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diy solar

EG4 18KPV grid tie in Southern CA


New Member
Sep 29, 2023
los angeles
Hi All. Was wondering if anyone has gotten approval from SCE to grid tie the 18kPV in CA / LA county? I'm considering buying the 18kPV + PowerPro battery, but I don't want to spend all that money and up with a system that cannot be grid tied as I will more than likely need to backfeed to power the majority of my house.

Specifically, the CSIP approval seems to be a sticking point. SS has said that it should be approved soon, but I'm getting antsy to get something going here and may look more closely into Solark, which appears to have CSIP.

On the SCE NEM form I run into this roadblack that EG4 inverters lack CSIP. Has anyone gotten 18KPV interconnect approval going down the "Solar PV (Equipment Not Listed)" path? Will SCE allow grid tie without CSIP approval on an AIO like the 18KPV?


@Markus_EG4 said in November that it would be approved in 2 weeks. Any news on this?
Where do you see the 12kpv there?

I was looking at the CEC list last night and the two entries are for the two different system voltages (120/240 and 120/208)

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