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diy solar

Adding wind turbine to solar.


New Member
Nov 26, 2019
I bought this 12Volt system with a wind turbine on amazon and the 3 solar panels seem to work great. Wind turbine, not so much.

I have a question on adding a 1000w 24V wind turbine. It came with a charge controller from Home Depot. The charge controller also accepts solar panels so I bought another 100W panel to hook up in series for 24volt. Also bought a new 24volt inverter. 3000W. I think my new max batteries are toast. They are showing 11.7volts on my tester. So I bought 9 nissan leaf batteries 8volts each to make 3-24 volt batteries.

My questions are.. 1. Do I need to put fuses on all the positive wires? Also what is the formula to figure what size fuses I need.
2. Could I get another charge controller just for the solar array and hook both the wind turbine controller and the solar controller to the batteries? As long as everything is 24Volt?

Any help would be very appreciated.
I did research on wind vs solar before settling on solar. So, while I haven't done wind since I ruled it out, here are the key points I learned about wind:

- you can have crazy spikes in voltage
- you can get far more current than is safe to charge your batteries. thus, you need a way to dump this excess current safely into something. IIRC, they used something that acted as a large resistor.
- if near structures, you'll get dirty wind, which isn't very useful. this is why this doesn't work well in neighborhoods with homes and trees. you really need wide open area without structures, or to have it up really high above all structures.
- you should not mix solar and wind on the same controller. they need to be separate. very different beasts. it's a bit like trying to produce puppies from a wolf and a lamb.
In the 1980's I built about 600 wind turbines which mostly were sold to be used on yachts.
Much as I love windmills, I almost never put up the one I still have. Rated my units with 4' blades at 200 watts, though at 20 mph wind speed they put out 10 to 15 amps at 12V. The machine you have is either over rated or quite large. It needs to be securely mounted and way up in 'clean' air.
It must have a way to shut it down.
I kept one unit and have put it up on my RV it is a great conversation piece but does not make much power. Having lived near desert hotsprings on hwy10 for a couple of winters, I would not live anywhere that a wind turbine would pay for itself and its maintenance.
I bought this 12Volt system with a wind turbine on amazon and the 3 solar panels seem to work great. Wind turbine, not so much.

I have a question on adding a 1000w 24V wind turbine. It came with a charge controller from Home Depot. The charge controller also accepts solar panels so I bought another 100W panel to hook up in series for 24volt. Also bought a new 24volt inverter. 3000W. I think my new max batteries are toast. They are showing 11.7volts on my tester. So I bought 9 nissan leaf batteries 8volts each to make 3-24 volt batteries.

My questions are.. 1. Do I need to put fuses on all the positive wires? Also what is the formula to figure what size fuses I need.
2. Could I get another charge controller just for the solar array and hook both the wind turbine controller and the solar controller to the batteries? As long as everything is 24Volt?

Any help would be very appreciated.
There is a wind turbine sold allieexpres that is the real thing about $300.00 it's proven and tested for over 2 years now . Find more on YouTube microe wind turbines (John Daniels ) it will renew your faith in wind turbines : buy only GE power they produce more than adv. good luck my friend

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