diy solar

diy solar


The thing that has me annoyed ATM is the footage of far-right idiot Tommy Robinson and his band of nazi followers all cheering on Trump and the US YouTubers saying "see even the British love trump" it's actually a pretty big negative for me.

I volunteered at an Alzheimer's day center when I was in my teens and every time i see biden he reminds me of those days so I wish you Americans all the best with this upcoming election.
Inside job.

A 1st grader would have known that those AGR buildings would have to be secured.

Who brought the long ladder and put it up against the building? This frame came out of a stream from a news helicopter.

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Here's the same entrance image as it is stored on Microsoft Bing maps. There is no building-mounted ladder:
View attachment 228747

Link - People pointing out the bad guy climbing up on a roof and nobody makes a radio call?

Link - A cop supposedly confronted the shooter on the roof and then walked away?

Link - Those two Secret Service "snipers" on the roof of the red building actually slithered backwards when he started firing. (EDIT - This video has been pulled from X. I watched it dozens of times - those two guys NEVER fired.)

Inside job.

I agree fully. The more I think about it the more it makes sense given everything else that has happened so far.
Trump will be installed, and what happens next will be interesting. (Especially given that VP is pretty much guaranteed to be a deep stater at this point). I also find our favorite technocrat Musk dancing around this pretending to be a "freedom fighter" very interesting.
Either way, "The Great Reset" will be pushed down our throats, if we let it.
But it seems a vast majority of people are falling for this.
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The thing that has me annoyed ATM is the footage of far-right idiot Tommy Robinson and his band of nazi followers all cheering on Trump and the US YouTubers saying "see even the British love trump" it's actually a pretty big negative for me.

I volunteered at an Alzheimer's day center when I was in my teens and every time i see biden he reminds me of those days so I wish you Americans all the best with this upcoming election.
not sure whats going to happen, I predict a soft coup on the democrats part. they did it once during the 2016-2020 years, i think they will do it again.

Long-time readers of this column will know that the revelation of the deep state that we are now witnessing did not begin this month. In fact, it has been going on for at least a decade now, as I documented in my 2016 editorial on "Deep State Rising":

[. . .] [A]n odd phenomenon has taken place in recent years and intensified in recent months: the idea of a "deep state" or a "shadow government" controlling politics, even in the US, is becoming mainstream.
It has graced the cover of any number of recent books, including "Deep State: Inside the Government Secrecy Industry" and "The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government."
It has found its way into the online political media from both the left (Salon) and the right (The American Conservative) ends of the controlled political spectrum.
It has been invoked by mainstream financial analysts to describe the actions of the Federal Reserve.
It has been revisited by Bill Moyers on his website.
It has found its way into the headlines of The Boston Globe ("Vote all you want. The secret government won’t change") and The New York Times ("America’s ‘Establishment’ Has Embraced ‘Deep States’").
Heck, it has even been talked about on the World Bank's blog.
Yes, the term "deep state" entered the MSM's vocabulary about a decade ago and has been around ever since, finding its way into various editorials and think pieces and books and blogs and TV chat shows.

Of course, we conspiracy realists and researchers know the real history of the term. We know that the term "deep state" is derived from the Turkish term derin devlet. We know that the term entered Turkish political dialogue after the Susurluk incident exposed what many in Turkey had long suspected: a behind-the-scenes network of politicians, military officers, bureaucrats, intelligence agents and organized criminals wielded the real political power in the country, not the nominal government in Ankara.

We also know that the "deep state" idea made the jump into English thanks to the work of scholars and speakers like Peter Dale Scott and Phillip Giraldi, whose diligent research (and mainstream credibility) ensured that mainstream media had to at least address the idea.

Back in 2016, I was content to identify the phenomenon of the popularization and legitimization of the deep state idea and to ask readers to speculate on why this was taking place. But now we have the answer.

If you pay attention, you'll notice it everywhere these days. "Of course Biden isn't really running the country! That's childish thinking. Instead, it's a team of serious, competent, cognitively unimpaired professionals, lifelong bureaucrats and top-ranking aides who know the system and can make things work behind the scenes."

This leads predictably enough to the next part of this Problem-Reaction-Solution dialectic: "Yes, of course the deep state exists. And it's a good thing!"

Indeed, the narrative about the deep state is now following the same pattern that the narrative surrounding every piece of conspiracy reality follows. To wit:

First: "It's not real. It's NOT real. IT'S NOT REAL! You're a tinfoil conspiracy looney wingnut and you live in your mom's basement and eat lead paint if you think it's real."

Then: "Of course it's real, and it's a good thing!"

We've seen it happen with the "conspiracy theory" that the US government is collaborating with Al Qaeda and other terrorists. We've seen it happen with the "conspiracy theory" about chemtrails. And now we're seeing it happen with the "conspiracy theory" about the deep state.

Quite an effective psyop, isn't it? So effective, in fact, that most of the population won't even notice that the revelation has occurred. They will just enter it into their political calculus as if it's always been there.

Either: "Yeah! Let's vote in Trump so he can kick out the deep state!" Or: "We need the deep state to protect us from this rogue president!" (You'll note that "rogue president" could refer to either Trump or Biden depending on your political orientation on the fake, controlled left/right political spectrum.)

So, to recap: The deep state is now being officially acknowledged. The idea that the president is not running the country is being normalized. People are being prepared to admit that the idea that they're really (s)electing one man to run the country every four years is a childish fairy tale that never really made sense.

In other words: the emperor is wearing no clothes.

Now, there's just one last part to this fable before the story is over . . .



It does not take a great deal of imagination to see how this "deep state" narrative (the mainstream one, not the conspiracy realist one) will play out in the coming years. After the term has been normalized and people have become used to the idea that they are not picking a leader to rule over the country but a team of competent, well-connected professionals who can get things done, the next step is inevitable. And that next step is technocracy.

After all, technocracy is, according to the dictionary definition, about equivalent to this mainstream version of the deep state. It's about rule not by a single man but by a team of economists, engineers, scientists and other technical experts. Of course, we know that the real definition of technocracy is a bit more detailed than that, but the average person will not have to be led very far from the idea that the president himself is more of a dispensible figurehead than a "Commander-in-Chief" to the idea that we should actively want this team of selfless scientists to use their skills to manage our society.

Once again, unravelling the threads of this grand narrative exposes how dire the situation truly is. For those of us who know what technocracy is really about—the complete control of society and of every individual within it by a shadowy, unaccountable, eugenics-obsessed gaggle of elitists who are hell-bent on depopulation—we know that the last thing we want to do is actively embrace this technocratic nightmare or encourage it in any way.

But once again, this dark moment brings with it a built-in silver lining. The powers-that-shouldn't-be cannot bring about this drastic shift in public understanding without undermining the idea of the president and the very idea of the "democratic system" that has been their main weapon of political control for so long.

For those of us who wish to expose The Most Dangerous Superstition—the belief in authority—for what it actually is, there has never been a better time for us to reach new people with the good news that freedom is the answer to our problems. As people start to see through the sham of the (s)election circus, as the president is revealed to be a mere figurehead and the four-year (s)election ritual exposed for the sideshow circus that it really is, people are more ready than ever before to hear the startling truth: government has never existed anywhere but in your mind.

Yes, the people are watching the shadows on the cave wall with more interest than ever. Yes, Biden's first live news conference since the debates just garnered more viewers than this year's Oscars. But that's because, for the first time, people are noticing that there's something very strange about this fable. For the first time, they're beginning to realize that the political show that entertains us on the glowing TV screen isn't reality. It isn't even a fairy tale. Instead, it's a puppet show that's being cast by shadows on a cave wall.

For the first time in a long time, the people are ready to turn their heads and see the puppet show for what it is. They're ready to be led out of the cave and see the light of the sun directly for the first time.

Are you ready to lead them there?

Good. Let's get to work.
More and more that I see, this can't have not been planned.

It's hard to watch this, it's especially chilling to see the perp crawling across the rooftop getting into position. You feel sadness, rage and shock all at the same time. This wasn't the first assassination attempt and won't be the last, but it's still hard to believe something like this happened.
It's hard to watch this, it's especially chilling to see the perp crawling across the rooftop getting into position. You feel sadness, rage and shock all at the same time. This wasn't the first assassination attempt and won't be the last, but it's still hard to believe something like this happened.
I think this was the first real assassination attempt, there's no way that this guy completely acted alone. He may not even have known he was being helped, either. Someone came through and cleared the way. How did he know there would be a ladder to the roof? Or that a roof even had a sight line to the podium? Where did he get the gun? Where did he sight the gun in? You don't just buy a gun with scope and go out and hit the bullseye on a 130 yard shot on the first try.

How did he know what he needed to do? Some random 20 year old wouldn't know how to do this by himself.
I think this was the first real assassination attempt
I was talking historically, it's a very rare occurrence, but its after affects are world changing. In an instant, everything changes. Look at the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand and it's ultimate outcome, World War I.

By a couple inches we may have averted a new Civil War.

I agree with your points tho in what happened Saturday. It just all smells fishy.
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How did he know what he needed to do? Some random 20 year old wouldn't know how to do this by himself.
Being a orderly (assistant dietician- yeah right) at a nursing care facility he would have training in infiltration and sniper tactics. Undoubtedly the place he worked was a covert indoctrination center. The hard part was carrying a large ladder and the AR15 at the same time as he approached the building.

Nothing about this seems to make sense.
I doubt it.
Name might be true as someone knew him.

Doesn’t seem like something a cop would do.
Especially going to 4chan or 8kun right after and posting something like this.

Even if true.

Truth is stranger than fiction sometimes but I wouldn’t give it any credence until further investigation is done.

Plenty of non FBI retired LEOs looking into this.
Eerie, And for some of you folks, no I am in no way intending anything disparaging, disrespectful or negative against/about the Iwo Jima memorial (I expect that there are those that do not know, will not recognize or even know the history behind the memorial).


I must say I was really annoyed by Biden's address to the Nation last evening. The fact he had to mention the Capital Riot as unacceptable violence but conveniently forget all the riots before it was an indication that violence from the "approved groups" was OK but darn it you right wing thugs have no excuse.
Like it never happened:
Eerie, And for some of you folks, no I am in no way intending anything disparaging, disrespectful or negative against/about the Iwo Jima memorial (I expect that there are those that do not know, will not recognize or even know the history behind the memorial).

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That was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw this pic, damn it's like the famous Iwo Jima photo. Like you, no disrespect to those Marines, but the similarity is striking.

And like that pic from 79 years ago, it will be an indelible image forever. No doubt it will be a Pulitzer Prize winning picture.

diy solar

diy solar