sway votes" or "The secret service planned it as trump might rely on private security in the future as he did in the past by using private intelligence rather than rely on the CIA" those would be theoretical.

Edit: tell a lie saying the FBI shot him because he missed was technically a theory but I said it more in humour.

diy solar

diy solar