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diy solar

Seplos BMS 10E turning off randomly


New Member
Jul 16, 2024
Czech republic
Hello everyone, I would like to ask for an advise with 200A Seplos (EEL) BMS v 10E. Im using these bms a lot in the 16s1p 280Ah battery packs for solar power plants with Victron Energy equipment. I know there is a lot of parameters that can be set in bms and I have already thought I managed to understand them all and set them properly for the systems to work well, which is obviously not completely true or maybe it is, but some of the bms are defective or I dont know. The problem that Im facing is that on some installations the battery seems to randomly switch the mosfets of and on again for a very short period of time for no apparent reason. The result of this is Low Voltage warning in Victron Console and the whole system switches of for a while (or for ever until I manually put the inverters to ON in the console). This happens on a few installations randomly and only once in a while (once in a week or even once a month sometimes...). It only happens in systems with one battery pack (I assume it is because if there is more parallel packs and one of them turns off and on for a fraction of a second, the system wont recognize it because the other pack/packs is still on). I originally thought I solved this by turning OFF the function Standby Shutdown in the bms settings, but obviously not. I assume that maybe I would find out more if I could get bms log file, but so far It happened on the instalations that were to far from me and I didnt have time to get there to download the log file. So my question is if anyone here experienced something similar or if anyone has any suggestions how to solve this? Thank you very much for your answers...

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