diy solar

diy solar

Can someone loan me a shotgun so I can shoot the Victron Multiplus II?

Wow that really sucks that they limited the functionality of the bluetooth app. I really wonder why they would do that. That just lowered my opinion of Victron.
Its because the multiplus and quattro were designed before the era of ubiquitous BT smartphones.

Some of their more recent units with "smart" in the name can be fully programmed by BT/Victron Connect.
Success with Victron is 1000% reliant on your supplier. No mortal has any chance of successfully setting up their first system without help. Your supplier is seriously at fault for not warning you about this.
First timeVictron user here with a single Quattro, I had no need for support, set everything up myself, no issues. Bought the MK3 cable but never use it, everything is so easy, even configuring the assistants, I sit at my PC in the office (although I could be anywhere) and do any updates, or use my phone, or my tablet, depends what I want to do.

As for control, well there's Node Red, incredible power there, which runs on the Cerbo. You don't have to buy a Cerbo you can use a Pi, or even buy a Multiplus with Cerbo built in.

Only problem I recently had was when a firmware update altered the way the grid codes were set, and I needed to reset them, but for that you need an official password, which I did find via Google.

If you do you're research, and reading it's really not difficult, if your expect plug and play, go with something else.

I've had my system up and running for over a year and I'm very pleased with it.
Its because the multiplus and quattro were designed before the era of ubiquitous BT smartphones.

Some of their more recent units with "smart" in the name can be fully programmed by BT/Victron Connect.

That’s a good point… I bought mine in early 2019 ….I must be a “ glass half full type “ …

I was thrilled to get my dongle for the multi-as it allowed me to monitor key figures needed with the other devices over blue tooth..for trouble shooting, checking on normal operations..and more.

Otherwise I would have to go outside in the weather everytime I wanted to check somthing on the inverters functions.
Dongle is cheap for what you gives you…

Dongle for monitoring …MK3 for configuring and programming …it’s simple…
works for me…

I have saved this thread to refer to when I change out our simple AIO'S to Multiplus ii later this year. A lot of good condensed info on this thread.
That’s a good point… I bought mine in early 2019 ….I must be a “ glass half full type “ …

I was thrilled to get my dongle for the multi-as it allowed me to monitor key figures needed with the other devices over blue tooth..for trouble shooting, checking on normal operations..and more.

Otherwise I would have to go outside in the weather everytime I wanted to check somthing on the inverters functions.
Dongle is cheap for what you gives you…

Dongle for monitoring …MK3 for configuring and programming …it’s simple…
works for me…

Yeah I am going to buy the mk3 soon but now that its programmed and is able to charge lifepo4 I dont see the need to go in again unless a problem.
Wow that really sucks that they limited the functionality of the bluetooth app. I really wonder why they would do that. That just lowered my opinion of Victron.
My opinion is B+ after this, it was A before. The stuff works without problems like other brands. Once setup it GTG.
I linked to the victron instruction page and that included the youtube video in it, knowing that I wouldn't be able to relay off the instructions perfectly

It is a definitely clunky

Does your multiplus function? Why are trying to access settings and what did you plan on changing? Is your multiplus not doing something that you want it too?

Confused about how you final got I there and didn't make make any changes?

For example, I adjusted the following settings, for my particular set up. excuse me if it isn't word for word from Ve config
-Battery float, absorb and bulk settings for my batteries
-selected the weak AC input and wide frequency input for easier generator connections
-enabled battery monitor
-set it to shut down at 20% state of charge remaining so I still have power for my DC loads
Your post got me 90% of the way so thank you. The page was info I had seen but wasnt working. Its says "DO X, Y, Z" but doesn't tell you how. Also I was at 12hrs of hell moving my entire system from 24v to 48v including a battery pack that gave me issues, wrong cables, too tight of working spaces, on my knees, back hurting, arthritis killing me etc. Just in a bad mood and then the NO COMMS with multiplus thing. Sheesshhh.

Thanks for the info, it got my issues solved.
I thought I saw someone mention doing it on Linux, but it cant be done on android or chrome ( I just tried)
if you can get he VEconfig software on the Linux box the rest can work.
I got Vic connect working on Ubuntu but I had to work some magic and run a bluetooth go-between software. There is no Vic config for linux.
Yeah I am going to buy the mk3 soon but now that its programmed and is able to charge lifepo4 I dont see the need to go in again unless a problem.
Well you have firmware updates that need attention now and then…there will be some tweaking you may wish to do …you may wish to disable the auto N/G connection, change the voltage a tick or two…. Or to change certain safty limits that are set different than you may come to need.
There’s a lot of reasons to go in now and then….even if you never have any problems…

I have 9 pieces of Victron now… never had problem one with any of them, but I’m always checking on this or thst, learning new things, tinkering here and there…

It keeps me familiar with stuff or I tend to start forgetting things…gotta stay involved with gear.

Yep, gettin older ….everyday a little more.

Chow, J.
Well you have firmware updates that need attention now and then…there will be some tweaking you may wish to do …you may wish to disable the auto N/G connection, change the voltage a tick or two…. Or to change certain safty limits that are set different than you may come to need.
There’s a lot of reasons to go in now and then….even if you never have any problems…

I have 9 pieces of Victron now… never had problem one with any of them, but I’m always checking on this or thst, learning new things, tinkering here and there…

It keeps me familiar with stuff or I tend to start forgetting things…gotta stay involved with gear.

Yep, gettin older ….everyday a little more.

Chow, J.
Yeah that is a great point. I am going to buy it today I guess. I never liked eating dinner at those fancy restaurants where every item on the menu was à la carte. Waiter comes to my table " Would you like to try the escargo?"
Reminds me of how Victron sells each item separately. Snails...UGH! Litter rubber chewy balls. YUK!
Rather eat rattlesnake over an open grill. At least I can respect something that minutes before could have killed me.
Well you have firmware updates that need attention now and then…there will be some tweaking you may wish to do …you may wish to disable the auto N/G connection, change the voltage a tick or two…. Or to change certain safty limits that are set different than you may come to need.
There’s a lot of reasons to go in now and then….even if you never have any problems…

I have 9 pieces of Victron now… never had problem one with any of them, but I’m always checking on this or thst, learning new things, tinkering here and there…

It keeps me familiar with stuff or I tend to start forgetting things…gotta stay involved with gear.

Yep, gettin older ….everyday a little more.

Chow, J.
Regarding firmware updates, certainly get up to date with available updates but once commissioned Victron actually doesn't recommend any further firmware updates, to maintain stability.
Regarding firmware updates, certainly get up to date with available updates but once commissioned Victron actually doesn't recommend any further firmware updates, to maintain stability.
I got it in new 2019.. didn’t hook it up till early 2023… updated firmware at commissioning… don’t think I have received a notice since then ( maybe once) ?? Don’t remember…

Never heard before….about the firmware but I will look into it… thanks for the heads up....

I have to admit I setup my first Victron setup a few weeks ago. An older (and slightly used) Victron Multiplus 12v/3000va. I also happened to get a Color Touch GX with it and thought we were in business. I went to put it in my Dads motorhome and had a HELL of a time trying to figure out how to program it. It is NOT easy, and the Color Touch GX is of NO help changing ANY settings other than the Input AC current limit.

I was super frustrated at this, because I just wanted to program an Absorb/Float voltage. I also couldn't change any settings in the VRM portal that the Color Touch GX offered (atleast that I could figure out).

We ended up using the super primitive DIP switches I think to get it pretty close. I can't remember now.
Hmmm. I love Victron for how it intuitive it is. But, it's not a plug-it-in and it "mostly works" kind of system. It's super modular, and that brings some complexity. I'm surprised you didn't reach out to me to ask for help. I know I don't hang around this forum much anymore, but I'm still alive! :) Once you set the installation up in VRM, it's pretty easy to modify settings on VE.Bus devices.

I get that needing an adapter to program a Multi/Quattro seems weird in this day in age, but I do think it's important to understand that Victron has been doing this for nearly 50 years. And, as such, they have a fair amount of "cruft" in the VE.Bus system. But it's rock-solid and just works. We recently built a 60kVA, 300kWh, 105kW system for an off-grid business. Aside from physical installation and cabling, it's no more difficult to configure than a basic system. It helps to be an engineer, but it's hardly required. We teach installers over the course of two days, everything from single-inverter RV systems to 3-phase C&I systems. Ten minutes with someone experienced in Victron systems could have saved you hours of pain. That's what the commenter meant by your Victron experience is wholly dependent on who you purchase from.

I remember all the fun you had with those "simple" MP inverters. Cheap, reliable, easy. You get to pick two.

I know this sounds quite conceited, but if you buy a high-performance, sophisticated machine from just any schmoe, then in all probability you're not going to have a good experience. Unless it's a hobby, or you're just broke, it's often worth seeking the advice of a professional. For example, I would never attempt to laser cut and nickle plate custom buss bars, but I know a guy... :)
to when I change out our si

Your post got me 90% of the way so thank you. The page was info I had seen but wasnt working. Its says "DO X, Y, Z" but doesn't tell you how. Also I was at 12hrs of hell moving my entire system from 24v to 48v including a battery pack that gave me issues, wrong cables, too tight of working spaces, on my knees, back hurting, arthritis killing me etc. Just in a bad mood and then the NO COMMS with multiplus thing. Sheesshhh.

Thanks for the info, it got my issues solved.
Glad it is all sorted. I do not have my PC handy or I would have layed it out better. Once you do it once its pretty easy to replicate if needed.

Sounds like a lonnnnng day but should pay off in the end.
Hmmm. I love Victron for how it intuitive it is. But, it's not a plug-it-in and it "mostly works" kind of system. It's super modular, and that brings some complexity. I'm surprised you didn't reach out to me to ask for help. I know I don't hang around this forum much anymore, but I'm still alive! :) Once you set the installation up in VRM, it's pretty easy to modify settings on VE.Bus devices.

I get that needing an adapter to program a Multi/Quattro seems weird in this day in age, but I do think it's important to understand that Victron has been doing this for nearly 50 years. And, as such, they have a fair amount of "cruft" in the VE.Bus system. But it's rock-solid and just works. We recently built a 60kVA, 300kWh, 105kW system for an off-grid business. Aside from physical installation and cabling, it's no more difficult to configure than a basic system. It helps to be an engineer, but it's hardly required. We teach installers over the course of two days, everything from single-inverter RV systems to 3-phase C&I systems. Ten minutes with someone experienced in Victron systems could have saved you hours of pain. That's what the commenter meant by your Victron experience is wholly dependent on who you purchase from.

I remember all the fun you had with those "simple" MP inverters. Cheap, reliable, easy. You get to pick two.

I know this sounds quite conceited, but if you buy a high-performance, sophisticated machine from just any schmoe, then in all probability you're not going to have a good experience. Unless it's a hobby, or you're just broke, it's often worth seeking the advice of a professional. For example, I would never attempt to laser cut and nickle plate custom buss bars, but I know a guy... :)
You are absolutely right. Next time I'm near my Father and his motorhome, you'll be hearing from me 🫡

diy solar

diy solar