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My biggest fear is the Ukraine fiasco turning into a hot kinetic war real fast. NATO is itching to get something started with Russia, even tho Ukraine is done. It wouldn't surprise me if this gets escalated before the election.

Ukraine fiasco will only turn hot if they so desire.
The entire Russia-Ukraine conflict is made up and Russia is an absolute participant in this theater.

Remind me again who it is that does the violence.

It's been reported that Mayorkas has has denied increased security for Trump several times ..... Don't know if that's true, but it is included in the text of this report.

It IS true that Biden has repeatedly denied RFK Jr Secret Service protection.

I watched an interview of a former Secret Service agent who laid out very clearly how this is an obvious failure of the lead person in the Secret Service who job it was to do a site survey .... Failure to secure such an obvious vantage point was clear incompetence on someone's part.
People in the area where the shooter was did their best to try to alert the police and secret service .... many of them say they were attempting to point out the shooter for several minutes ...... There should have been radio contact with the agents on the stage who immediately got him off the stage.
No doubt this is a massive Secret Service failure.

Any bets that someone was a DEI pick ..... kinda like the current he of the Secret Service who has been determined to hire more like her.
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Remind me again who it is that does the violence.

It's been reported that Mayorkas has has denied increased security for Trump several times ..... Don't know if that's true, but it is included in the text of this report.

It IS true that Biden has repeatedly denied RFK Jr Secret Service protection.

I watched an interview of a former Secret Service agent who laid out very clearly how this is an obvious failure of the lead person in the Secret Service who job it was to do a site survey .... Failure to secure such an obvious vantage point was clear incompetence on someone's part.
People in the area where the shooter was did their best to try to alert the police and secret service .... many of them say they were attempting to point out the shooter for several minutes ...... There should have been radio contact with the agents on the stage who immediately got him off the stage.
No doubt this is a massive Secret Service failure.

Any bets that someone was a DEI pick ..... kinda like the current he of the Secret Service who has been determined to hire more like her.
you win the prize it is mayorkas. biden appointed soooooo................
Who is in charge of the secret service? Where do there paychecks come from? Who has control over resource allocation? This clearly lands on the shoulders of the Biden administration. The left has been trying to get Trump out of the picture since 2016 non-stop.
Kimberly Cheatle. She had retired from the Secret Service in 2021 and taken a job as a senior director managing global security at PepsiCo North America before Biden nominated her to serve as the agency’s director the following year.

Rest assured no Fritos were injured in the event.
Kimberly Cheatle. She had retired from the Secret Service in 2021 and taken a job as a senior director managing global security at PepsiCo North America before Biden nominated her to serve as the agency’s director the following year.

Rest assured no Fritos were injured in the event.
That is correct but who does she ultimately answer to?
His parents were both counselors. So I'm betting he was psycho and was "known" to the FBI, like most shooters. We never hear the part where the FBI gave them a little nudge ahead of the shooting.
yep how much you want to bet he was on a cocktail of drugs? it does not take much to set off a person whose brain is fried on prescription drugs, especially the ones they dole out to kids these days.

"Crooks tried out for the school's rifle team but was turned away because he was a bad shooter, said Frederick Mach, a current captain of the team who was a few years behind Crooks at the school."

"He was armed with an AR-style rifle that his father reportedly bought for him at least six months ago."

Did his skill improve enough in 6 months to come within 4" at 400'?
Because if he was not accurate enough to do that, other ideas about what just took place might come to mind.

I agree, let us not forget the innocent bystanders who were killed and injured by this person.

My point being that part was within his known ability. Random people in a crowd.

But coming so close to his intended target, while rushed because an officer had just confronted him on the roof, would be challenging for anyone.
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"Crooks tried out for the school's rifle team but was turned away because he was a bad shooter, said Frederick Mach, a current captain of the team who was a few years behind Crooks at the school."

"He was armed with an AR-style rifle that his father reportedly bought for him at least six months ago."

Did his skill improve enough in 6 months to come within 4" at 400'?
Because if he was not accurate enough to do that, other ideas about what just took place might come to mind.

My point being that part was within his known ability. Random people in a crowd.

But coming so close to his intended target, while rushed because an officer had just confronted him on the roof, would be challenging for anyone.
400 feet? thats only 120 meters. @ 200 meters with a worn out vietnam era M16A1 I could put all ten shots in the bullseye from the offhand position. (standing with no brace or rest.) they should have had all rooftops within 500 meters secured..... If this was not on purpose then it was incompetence. In either case heads at the secret service need to roll.

I stand by my comment, he would be better served paying for his own security until he gets back into office.
400 feet? thats only 120 meters. @ 200 meters with a worn out vietnam era M16A1 I could put all ten shots in the bullseye from the offhand position. (standing with no brace or rest.) they should have had all rooftops within 500 meters secured..... If this was not on purpose then it was incompetence. In either case heads at the secret service need to roll.

I stand by my comment, he would be better served paying for his own security until he gets back into office.
Likely he was forced to use Secret Service, Trump is well known for using private organisations as I said earlier he relied heavily on private intelligence during his time in office rather than deal with the CIA and the bureaucracy that comes with it.

I would guess people are already suggesting headlines would have been very different if he had used private security as they would have likely shot the guy before he made it onto the roof which I don't think would be the case, if security was doing their job properly men would have been placed at any and every vantage point rendering an attack impossible. Here's the issue though forget trump for a second, if security had been doing their job those poor innocent people who were harmed and killed would be fine.
Inside job.

A 1st grader would have known that those AGR buildings would have to be secured.

Who brought the long ladder and put it up against the building? This frame came out of a stream from a news helicopter.


Here's the same entrance image as it is stored on Microsoft Bing maps. There is no building-mounted ladder:
No Ladder.jpg

Link - People pointing out the bad guy climbing up on a roof and nobody makes a radio call?

Link - A cop supposedly confronted the shooter on the roof and then walked away?

Link - Those two Secret Service "snipers" on the roof of the red building actually slithered backwards when he started firing. (EDIT - This video has been pulled from X. I watched it dozens of times - those two guys NEVER fired.)

Inside job.
Inside job.

A 1st grader would have known that those AGR buildings would have to be secured.

Who brought the long ladder and put it up against the building? This frame came out of a stream from a news helicopter.

View attachment 228746

Here's the same entrance image as it is stored on Microsoft Bing maps. There is no building-mounted ladder:
View attachment 228747

Link - People pointing out the bad guy climbing up on a roof and nobody makes a radio call?

Link - A cop supposedly confronted the shooter on the roof and then walked away?

Link - Those two Secret Service "snipers" on the roof of the red building actually slithered backwards when he started firing. (EDIT - This video has been pulled from X. I watched it dozens of times - those two guys NEVER fired.)

Inside job.
need some form of providence/proof of the timing of these photos. the one with the ladder could be after the fact. (not saying your wrong mind you.) now if you had the body lying there in the photo deader than a door nail then that would be some providence
I don't think it's about votes in his case .... it's about getting information out there. He has an abrasive personality kinda like 1.0 ..... but he does his best to find the truth in things.
If you look at other videos of him, he engages very well with people protesting for the other side.

Too early to tell if he will be in it for the long term ..... or maybe even be a possible vice presidential pick.

I do stir the pot .... I think a dialog .... as long as it's possible to remain at all civil .... is good for everyone. Some are partisan beyond repair and find it impossible to listen to ideas they disagree with.
I try to consider all points of view .... maybe for only a microsecond sometimes before I get too ill to look at more.

We are being trained to hate each other ... as some on here have demonstrated. We have to guard ourselves closely to prevent us becoming the red guard.
I think it's OK to call total BS on someone .... but I draw the line when it comes to wishing others harm.
I love you Guys :love:
I must say I was really annoyed by Biden's address to the Nation last evening. The fact he had to mention the Capital Riot as unacceptable violence but conveniently forget all the riots before it was an indication that violence from the "approved groups" was OK but darn it you right wing thugs have no excuse.

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diy solar