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diy solar

SOLARMAN / Sunsync Connect / Deye Stick Logger are garbage


Inventor of the Electron
Sep 29, 2021
Normally, when you have a networked device like a router, you can connect to it and login to the admininstrative interface.

With Deye's stick logger, all you can do is login to it for the sole purpose of configuring it to connect to your home WiFi, so that DEYE engineers and other 3rd party software can access, login, and manage, and collect information from your inverter. You, on the other hand, don't get direct access.

There is no way for the user to view or access the inverter's management interface directly though the WIFI logger. Super irritating and stupid.

If you want to somehow get access to your device wirelessly, you have to sign up for an account (why?) with the crap Chinese software SOLARMAN (developed by Deye?), give SOLARMAN all your private information, your email address, your GPS coordinates, your home address, the serial numbers off all your Deye equiptment, the serial number of your WIFI logger, your company name, your phone number, and give permissions to their app to access your smartphone's real-time location information, and then theoretically after collecting all that information and establishing a connection to your equipment, they will give you some sort of information about your device.

And after all that nonsense, you still don't even have a direct connection to the device, you're connecting to a 3rd party service to access the information from a device sitting in your own house, which you should be able to just access directly.

And I still haven't been able to get SOLARMAN on my smartphone to work apparently because they can't grab my location information from my smartphone so they're refusing to let me connect my inverter inside the SOLARMAN app.

And on top of this Deye engineers won't help you with any settings, they just demand you hookup your logger so they can login to the device and manage it remotely. I don't like it. I realize a lot of people don't mind things like this, but I do.

I don't need Chinese companies, or any companies for that matter, establishing permanent access to devices on my home network.

It's Orwellian, it's time-wasting, and it's stupid.


Ok guys, thanks for listening and feel free to criticize my points here. Thank you for the opportunity.
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I started with the solarman app which is not to friendly to use.
Changed to the Deye cloud app which is ok.
To control the inverter I use Solar assistant which is perfect for viewing and control.
@XO4001 Thank you for your message, I tried Solar Assistant and was unable to add my inverter or the logger as devices, again I think because my smartphone's location service is disfunctional, the Solar Assistant software is refusing to work. I can't think of another reason why it's failing. It will not "find" any devices and it seems like basically a clone of the SOLARMAN app, with slightly different graphics.

Take a look at all the data Deye demands in exchange for allowing people to use Deye Cloud:

2 questions for you:
1. do you have to set up a "plant" before Solar Assistant will allow you to add a device?
2. Were you using Deye Cloud app on your smartphone, or from their website?
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@XO4001 Thank you for your message, I tried Solar Assistant and was unable to add my inverter or the logger as devices, again I think because my smartphone's location service is won't release a proper location, the Solar Assistant software is refusing to work. I can't think of another reason why it's failing. It will not "find" any devices and it seems like basically a clone of the SOLARMAN app, with slightly different graphics.

Take a look at all the data Deye demands in exchange for allowing people to use Deye Cloud:

2 questions for you:
1. do you have to set up a "plant" before Solar Assistant will allow you to add a device?
2. Were you using Deye Cloud app on your smartphone, or from their website?
You can't just plug a cable into the pi running solar assistant and the inverter?
You can't just plug a cable into the pi running solar assistant and the inverter?

Are you referring to using a Raspberry Pi to connect, as discussed below?

Yep. Plug into that with the correct cable and it should work perfectly all the time.
@Crowz was not familiar with that option, thank you for that tip, I'll look into it. I do have a spare Raspberry Pi kicking around somewhere.
2 questions for you:
1. do you have to set up a "plant" before Solar Assistant will allow you to add a device?
2. Were you using Deye Cloud app on your smartphone, or from their website?
1. as Crowz said this has nothing to do with each other, it are 2 separate identities
2. I use the cloud app only for totals since SA is not keeping yearly totals and I'm not worried about the info that they need to give me access to the app on my phone.
Once you have SA up and running you don't need any other app it is just perfect.
You need a special cable for your Deye to connect with the PI and run SA

edit: And ofcourse you have to buy the software and instal on the PI
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Normally, when you have a networked device like a router, you can connect to it and login to the admininstrative interface.

With Deye's stick logger, all you can do is login to it for the sole purpose of configuring it to connect to your home WiFi, so that DEYE engineers and other 3rd party software can access, login, and manage, and collect information from your inverter. You, on the other hand, don't get direct access.

There is no way for the user to view or access the inverter's management interface directly though the WIFI logger. Super irritating and stupid.

If you want to somehow get access to your device wirelessly, you have to sign up for an account (why?) with the crap Chinese software SOLARMAN (developed by Deye?), give SOLARMAN all your private information, your email address, your GPS coordinates, your home address, the serial numbers off all your Deye equiptment, the serial number of your WIFI logger, your company name, your phone number, and give permissions to their app to access your smartphone's real-time location information, and then theoretically after collecting all that information and establishing a connection to your equipment, they will give you some sort of information about your device.

And after all that nonsense, you still don't even have a direct connection to the device, you're connecting to a 3rd party service to access the information from a device sitting in your own house, which you should be able to just access directly.

And I still haven't been able to get SOLARMAN on my smartphone to work apparently because they can't grab my location information from my smartphone so they're refusing to let me connect my inverter inside the SOLARMAN app.

And on top of this Deye engineers won't help you with any settings, they just demand you hookup your logger so they can login to the device and manage it remotely. I don't like it. I realize a lot of people don't mind things like this, but I do.

I don't need Chinese companies, or any companies for that matter, establishing permanent access to devices on my home network.

It's Orwellian, it's time-wasting, and it's stupid.


Ok guys, thanks for listening and feel free to criticize my points here. Thank you for the opportunity.
Truth is, as the saying goes; One can't have his cake abs eat it.

Firstly: It is possible to see data of inverter performance from the Solarman Smart app and Solarman Business app too.
Secondly; It again also possible to manage (remotely) the inverter example adjust parameters settings from the mobile apps and also from the solarman portal web interface. So I don't know what exactly you mean that the apps are "crap". Maybe you need to explore how to use them or read the manuals.
Thirdly: While requiring coordinates may not sit very well with people, the reason they require coordinates is to ensure the Dongle and inverter cannot be registered more than one place (installation location), probably to discourage theft of equipment from a site by unscrupulous parties (my guess).
So if one doesn't like coordinates being required, then it's your choice to operate inverter off the internet and look at the display screen whenever you need to view performance details, OR you accept to have the coordinates, thus access inverter data wherever you are as long as you have internet and inverter is also connected to internet.

Or, one can decide to do away with the inverters they are not happy with. That's also an option though not necessary.
Have you worked with a regular networked device like a router or other networked device or application that you just login to and manage directly via a web interface? Maybe not. If you don't understand how regular networked devices normally operate, and how the regular way is fundamentally different than how Deye is doing things, not much more I can say.

I'm going to post this again:

Not only do you have to deal with Big Tech (or worse yet, Chinese companies like Deye) delivering crap, you have to deal with their mostly Gen Z fanboys for whom every problem is solved by installing another app on their much beloved iPhone. Dudes who've got an app for their iToothbrush which retracts its bristles and stops working if they fail to pay the monthly subscription fee.

"But it's so great! It monitors my gum health and auto-updates Instagram with pictures of my teeth."
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Have you worked with a regular networked device like a router or other networked device or application that you just login to and manage directly via a web interface? Maybe not. If you don't understand how regular networked devices normally operate, and how the regular way is fundamentally different than how Deye is doing things, not much more I can say.

I'm going to post this again:

Not only do you have to deal with Big Tech (or worse yet, Chinese companies like Deye) delivering crap, you have to deal with their mostly Gen Z fanboys for whom every problem is solved by installing another app on their much beloved iPhone. Dudes who've got an app for their iToothbrush which retracts its bristles and stops working if they fail to pay the monthly subscription fee.

"But it's so great! It monitors my gum health and auto-updates Instagram with pictures of my teeth."
You know my answer. Any luck with deliveries yet?
I have worked and installed many brands of inverters. Sma, Victron, Huawei, Deye, Must, Schneider, Goodwe.
And yes, I have worked with Network systems in IT for a bunch of years.
Yes. Some brands like recent Sma inverters(not older versions) have an inbuilt webserver where you can connect via local network and view parameters and performance direct. Others, like Victron inverters, you cannot view inverter directly UNLESS you use external accessory named GX device, and also if you wanted to change parameters, you need yet another accessory named MK2/3.
So access to direct inverters parameters and performance without internet depends on manufacturer design. Some do others don't. Hope that answers the current questions. 🙂
Have you worked with a regular networked device like a router or other networked device or application that you just login to and manage directly via a web interface? Maybe not. If you don't understand how regular networked devices normally operate, and how the regular way is fundamentally different than how Deye is doing things, not much more I can say.

I'm going to post this again:

Not only do you have to deal with Big Tech (or worse yet, Chinese companies like Deye) delivering crap, you have to deal with their mostly Gen Z fanboys for whom every problem is solved by installing another app on their much beloved iPhone. Dudes who've got an app for their iToothbrush which retracts its bristles and stops working if they fail to pay the monthly subscription fee.

"But it's so great! It monitors my gum health and auto-updates Instagram with pictures of my teeth."
I think the you might like Rasberry Pi with home assistant, and you would be able to manage to solar without any app; currently it seems all these companies have limited their devices so certain apps.


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