diy solar

diy solar

can u shrink a solar panel?

thank you for psending the time on the .ca site but now find the all in 1 with the mppt lol thats 12v since thats thew route i wanted to go

this is what i found

which to me is the same as

cept the one from ali says pwm and not mppt yet 100% look alike and ali is 200$ cheaper you really think the internals would be diff when u know this craps all mass produced
Im confused, your second post stated you already have an all on one 12v setup

oh guess that should be explained im useing a 12v all in one set up made for 12v arrays with 2 361amp hour 12 batterys to give me the bank size i want

i just would just like to not pay for 6 100 watt panels when i can legit pay 1/3rd for 2 300watt panels if its splitable "

But your last post stated

" thank you for psending the time on the .ca site but now find the all in 1 with the mppt lol thats 12v since thats thew route i wanted to go down"

have you already got an all in one 12v system and batteries? or separate inverter, batteries and charge controller?

If you have an inverter designed for 12v battery charging and discharging, a solar charge controller but will only accept low voltage PV input, you have panels already but want to buy local cheaper higher wattage ones, and you already have a 12v battery bank.

if the above, Just get a new MPPT controller with variable PV input and 12v output
i have nothing but the battery bank which is 12 v batterys i wanna go all in one cuz its ez to hook the ac plug in case of emerg to recharge the batterys while useing power itself since all in ones switch via load put on them and u can ac charge the batterys through the all in 1 also

issue is 12v mppt all in 1 that wont cost me 600+ since again im only working with a small array of 500-800 watts pv wise

i belive the last one i linked from ali express is a mppt they just labeled it wrong which happends all the time since it is 100% the same looks wise as the one prowes used in one of his videos from mpp and the same as the mppt one from amazon i linked also 100% identical

but then i run into the fact that most of these all in ones are useing 220-230vac which i only need 110-120vac for everything in the tiny home so what then?
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the issue i was haven was i cant get 12 mppt all in one that can come to me locally which now means i need to step away and go peice by peice which is also why i asked another question up top on what i need to take the ac from a house plug to charge the batterys since all in ones work both ways and would make life super ez

No, it's pretty clear once all your posts are examined, and getting you to finally state this was no easy task, that you have determined that the only possible way for you to proceed is to buy the cheapest PWM unit you can lay your hands on. As for PWM vs MPPT there is so much real information making it 100% obvious that MPPT yields more power from a given array than PWM does that it's ludicrous.

So go ahead, buy your higher voltage panels, scratch around at the back of them trying to reconfigure them for 12V operation. You never know, you might only write off a couple while you learn about the difficulties of doing it. Then, assuming you do succeed reworking a few panels, when you have it all hooked up to your PWM controller you can actually look at your panel voltage sitting at battery voltage, look at the amps flowing and then let your imagination run free and wonder what power production you'd actually be getting if instead you had your array at Vmp with the same number of amps flowing.

I wish you all the luck in the world.
i have nothing but the battery bank which is 12 v batterys i wanna go all in one cuz its ez to hook the ac plug in case of emerg to recharge the batterys while useing power itself since all in ones switch via load put on them and u can ac charge the batterys through the all in 1 also

issue is 12v mppt all in 1 that wont cost me 600+ since again im only working with a small array of 500-800 watts pv wise

i belive the last one i linked from ali express is a mppt they just labeled it wrong which happends all the time since it is 100% the same looks wise as the one prowes used in one of his videos from mpp and the same as the mppt one from amazon i linked also 100% identical

but then i run into the fact that most of these all in ones are useing 220-230vac which i only need 110-120vac for everything in the tiny home so what then?
These all in ones are rebranded and come in different configurations even though they may look the same.
You should believe that unit is PWM.
I have one of the 12V units made for MPP.
i never stated anything less then this is a budget cheap set up also ppl went off topic when all i asked was a simple question

can a solar panel be split?

simple put yes 100% thinking a 300 watt panel split in 2 wouldnt give me 300 watts total power u gotta be nuts its just cell attached to cell each sell has a rated output in series more cells together = higher voltage

limiting the amount of cells in 1 series would lower votage by half and wattage by half but you would end up with 2 panels of the same wattage as befor you cut it just 2 diff series banks of pv cells

does that not makes sence
These all in ones are rebranded and come in different configurations even though they may look the same.
You should believe that unit is PWM.
I have one of the 12V units made for MPP.
MBR i like the mpp unit and i would use it if it didnt cost me double it cost ppl in the states lol who wants to buy it for me and mail me the 12v mmpt mpp all in one lol
MBR i like the mpp unit and i would use it if it didnt cost me double it cost ppl in the states lol who wants to buy it for me and mail me the 12v mmpt mpp all in one lol

The MPP is not a US product, so unless import duties on Asian (Taiwan? China? Can't remember) products are higher in Canada than the US, or shipping would be substantially more, I dont think it should cost you double.

As a general observation @Jtech1586, It seems like you asked this question while already having your mind made up on the answer, and are unwilling to accept information that conflicts with your preconceptions.

To summarize, I think the answers your getting are roughly that: it could be theoretically possible to split your solar panels, but not clean/easy/advisable, and you are creating a problem to solve that doesn't need to exist. You could (1) Buy an MPPT controller and use 36/60/72/96 cell panels, or buy the cheap PWM (its not a mislabeled MPPT just because the case looks similar) controller, and buy 12v nominal panels. Or if you really want a project and to get creative, try to split your panels but do so expecting issues, and with the full knowledge that its for fun/learning/experimentation and not necessary or advisable. I, for one, would be very curious to see your results/experience if you do take this on as a learning project, sounds interesting.
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The MPP is not a US product, so unless import duties on Asian (Taiwan? China? Can't remember) products are higher in Canada than the US, or shipping would be substantially more, I dont think it should cost you double.

As a general observation @Jtech1586, It seems like you asked this question while already having your mind made up on the answer, and are unwilling to accept information that conflicts with your preconceptions.

To summarize, I think the answers your getting are roughly that: it could be theoretically possible to split your solar panels, but not clean/easy/advisable, and you are creating a problem to solve that doesn't need to exist. You could (1) Buy an MPPT controller and use 36/60/72/96 cell panels, or buy the cheap PWM (its not a mislabeled MPPT just because the case looks similar) controller, and buy 12v nominal panels. Or if you really want a project and to get creative, try to split your panels but do so expecting issues, and with the full knowledge that its for fun/learning/experimentation and not necessary or advisable. I, for one, would be very curious to see your results/experience if you do take this on as a learning project, sounds interesting.
i'll always listen to others i was mainly seeing if anyone else has done it kinda bushcraft make do with what ugot kinda deal not live like most of the world with the idea of throw money at it and it will work

i personally can get my hands on a 240watt panel for 80$ cad right now might grab it just to see and test

now the other question i aksed what if i use a 1000watt pure sine inverter plus a mppt charge controler to my array i still need fuses and crap but what would i also need to add AC chagring to my battery bank since thats something that all in ones give that i like the idea of the flawless swaping between battery power n ac grid power

also alot of these all in ones say 220vac out that wouldnt wokr either i guess since my things are all 110ac plugs would it
now the other question i aksed what if i use a 1000watt pure sine inverter plus a mppt charge controler to my array i still need fuses and crap but what would i also need to add AC chagring to my battery bank since thats something that all in ones give that i like the idea of the flawless swaping between battery power n ac grid power

An inverter/charger + MPPT controller would do the trick. Maybe more than you want to spend though. There are also standalone AC chargers for many different applications.

also alot of these all in ones say 220vac out that wouldnt wokr either i guess since my things are all 110ac plugs would it

Correct if it says 230v 50hz, or 220v 50hz it is not for us north americans.
You may want to look into buying from MPPSolar directly. I don't know much about MPP so I can't confirm whether this is their official alibaba store or not, but it looks like it, and I can't confirm this would be the correct model for your application.

diagram??? i think im getting what u mean but to show would be great

i get this also might be a idea issue is i really only wanna take 2x 300 watt panel and turn 2 300watt panels into 4 150watt panels if at all possiable its going on a tiny home so room is lacking also and the all in 1 is good up to 50-60amps

@sunshine did you mean snip where the red lines are here and re run wires from the bottom to the top to give me 2x 36 cell pv's?

also cud you not take 60 cell panel and cut it into 2 30cell panels and still work on 12v ??

Here are photos.
Behind the blob of silicone you can see where I've soldered the brown wire on the left to the cut centre strip that goes up to and joins the right + output through a diode. This positive strip at the top was also cut to have another diode inserted. I used old 10amp pc leads and the photos are 2 different panels thus the color change. The brown wire isn't soldered or touching that 3rd strip as it appears to do so.

The blue wire joins the cut strip on the rhs up to negative strip at the top.

For ratings just 1/2 what is on the panel's label for the Voc and Vmax. The power stays the same so the amperage will double.
If you only use 1 panel you dont need the diodes.
With the diodes you can connect as many panels you want to the same pwm at different aspects to the sun.
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You may want to look into buying from MPPSolar directly. I don't know much about MPP so I can't confirm whether this is their official alibaba store or not, but it looks like it, and I can't confirm this would be the correct model for your application.

right one but in usd so to canada 110$ shipping us is 150 and 250usd for itesm so 300-325 overs all 500ish still a bit much

Here are photos.
View attachment 22964View attachment 22965
Behind the blob of silicone you can see where I've soldered the brown wire on the left to the cut centre strip that goes up to and joins the right + output through a diode. This positive strip at the top was also cut to have another diode inserted. I used old 10amp pc leads and the photos are 2 different panels thus the color change. The brown wire isn't soldered or touching that 3rd strip as it appears to do so.

The blue wire joins the cut strip on the rhs up to negative strip at the top.

For ratings just 1/2 what is on the panel's label for the Voc and Vmax. The power stays the same so the amperage will double.
If you only use 1 panel you dont need the diodes.
With the diodes you can connect as many panels you want to the same pwm at different aspects to the sun.

so basically like i said cut the top bridge and the bottom bridge the bottom now becomes series 1 negative on 1 side and the + for the other side run both bottom bridge lines to the top and boom now the 2 lines exiting the panel would still be a + and - but the + goes to the new neg we just ran from the bottom and the + from the bottom now goes with the old neg from the top

=2 panels now u cud pera them and away u go

now best to do it with 60 cell panels like 240 watters or go 72 and do 300+watt panels both would be 15v+panels when done

also can i just add this is a lil weird to me look how it says input voltage why would house hold and so on be input? thats wqrong thats outgoing u plug stuff into inverter to get power on the exit maybee im reading this wrong but u tell me


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now best to do it with 60 cell panels like 240 watters or go 72 and do 300+watt panels both would be 15v+panels when done

"12v" panels are ~18V Vmp, if you go this route, I expect you would want 72 cell panels if the goal is two (or one large) '12v' panel. 60 cell would likely not be enough.

also can i just add this is a lil weird to me look how it says input voltage why would house hold and so on be input? thats wqrong thats outgoing u plug stuff into inverter to get power on the exit maybee im reading this wrong but u tell me

Not sure I understand your question but an inverter has an input voltage (e.g. 12v, 24v, 48v DC) and an output voltage (e.g. 120v or 240v AC)
And an inverter-charger will have the above, as well as the inverse (AC input and DC output).
thats where im confusing this all in one i think cuz it says input veries for computers and home appliences but wouldnt that be the output since its leaven the inverter going to the computer?? input would be the ac line into the inverter as a ac charger one would think?
thats where im confusing this all in one i think cuz it says input veries for computers and home appliences but wouldnt that be the output since its leaven the inverter going to the computer?? input would be the ac line into the inverter as a ac charger one would think?

I'm not sure why your inverter would be saying anything one way or the other regarding the voltage of computers and appliances. Your inverter should output whatever your normal household voltage is, all devices in your house should run on that (assuming its a pure sine inverter, if its modified sine, maybe you will have issues with computers etc). Maybe its a bad translation or maybe you are misinterpreting the ad.
look at this picture this is the specs of the so called 12v 220vac all in 1.... the specs dont make sence to me


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this is what im trying to say to ppl alot of these aliexpress units are the same as the mpp units they just typo the shit outa the specs lol

but im right that this doesnt make sense since the inverter should be putting out the same as the 110 plugs i use here in canada should it not?