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Battery Lithium Manufacturers sues YouTuber who tested batteries for 3 years with Defamation

Regarding the DCS batteries which are presumably the focus of this thread, my wonder is if it is the heat of being located under the hood of the vehicle which is causing the capacity loss. If so, even an indoors battery here in the tropics may suffer the same, or similar, fate.

It would be nice to know the actual cause of the capacity decline, for then methods to mitigate the problem might be considered. My personal opinion based on what I have seen so far is that it is not the quality of the company's batteries that is the problem--it's their stubborn insistence on inflated performance hopes--hopes which simply cannot be met in the real world. It appears they simply need more rigorous testing of their own equipment, and a humbler, more honest, advertising based on the results.
The cells being used could most definitely be a factor the wtt ones found in some models torn down earlier in the thread are dubious at best, even the Chinese call the company untrustworthy. The capacity decline has been noted in other situations not just under car bonnets some batteries have burnt though the housing being stored in a warehouse without a single cycle.

Obviously the excessive heat of being used under bonnets will be a factor but I think the reason those cases have been more prevalent because that's the primary use the batteries have been sold for.

I still can't believe Toshiba built the BMS as I'm 95% sure Toshiba would use components they manufacture themselves in a product apparently made by them.

The whole thing stinks of lies, half truths and poor quality components to me but time shall tell.
Regarding the DCS batteries which are presumably the focus of this thread, my wonder is if it is the heat of being located under the hood of the vehicle which is causing the capacity loss. If so, even an indoors battery here in the tropics may suffer the same, or similar, fate.

It would be nice to know the actual cause of the capacity decline, for then methods to mitigate the problem might be considered. My personal opinion based on what I have seen so far is that it is not the quality of the company's batteries that is the problem--it's their stubborn insistence on inflated performance hopes--hopes which simply cannot be met in the real world. It appears they simply need more rigorous testing of their own equipment, and a humbler, more honest, advertising based on the results.
Indeed, the marketing folks got carried away to boost sales and now the manufacturing folks are having to pony up. Sounds like Dilbert.

In a past life I was in Reliability testing, if someone asked my boss to sign off on something like an LFP battery for offroad use in the engine compartment of a vehicle, you better believe it's be tested over _more_ than the advertised temperature, shock, vibration, current, and voltage range, and any issues found would be fixed before he'd sign off.

Sounds like they had a number of issues, including mounting (hold-down mechanisms breaking the batteries), manufacturing (yes, I worked at places where we kept the Jan books open so we could ship 'by the end of the month' on Jan 45th), design, and reliability. #CirclingTheDrain #TechnicalDebt
In Japan they like to murder/stab with knives. I'll take my chances with a gun.
It's the same in UK, but only because they don't have such easy access to guns, still plenty about though, still the odd shooting.

It's odd how you Americans so easily dismiss the mass shootings though, seen plenty on the news over the years, unless of course it's fake news ;)
It's the same in UK, but only because they don't have such easy access to guns, still plenty about though, still the odd shooting.

It's odd how you Americans so easily dismiss the mass shootings though, seen plenty on the news over the years, unless of course it's fake news ;)
Mass shootings in America are not caused by guns. Americans have had easy access to guns from America's foundation. Only in the past few decades have there been so many crazed individuals seeking to go out in a blaze of violence. This violence stems, not from access to guns--which Americans have always had--but to the increased abuse of prescription drugs which affect the mind. Many of these drugs produce their most dangerous results upon their discontinuation, on account of their withdrawal effects. Because the mainstream media are in cahoots with the powers that be, helping them reach greater heights in their positions of authority and control over the citizenry, they frame the guns as the culprits with the end goal of revoking the Second Amendment--a necessary step toward full governmental control over an otherwise stubborn and independent population. Americans have long been free thinkers, and the government fears the power of the voting public until their guns are removed.

All it takes to credit this hypothesis is to study the populations of the earth where mass shootings are most common, and compare this to their consumption of these powerful drugs. For American anecdotal support, however, some may be seen HERE. Still interested? . . . more HERE and HERE.
You guys are splitting hairs.

I take North America to mean the area between the Mexican border and Canadian border.
I take Australia to be just the Australian continent itself ignoring Tasmania.
The difference in square miles between the two is roughly about 20%
Um you do realize that North America is the continent , not a country. on that continent there is Canada (the biggest country) the US, and Mexico, and then a whole bunch of other smaller countries. here is a list of all the countries that are considered to be part of north America.
It's the same in UK, but only because they don't have such easy access to guns, still plenty about though, still the odd shooting.

It's odd how you Americans so easily dismiss the mass shootings though, seen plenty on the news over the years, unless of course it's fake news ;)
Also the vast majority of mass shootings happen in badly misnamed "gun-free zones" where the ability of non-criminal people to defend themselves is denied. If you separate America into those regions where self-defense is allowed and where it is denied, the overwhelming majority (95+%) of mass shootings happen where it is denied, e.g. schools and shopping malls and other places that expressly forbid concealed carry. That of course makes it difficult to argue that the uniquely American right to self-defense is a root cause of this sort of violence. Of course you'll never read this sort of analysis in the typically very anti-gun mass media.

Another "overlooked" (actively avoided) topic is that the vast majority of criminal firearms homicides is of criminal gang members shooting each other. Those of us who are law-abiding citizens aren't affected by this particular aspect insofar as we don't interact with such people. The firearms homicide rate of us lawful people isn't that different from Europe or elsewhere, if you can bring yourself to separate out and remove the gang member aspect. Of course the media doesn't do this either, it counts up all the firearms homicides - even including the lawfully justified self-defense firearms homicides (!!) - to calculate an overall rate, and then claims this rate applies to everyone and across America equally, which is both quite misleading and actually very malicious to do, e.g. in comparison with other countries.
Its a matter of feeling safe, and personal belief.

Aussies feel safer in a country where gun death statistics tell us we are FIFTEEN times less likely to be shot dead by either a criminal (or by the police) per 100,000 population than in the U.S.
Americans feel far safer with concealed carry.

Neither is right or wrong, its just a totally different culture.
Its a matter of philosophy and personal belief.
Americans say they would never feel safe in a country where they could not carry around a loaded gun.
We don't understand Americans, and Americans certainly don't understand us.

The surest way to fail in politics in Australia is to say "vote for me" I will relax the gun laws.
Its been tried many times, and nobody will vote for you.
That is how it is over here.
And that just totally astonishes Americans.
If you get rid of our top five highest crime metro areas, we have similar crime levels to northern Europe. It's mainly because of black on black gang violence. Look at the stats. A lot of non Americans don't seem to realize this. One of my rental properties is in a town in Utah where every house has a gun and last year their homicide rate is zero. But again, zero black on black gang violence.
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"In February 2024, podcast host Bryan Callen named five cities with the most gun violence in the United States: Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and St. Louis. Callen said that excluding these cities from the equation would significantly change the U.S.'s ranking in gun violence, from third to 189th among 193 countries. "

It's all black on black gang violence. Horrible culture amongst those groups. Not sure why they kill each other in large numbers. They have mass shootings nearly everyday in those areas.

No one seems to call out this black on black violence for some reason. It's very strange.
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Also the vast majority of mass shootings happen in badly misnamed "gun-free zones" where the ability of non-criminal people to defend themselves is denied. If you separate America into those regions where self-defense is allowed and where it is denied, the overwhelming majority (95+%) of mass shootings happen where it is denied, e.g. schools and shopping malls and other places that expressly forbid concealed carry. That of course makes it difficult to argue that the uniquely American right to self-defense is a root cause of this sort of violence. Of course you'll never read this sort of analysis in the typically very anti-gun mass media.

Another "overlooked" (actively avoided) topic is that the vast majority of criminal firearms homicides is of criminal gang members shooting each other. Those of us who are law-abiding citizens aren't affected by this particular aspect insofar as we don't interact with such people. The firearms homicide rate of us lawful people isn't that different from Europe or elsewhere, if you can bring yourself to separate out and remove the gang member aspect. Of course the media doesn't do this either, it counts up all the firearms homicides - even including the lawfully justified self-defense firearms homicides (!!) - to calculate an overall rate, and then claims this rate applies to everyone and across America equally, which is both quite misleading and actually very malicious to do, e.g. in comparison with other countries.
Yes exactly!!
Back to the Australian YouTuber case. I did hear some interesting information about it yesterday and I think we should wait to see how things pan out. I would not be donating to their gofundme until we can hear the other side of the story.
6x rate of homicide (and rate of being victim of homicide) per capita.
Not quite 1/6th of population. So only accounts for a bit under half of homicides.
Likely many of the others are also gang related.

This FBI table separates White/Black/Other, and Hispanic/not Hispanic.

No one seems to call out this black on black violence for some reason. It's very strange.

A few do.
Doesn't further the agenda.
Non-black or Cop on black violence is the only thing that gets extensive exposure.

Some (but not other) immigrant populations buck the trend.

I'm starting to suspect the difference is "family values".
Some people try to correlate crime and violence with "poverty".
I'd like to see statistics for "born into" and "raised in" 2-parent households vs. not.
There has been a drastic change in that regard over the past century.
What I haven't found is race/ethic statistics for crime from a century ago.
Some anecdotal info on academic performance, which I think would be anti-correlated with crime.



6x rate of homicide (and rate of being victim of homicide) per capita.
Not quite 1/6th of population. So only accounts for a bit under half of homicides.
Likely many of the others are also gang related.

This FBI table separates White/Black/Other, and Hispanic/not Hispanic.

A few do.
Doesn't further the agenda.
Non-black or Cop on black violence is the only thing that gets extensive exposure.

Some (but not other) immigrant populations buck the trend.

I'm starting to suspect the difference is "family values".
Some people try to correlate crime and violence with "poverty".
I'd like to see statistics for "born into" and "raised in" 2-parent households vs. not.
There has been a drastic change in that regard over the past century.
What I haven't found is race/ethic statistics for crime from a century ago.
Some anecdotal info on academic performance, which I think would be anti-correlated with crime.

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Did you see where Elon is moving SpaceX and X to Texas due to the nonsense legislation in CA where schools cannot implement a procedure where parents are informed if their kids ask to be referred to as an alternative pronoun?
Back to the Australian YouTuber case. I did hear some interesting information about it yesterday and I think we should wait to see how things pan out. I would not be donating to their gofundme until we can hear the other side of the story.
Even if the case is infact deformation it doesn't excuse them from their shady business practices. It seems the Youtuber has a fairly extra ordinary past almost unbelievable I mean who would have thought Chuck Norris even needed a bodyguard, but I'll continue to watch as the whole thing develops.
offgrid solar power I came here for the story about the YouTuber being sued & some insight into batteries but 5 pages about guns ? Mods can we have a Guns and Ammo sub :rolleyes:
Moved to offtopic. The entire point of thread is about law, national politics and consumer rights. Not necessarily solar. This is going to be more open ended discussion considering the topic.
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Even if the case is infact deformation it doesn't excuse them from their shady business practices. It seems the Youtuber has a fairly extra ordinary past almost unbelievable I mean who would have thought Chuck Norris even needed a bodyguard, but I'll continue to watch as the whole thing develops.
Yes, even if there is more to the story, for a business to pursue legal action against someone for sharing factual, evidence based claims is very silly. They can destroy their business. If the YouTuber was lying, then we would all be supporting the business.

I really don't think this business has thought through this case. The benefits for winning are just not there.
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I did learn something about the case that I think is pertinent. I had to get this verified by asking someone who works with them.

  • UCS global is run by China. They are the main supplier for all of these distributors.
  • UCS Australia is their own business, and they are the ones pursuing legal action against the YouTuber.
  • UCS America is an entirely different business as well. Pretty much just a distributor for the global entity in China.
The American branch has nothing to do with the case against the YouTuber.

I cannot verify that all of the products that are being distributed are the same though. That's something else I'm trying to get to the bottom of. I can't seem to find anybody here in America that has their batteries, that can test them.
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I did learn something about the case that I think is pertinent. I had to get this verified by asking someone who works with them.

  • UCS global is run by China. They are the main supplier for all of these distributors.
  • UCS Australia is their own business, and they are the ones pursuing legal action against the YouTuber.
  • UCS America is a entirely different business as well. Pretty much just a distributor for the global entity in China.
The American branch has nothing to do with the case against the YouTuber.

I cannot verify that all of the products that are being distributed are the same though. That's something else I'm trying to get to the bottom of. I can't seem to find anybody here in America that has their batteries, that can test them.
So technically the US company isn't suing the Aussie guy, so they are technically correct in their defense. Still doesn't reflect well on other global distributors when the Aussie outfit has lost their marbles.
for a business to pursue legal action against someone for sharing factual, evidence based claims is very silly.
Sadly, it's an increasingly common tactic and successful, having been used extensively in the past against individuals & smaller organisations to silence legitimate criticism. Winning at law is about resources - how much can you bring to the fight ?
There are many homes in charleston and the like over 500 years old...
I just recently removed a solar hot water system from one.
Really cool.

It must be amazing to visit areas over 5000 years old. I mean, there are places here that old, but mostly just caves and such.
Europe has roman empire stuff americans never see outside the tube...
It is amazing. Very different. Magestic.
I did learn something about the case that I think is pertinent. I had to get this verified by asking someone who works with them.

  • UCS global is run by China. They are the main supplier for all of these distributors.
  • UCS Australia is their own business, and they are the ones pursuing legal action against the YouTuber.
  • UCS America is an entirely different business as well. Pretty much just a distributor for the global entity in China.
The American branch has nothing to do with the case against the YouTuber.

I cannot verify that all of the products that are being distributed are the same though. That's something else I'm trying to get to the bottom of. I can't seem to find anybody here in America that has their batteries, that can test them.
Sorry don't mean to dispute what your saying Will but the dcs website kinda states something entirely different

"Deep Cycle Systems USA is the exclusive North American distributor for Deep Cycle Systems (DCS), Australia"

Are you sure your source isn't just trying to pull a fast one and give you an excuse not to look further

I see dcs au, dcs us, and dcs EU but no mention of dcs global also all the websites claim the company started in 2014 but theres business records claiming the company was founded in 1995 everything just seems too weird.
6x rate of homicide (and rate of being victim of homicide) per capita.
Not quite 1/6th of population. So only accounts for a bit under half of homicides.
Likely many of the others are also gang related.

This FBI table separates White/Black/Other, and Hispanic/not Hispanic.

A few do.
Doesn't further the agenda.
Non-black or Cop on black violence is the only thing that gets extensive exposure.

Some (but not other) immigrant populations buck the trend.

I'm starting to suspect the difference is "family values".
Some people try to correlate crime and violence with "poverty".
I'd like to see statistics for "born into" and "raised in" 2-parent households vs. not.
There has been a drastic change in that regard over the past century.
What I haven't found is race/ethic statistics for crime from a century ago.
Some anecdotal info on academic performance, which I think would be anti-correlated with crime.

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Sorry don't mean to dispute what your saying Will but the dcs website kinda states something entirely different

"Deep Cycle Systems USA is the exclusive North American distributor for Deep Cycle Systems (DCS), Australia"

Are you sure your source isn't just trying to pull a fast one and give you an excuse not to look further

I see dcs au, dcs us, and dcs EU but no mention of dcs global also all the websites claim the company started in 2014 but theres business records claiming the company was founded in 1995 everything just seems too weird.
They are not, I talked to the owner. Really weird it says that on the website. They are entirely different

Maybe they mean their products? They are the exclusive distributor. But they get their products from China.

Imagine shipping something from China to Australia. The from Australia to USA. I think their wording is wrong. I think they are piggy backing on Australias branding or something. They are not owned by them.
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