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Battery Lithium Manufacturers sues YouTuber who tested batteries for 3 years with Defamation

Saw this post, checked out the guy and noticed that he posted an update and somehow DCS managed to make themselves look even more sketchy as they have...

*checks* Demanded that he edit his gofundme and patreon and remove his video requesting donations, because they say he's not allowed to mention DCS or that they are suing him, and if he doesn't do that they will seek a court order.

Here's the update video:

Never heard of DCS before but wow, they're doing a great job. They're making the Aliexpress lfp cell sellers look downright good, scary days.
*checks* Demanded that he edit his gofundme and patreon and remove his video requesting donations, because they say he's not allowed to mention DCS or that they are suing him, and if he doesn't do that they will seek a court order
So it looks like "Deep Cycle Systems Pty Ltd" have jumped the shark and are trying to put the truth back in the genie bottle. They must have really lost their minds if they think taking legal action against a reviewer they sent batteries to review is going to help with their reputation which seems to be diminishing with each passing day.
So it looks like "Deep Cycle Systems Pty Ltd" have jumped the shark and are trying to put the truth back in the genie bottle. They must have really lost their minds if they think taking legal action against a reviewer they sent batteries to review is going to help with their reputation which seems to be diminishing with each passing day.
Yeah, but they are golden if no-one ever finds out about it. Which is what the second demand is about. Idiots. That kind of activity just gets more notice (as in this case).
Yeah, but they are golden if no-one ever finds out about it. Which is what the second demand is about. Idiots. That kind of activity just gets more notice (as in this case).
There's some weird laws in Australia, not as many rights as the USA. Who knows if that's possible (they had laws where you couldn't name rape suspects in some states etc).
I wonder why you would need to turn off comments for legal reasons? I can see why you should not respond to comments, but how is a comment made by some random user applied to this defamation case?
I wonder why you would need to turn off comments for legal reasons? I can see why you should not respond to comments, but how is a comment made by some random user applied to this defamation case?
Confirmed by the legal counsel to turn comments off mate. I don't know why.
Looks like will has his next battery to do a tear down!!!
Maybe he should do a review to see if alloffroad findings were accurate?

No idea how the Australian law system works but if his findings are accurate would that prove that it's not deformation and a counterclaim could be on the cards?

Will is pretty much on the ball as far as proving the science when he tests batteries does that stop any possible deformation claims in the US?
Maybe he should do a review to see if alloffroad findings were accurate?

No idea how the Australian law system works but if his findings are accurate would that prove that it's not deformation and a counterclaim could be on the cards?

Will is pretty much on the ball as far as proving the science when he tests batteries does that stop any possible deformation claims in the US?
@Will Prowse

Make it so!!!
Holy cow!! That's scary!

And yes as long as you're honest you're good. I've been threatened many times by companies but they can't do anything because my evidence is on the videos I post.

My mom's family lives in Australia and that place is going down hill. Their government is a joke. This story does not surprise me given all the other things going on there
That kind of activity just gets more notice (as in this case).

This is all just a pretty big case of the
Streissand Effect.
Because no offense to this guy ( I hadn't even heard of him, so if the DCS company hadn't tried to go after him I likely would've never seen any of his videos or even know there were issues with their products.

Now they're doubling and tripling down on it and wanting all mentions of their name and their litigations removed, as of that would ever work in their favor. 🤣

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